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Stefan Adams edited this page Feb 16, 2015 · 3 revisions

This info herein can pertain to any VPS, especially one running Ubuntu.

Your DigitalOcean droplet has no firewall enabled by default. Start your Mojolicious app listening on whatever port you want. You may want to run non-privileged. You can either configure a firewall to redirect port 80 to whatever non-privileged port you're running on or install something like nginx to route your apps. You can also build a Mojolicious "router" which mounts all your apps.

Take a look at Mojo::HelloMojo which mounts all the apps in a particular directory. What's nice about this is that you can configure your firewall to redirect 80 to 8080 where hypnotoad which hello_world is listening and/or you can access hello_world via daemon, prefork, or morbo on 3000. And all your apps are just there. No need to configure multiple domains. Great way to prototype multiple apps at once.

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