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Nova Store

Nova Store is an e-commerce application that consists of products like TV, Mobile, Laptop, and SmartWatch.

Technology Stack

  • React - Reducer + Context
  • Styling using Tailwind CSS v3
  • Desktop, Tablet and Mobile view responsive
  • React Router v6 for routing
  • Express & Node for Backend REST API's Repo Link
  • MongoDB using mongoose for data storage


  1. Products listing and detail

    • List of products - fetched via ExpressAPI
    • Product detail page
    • Wishlist button
    • Add to cart button
    • Increment/decrement quantity for products added to cart. (Go to cart)
    • Sort by Price (low to high and vice versa)
    • Filter and sort feature using query params.
    • Filters as follows:
      • Include "out of stock" products (Cannot be added to cart)
      • Show products tagged with fast delivery, free delivery
      • Price range of products
      • Category wise filter
  2. Cart

    • Cart item list
    • Remove item from cart
    • Increment/decrement item quantity on cart
    • Move from cart to wishlist
    • Total items present in the cart with the overall cost
    • Checkout to billing information
    • Payment integration using Stripe
  3. Wishlist

    • Wishlist item list
    • Remove from wishlist
    • Move from wishlist to cart
  4. Authentication using JWT

    • Login form - existing users
    • Private route - wishlist, cart, profile and checkout
    • Sign up - new users
    • Persist login state
    • Data stored on MongoDB

Test user credentials


Password: Test@123

Demo card credentials:

  • Number : 4242 4242 4242 4242
  • MM/YY : 08/22
  • CVV: 222





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