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License: GPL v3 Language LOC

Language Grade: C/C++ Codacy Badge

Travis CI Build Status GitLab CI Pipeline Status

Latest Release DOI


DICOMautomaton is a multipurpose tool for analyzing medical physics data with a focus on automation. It runs on Linux. It has first-class support for:

  • images (2D and 3D; CT, MRI, PET, RT dose),
  • surface meshes (2D surfaces embedded in 3D),
  • 2D planar contours embedded in 3D,
  • point clouds (3D),
  • registration and warp transformations (rigid and deformable in 3D),
  • radiotherapy plans, and
  • line samples (i.e., discretized scalar-valued functions over $\mathbb{R}^1$).

There are four ways of operating DICOMautomaton:

  • command-line interface
    • most flexible, best for automation
    • not interactive, not a repl
  • a minimal graphical interface
    • best for contouring and simple evaluations
    • can be mixed with the command-line interface
  • a terminal graphical interface
    • extremely simplisitic, meant for question-answer interactions
    • can be mixed with the command-line interface
  • web interface
    • supports modal workflow interactions
    • not all operations are supported (e.g., contouring is not currently supported)
    • server-client model for off-site installation, can provide access to non-Linux systems and low-powered client computers

DICOMautomaton provides a diverse array of functionality, including implementations of the following well-known algorithms and analytical techniques:

  • contouring
    • interactive contouring
    • threshold-based contouring (2D or 3D)
    • contour erosion/dilation (2D or 3D)
    • sub-segmentation (i.e., splitting contour collections into 2D/3D compartments)
    • confined region-of-interest (ROI) image processing/analysis (2D or 3D)
    • 2D boolean operations
  • surface reconstruction and processing
    • Marching Cubes
    • restricted Delauney reconstruction
    • contours-to-contours interpolation (i.e., keyhole surface meshing)
    • mesh subdivision
    • mesh simplification
    • 3D boolean operations, erosion, and dilation/margins (exact for small vertex counts, and via image representation for large vertex counts)
  • point cloud registration
    • Iterative Closest Point (ICP)
    • Procrustes algorithm
    • Affine registration
    • Principal Component Analysis (PCA) rigid registration
    • This Plate Spline (TPS) deformable registration
      • when correspondence is known a priori, e.g., fiducial or feature matching
    • Thin Plate Spline Robust Point Matching (TPS-RPM) deformable registration
      • for when correspondence is unknown and must also be estimated
      • includes soft-assign and simulated annealing algorithm implementations
      • extensions: double-sided outlier handling, hard constraints, and multiple solver methods for improved robustness in degenerate situations
    • warping (i.e., applying registration transformations to generic objects)
  • detection of shapes within point clouds
    • Random sample concensus (RANSAC) for primitive shapes
    • MR distortion quantification for lattice grids
  • rudimentary image processing techniques
    • morphological operations (e.g., open/close, erode/dilate)
    • normalization, standardization, and locally adaptive techniques (2D or 3D)
    • convolution (2D or 3D)
    • sub-image search (2D or 3D)
    • median filtering, min/max filtering, percentile transformation (2D or 3D)
    • Otsu thresholding, simplistic thresholding
    • image gradients (e.g., Sobel, Scharr; first-order, second-order)
    • edge detection, non-maximum edge suppression
  • quantitative medical image analysis
    • gamma analysis, distance to agreement analysis (2D/3D to 2D or 3D)
    • Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumours (RECIST) features
    • perfusion imaging quantfication: pharmacokinetic modeling for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) imaging (CT or MR)
    • diffusion imaging quantification: Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) modeling and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) estimation
    • time series analysis (i.e., '4D' analysis)
  • radiobiology
    • Biologically Effective Dose (BED) transformations
    • Equivalent Dose in 2 Gy Fractions (EQD2) transformations
    • extraction of alpha/beta from EQD2 images
    • tissue recovery, including the Jones et al 2014 model
    • standard Tissue Control Probability (TCP) models
    • standard Normal Tissue Control Probability (NTCP) models
    • conformity and heterogeneity index estimation
  • radiotherapy planning
    • rudimentary optimization for fixed-field plans
    • Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) extraction
    • clinical protocol evaluation
    • rudimentary automated plan checking support
    • re-treatment dose sculpting/cropping/trimming for base-planning
  • routine quality assurance
    • fully nonparametric multileaf collimator (MLC) picket fence leaf displacement quantification
    • light-radiation correspondence using edge-finding
    • basic image quality measures (e.g., mean, standard deviation)
  • clustering
    • Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN)
    • k-means
    • connected components
  • geometry
    • 3D geometric primitives (vectors, lines, planes, spheres)
    • distance, closest points, and intersection point estimation
    • Hausdorff distance for point clouds
    • 'point-in-polygon' routines based on winding number and ray intersection
    • ray tracing / path sampling through voxelated geometries or surface point sampling
  • numerics
    • Kahan summation routines (i.e., 'compensated' summation)
    • Chebyshev polynomial approximations
    • Wasserman's 'local linear nonparametric regression' (NPRLL) algorithms
    • numerical optimization (Nelder-Mead simplex and more modern algorithms)
    • robust weighted least squares
    • descriptive statistics (min/mean/median/max/percentiles, correlation coefficients, and simple test statistics)
  • miscellaneous
    • transformations between data types (e.g., images to surface meshes, surface meshes to point clouds, point clouds to images)
    • fuzzy string matching (including Levenshtein, Jaro-Winkler, n-grams, Soundex, and Metaphone algorithms)
    • radiomic signatures (a subset of the IBSI-defined biomarkers)
    • A* pathfinding (partial)
    • R*-trees
    • 2D contouring via mapping to a 'voxel world game' (not maintained)
    • many operations support concurrent computation via threading (currently CPU only)

Notably absent but (eventually) planned features:

  • radiotherapy dose calculation
  • direct image registration (compared with indirect registration via feature extraction and point-cloud registration)
  • SURF/SIFT/KAZE feature extraction

Interchange is important. DICOMautomaton supports the following standard file formats:

  • images/dose
    • DICOM CT (read and write)
    • DICOM MR (read)
    • FITS (read and write)
    • DICOM RTDOSE (read and write)
    • 3ddose (read)
  • contours
    • DICOM RTSTRUCT (read and write)
  • surface meshes
    • OFF (read and write; partial)
    • OBJ (read and write; partial)
    • STL (read and write)
  • point clouds
    • OFF (read and write; partial)
  • registration
    • 16 parameter Affine or rigid transformation text files
    • Thin Plate Spline transformation text files (read and write)
  • radiotherapy plans
    • DICOM RTPLAN (read)
  • line samples
    • CSV (read and write)
  • reporting
    • CSV (write)
    • TSV (write)
  • direct database query (e.g., to interface directly with a PACs)

Customized file formats are provided for snapshotting internal state.

The basic workflow is:

  1. Files are loaded (from a DB or files).

  2. A list of operations are sequentially performed, mutating the data state.

  3. Files of various kinds can be written or a viewer can be invoked. Both are implemented as operations that can be chained together sequentially.

Some operations are interactive. Others will run on their own (possibly for days or even weeks). See integration_tests/tests/ for specific examples.

Each operation provides a description of the parameters that can be configured. To see the exact, up-to-date documentation, invoke:

$>  dicomautomaton_dispatcher -u

and for general information invoke:

$>  dicomautomaton_dispatcher -h

Alternatively, see documentation/ for documentation snapshots.

Clinical Use

DICOMautomaton should NOT be used for clinical purposes. It is suitable only for research purposes or in a non-critical supporting role where outputs can be easily validated.

While efforts have been made to verify integrity and validity of the code, no independent audit or review has been performed. The breadth of functionality would make it difficult to test all operations combinations. We therefore rely on static analysis, code quality metrics, and a limited amount of integration testing for specific workflows.

License and Copying

All materials herein which may be copywrited, where applicable, are. Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 Hal Clark.

See LICENSE.txt for details about the license. Informally, DICOMautomaton is available under a GPLv3+ license. The Imebra library is bundled for convenience and was not written by the author; consult the Imebra license file which is informally a simplified BSD-like license.

All liability is herefore disclaimed. The person(s) who use this source and/or software do so strictly under their own volition. They assume all associated liability for use and misuse, including but not limited to damages, harm, injury, and death which may result, including but not limited to that arising from unforeseen or unanticipated implementation defects.


Dependencies are listed in PKGBUILD, using Arch Linux package naming conventions, and in CMakeLists.txt using Debian package naming conventions.

Notably, DICOMautomaton depends on the author's Ygor, Explicator, and YgorClustering projects which are hosted at:


Quick start

Download the latest AppImage artifact from the continuous integration server here or via:

 $>  curl > dicomautomaton_dispatcher
 $>  chmod 777 dicomautomaton_dispatcher
 $>  ./dicomautomaton_dispatcher -h

This artifact corresponds to the latest successful build on Installation is not necessary, but the file can be renamed and installed in a standard location for convenience (e.g., /usr/bin/).

Notes and caveats:

  • This is not an official release. It may be lacking functionality, and is almost certainly not optimized.

  • The CI build environment is currently based on Debian stable. Attempting to run on systems with older glibcs will likely fail.

  • AppImages require FUSE support, so running in Docker will not work. However, AppImages can be extracted and run without FUSE via:

    $> ./DICOMautomaton-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract
    $> ./squashfs-root/usr/bin/dicomautomaton_dispatcher -h
  • The CI AppImage currently expects graphical components to be available on the host system. It will fail if libGL, freetype, or libstdc++ libraries are either incompatible or missing.

  • See or for sources and build scripts.


Compile from source to get all functionality and ensure compatibility with your system.

This project uses CMake. Use the usual commands to compile on Linux:

 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/ # or
 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/
 $>  cd /path/to/source/directory
 $>  mkdir build && cd build/

Then, if building for Debian:

 $>  cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
 $>  make && make package
 $>  sudo apt install -f ./*.deb

Or, if building for Arch Linux:

 $>  rsync -aC --exclude build ../ ./
 $>  makepkg --syncdeps --noconfirm # Optionally also [--install].

Otherwise, if installing directly (i.e., by-passing your package manager):

 $>  cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
 $>  make && sudo make install

Direct installation on non-Linux systems is not officially supported. However, Docker images can be built that are portable across non-Linux systems (see below).


DICOMautomaton can be built as a Docker image. This method automatically handles installation of all dependencies. The resulting image can be run interactively or accessed through a web server.

In order to build the Docker image, you will need git, Docker, and a bash shell. On Windows systems the git shell should be used. To build the image:

 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/ # or
 $>  git clone && cd DICOMautomaton/ # or
 $>  cd /path/to/source/directory
 $>  ./docker/build_bases/arch/
 $>  ./docker/builder/arch/

After building, the default web server can be launched using the convenience script:

 $>  ./docker/scripts/arch/

and a container can be run interactively with the convenience script:

 $>  ./docker/scripts/arch/

Pre-Built Docker Images

Docker containers are available in three variants: using Arch Linux, Debian, or Void Linux base images. Arch Linux and Void Linux provide the latest upstream packages, whereas Debian provides greater portability since an older glibc is used. Arch Linux builds use glibc whereas Void Linux builds use musl.

Build base images contain all dependencies and requirements necessary to compile DICOMautomaton, but may not themselves contain DICOMautomaton. The latest successfully-built base images are available from Docker Hub:

  • Arch Linux

  • Debian Stable

  • Void Linux

  • MXE

Continuous Integration

Continuous integration is used to build Docker images, AppImages, cross-compile and perform tests for all commits. Docker build artifacts from Travis-CI may be available here. Additional build environments and AppImage portability are tested with GitLab CI pipelines; build artifacts are available here. Direct links for the latest build artifacts:

Note that all CI artifacts are not optimized and core functionality may be missing.

Building Portable Binaries

The well-known LD_PRELOAD trick can be used to provide somewhat portable DICOMautomaton binaries for Linux systems. Binaries from the system-installed or locally-built DICOMautomaton will be automatically gathered by building and then invoking:

 $>  ./scripts/ /tmp/portable_dcma/

If successful, the portable outputs will be dumped to /tmp/portable_dcma/. A convenience script that performs the preload trick and forwards all user arguments is portable_dcma.

Note that this trick works only on Linux systems, and a similar Linux system must be used to generate the binaries. The interactive Debian Docker container will likely suffice. Additionally this technique only provides the dicomautomaton_dispatcher binary. All shared libraries needed to run it are bundled, including glibc and some other intrinsic libraries in case the host and target glibc differ. If the patchelf program is available, the binary can be patched to use the bundled interpreter and glibc using the included adjusting_dcma script, otherwise the system interpreter will be used. If patchelf is not available it is best to remove ld-linux, libm, and libc from the bundle and rely fully on the target glibc. Mixing and matching bits of different glibc installations will almost certainly result in segmentation faults or silent failures so it is not recommended in any circumstances. Also note that compilation arguments and architecture-specific tunings will likely ruin portability.

Alternatively, a third wrapper script (emulate_dcma) uses qemu-x86_64 to emulate a 64 bit x86 system and preload bundled libraries. This script may work when the native LD_PRELOAD trick fails, but emulation may be slow. The cpu can be emulated, so it may be possible to support architecture-specific tunings this way.

Portability, validity of the program, and full functionality are NOT guaranteed using either script! They should all be considered experimental. The preload trick is best run in a controlled environment, and targetting the same controlled environment and architecture. This method of distributing DICOMautomaton is not officially supported, but can simplify distributing custom builds in some situations.

Other Build Options

A portable AppImage can be generated using an existing Docker image. This method supports graphical operations, but suffers from the same general glibc incompatibility issues described above. However, it works well if your system glibc is newer than (or equivalent to) that provided by Debian stable. External, runtime support programs (e.g., Zenity, Gnuplot) may be incompatible or missing altogether. At the moment no canonical AppImages are provided, though continuous integration artifacts are available here. See docker/scripts/debian_stable/ for instructions showing how to generate your own AppImage.

A dedicated Linux system can be bootstrapped using an up-to-date Arch Linux system that will package the system-installed DICOMautomaton in a truly portable virtual machine that can be emulated using qemu, including a graphical display. External, runtime support programs can be bundled this way, so this method provides the most reliable means of archiving a specific version. See linux/. Note that this method is experimental.

DICOMautomaton can also be built using the Nix package manager. See nix/. Note that this method is experimental.

DICOMautomaton can be installed on Android inside a Termux environment (refer to guide in documentation/).


If you use DICOMautomaton in an academic work, we ask that you please cite the most relevant publication for that work or the most relevant release DOI, if possible.

DICOMautomaton can be cited as a whole using doi:10.5281/zenodo.4088796.

Individual releases are assigned a DOI too; the latest release DOI can be found via DOI or by clicking here.

Finally, several publications describe core functionality of DICOMautomaton and may be more appropriate to cite.

Known Issues

  • The SFML_Viewer operation hangs on some systems after viewing a plot with Gnuplot. This stems from a known issue in Ygor.

  • Building with musl may cause character conversion to fail for some DICOM files in some circumstances.

  • Some operations make use of threading and create filesystem mutexes to avoid race conditions. If execution is unexpectedly terminated a mutex may remain and stall/hang future operations. This can be resolved by manually removing the mutex.

Project Home

The DICOMautomaton homepage can be found at Source code is available at and


A multipurpose tool for medical physics.







No releases published


No packages published


  • C++ 93.9%
  • C 3.1%
  • Shell 1.9%
  • CMake 0.7%
  • Nix 0.2%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%
  • Other 0.1%