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Marc Oliu Simón committed Dec 1, 2017
0 parents commit bd4d159
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Showing 74 changed files with 3,472 additions and 0 deletions.
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Here we explain how the code is structured.

The models for each dataset are saved inside "./model/<dataset>/". Each model has a main file, one for the fRNN model
named "" and one for the RLadder baseline, named "". These files specify the paths where
to find the pre-processed data and save the trained models, as well as the training parameters:

- Number of training terations (batches)
- Batch size
- Device to use
- Topology parameters
- Data loading and augmentation parameters

The folder for each dataset also contains a dataset-specific loader to feed the network ("") and a data
preprocessing script (""). The former should only be modified if you plan on using the code on other
datasets not considered here. The later should be manually run in order to prepare the dataset before trying
to train any model. In the case of Moving MMNIST, the preprocessing script will download the necessary files before
preprocessing. For KTH and UCF101 the script expects the uncompressed datasets to be already present.

Each model has a main file associated. They are all identical, changing only the imported model file. By default, the
model will train, test and analyse the results of the model. Each step can be executed independently by commenting the
other actions, as intermediate results are saved to disk. There is also a "run" function commented by default. This
function allows you to extract direct predictions from the model, as well as to plot the results as they are obtained.
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Empty file.
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import imageio
import glob
import scipy.ndimage as ndim
import scipy.misc as sm
import numpy as np

# Prepare method strings
PATH_STRINGS = '/home/moliu/Documents/Papers/Supplementary/titles/'
s_titles = [
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'frnn.png'),
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'rladder.png'),
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'prednet.png'),
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'srivastava.png'),
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'mathieu.png'),
ndim.imread(PATH_STRINGS + 'villegas.png'),

def generate_captions(strings, width):
titles = [255 * np.ones((20, width+15, 3), dtype=np.uint8) for _ in strings]

# Prepare strings
strings = [(np.stack([s, s, s], axis=2) if len(s.shape) == 2 else s) for s in strings]
for i, s in enumerate(strings):
s = sm.imresize(s, size=0.8)
t_pad, l_pad = (20 - s.shape[0]) / 2, (width - s.shape[1]) / 2
titles[i][t_pad:t_pad+s.shape[0], l_pad:l_pad+s.shape[1]] = s

return np.pad(
np.concatenate(titles, axis=1)[:, :-15],
((0, 0), (width+15, 0), (0, 0)),
'constant', constant_values=255

def preprocess_predictions(gt, predictions, width=80):
# Append dimension if no channels
gt = [(f if len(f.shape) == 3 else np.expand_dims(f, axis=2)) for f in gt]
predictions = [[(f if len(f.shape) == 3 else np.expand_dims(f, axis=2)) for f in s] for s in predictions]

# Replicate channel if grayscale
gt = [(f if f.shape[2] == 3 else np.concatenate([f, f, f], axis=2)) for f in gt]
predictions = [[(f if f.shape[2] == 3 else np.concatenate([f, f, f], axis=2)) for f in s] for s in predictions]

# Reshape predictions to gt shape, prepare black frames, fill leading frames
predictions = [[sm.imresize(f, gt[0].shape[:2]) for f in s] for s in predictions]
predictions = [([np.zeros(gt[0].shape, dtype=np.uint8)] * 10 if len(s) == 0 else s) for s in predictions]
predictions = [[gt[4]] * 5 + s for s in predictions]

# Pad frames to fit expected width
padding = ((0, 0), ((width - gt[0].shape[1]) / 2,)*2, (0, 0))
gt = [np.pad(f, padding, 'constant', constant_values=255) for f in gt]
predictions = [[np.pad(f, padding, 'constant', constant_values=255) for f in s] for s in predictions]

return gt, predictions

def generate_instance_sequence(path):
# List ground truth images
f_gt = sorted(glob.glob(path + 'g*.png'))
f_gt = f_gt[-5:] + f_gt[:10]

# List prediction images
f_methods = [
sorted(glob.glob(path + 'frnn_*.png')), sorted(glob.glob(path + 'rladder_*.png')),
sorted(glob.glob(path + 'prednet_*.png')), sorted(glob.glob(path + 'srivastava_*.png')),
sorted(glob.glob(path + 'mathieu_*.png')), sorted(glob.glob(path + 'villegas_*.png'))

# Read & preprocess frames
f_gt, f_methods = [ndim.imread(f) for f in f_gt], [[ndim.imread(f) for f in m] for m in f_methods]
f_gt, f_methods = preprocess_predictions(f_gt, f_methods)
im_h, im_w = f_gt[0].shape[:2]

# Fill frames with ground truth & predictions
frame = 255 * np.ones((im_h, im_w*7 + 15*6, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
frames = [np.copy(frame) for _ in range(15)]
for i, (fg, fm) in enumerate(zip(f_gt, zip(*f_methods))):
frames[i][:im_h, :im_w] = fg
for j, (f, title) in enumerate(zip(fm, ['frnn', 'rladder', 'prednet', 'Srivastava', 'mathieu', 'villegas'])):
r = (j + 1) * (im_w + 15)
frames[i][:im_h, r:r+im_w] = f

# Return sequence frames
return frames

def build_dataset(name, paths):
titles = generate_captions(s_titles, 80)
instances = [generate_instance_sequence(p) for p in paths]
s_h, s_w = instances[0][0].shape[:2]

# Merge sequences
frame = 255 * np.ones((len(paths) * (s_h + 15) - 15, s_w, 3), dtype=np.float32)
frames = [np.copy(frame) for _ in range(15)]
for i, f in enumerate(zip(*instances)):
for j, m in enumerate(f):
t = j*(s_h+15)
frames[i][t:t+s_h] = m

imageio.mimsave(name, [np.concatenate((titles, f), axis=0) for f in frames], duration=0.5)

if __name__ == '__main__':
PATH_IN = '/home/moliu/Documents/Papers/Supplementary/images/qualitative/'
PATH_OUT = '/home/moliu/Documents/Papers/Supplementary/gifs/'

build_dataset(PATH_OUT + 'mmnist.gif', [
PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s12/', PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s11/', PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s13/',
PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s17/', PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s20/', PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s21/',
PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s11_n/', PATH_IN + 'mmnist_l1/s5_n/',

build_dataset(PATH_OUT + 'kth.gif', [
PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s31/', PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s37/', PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s77/',
PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s23/', PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s43/', PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s75/',
PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s97/', PATH_IN + 'kth_l1/s37_2/',

build_dataset(PATH_OUT + 'ucf101.gif', [
PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s8/', PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s9_last/', PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s9_mean/',
PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s21/', PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s37/', PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s44/',
PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s28/', PATH_IN + 'ucf101_l1/s41/',
33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions analysis/
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import scipy.misc as sm
import os

def test_layer_subsets(model, preprocessor, indices, save_path):
# Get samples to analyse

# Start layer removal process
n_layers, preds = [14, 13, 11, 10, 8, 7, 5, 4], []
for n in [14, 13, 11, 10, 8, 7, 5, 4]:
model.topology[0].topology = model.topology[0].topology[:n]
t_preds =, batch_size=10) / 2 + 0.5

# Remove color channel if images are greyscale
preds = [p[..., 0] for p in preds] if preds[0].shape[-1] == 1 else preds

# Save predictions
for n, p in zip(n_layers, preds):
for i, s in enumerate(p):
# Create sequence path if it does not exist
s_path = save_path + 's' + str(i) + '/'
if not os.path.exists(s_path):

# Save sequence frames
for j in range(10):
sm.imsave(s_path + 'l' + str(n) + '_f' + str(j) + '.png', s[j])

37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions analysis/
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import os
import scipy.misc as sm
import numpy as np

def save_sequences(model, preprocessor, path, indices=None):
# Randomly select indices if not specified
indices = np.random.randint(low=0, high=preprocessor.loader.num_samples, size=(50,)) if indices is None else indices

# Get preprocessor subsample with the sequences of interest

# Get ground truth and predicted sequences
gt = np.transpose(preprocessor.retrieve()[0], axes=[1, 0, 2, 3, 4]) / 2 + 0.5
predictions =, batch_size=10) / 2 + 0.5

# Remove channels dimension for greyscale images
if gt.shape[-1] == 1:
predictions, gt = predictions[..., 0], gt[..., 0]

# Save predictions
for i, (g, p) in enumerate(zip(gt, predictions)):
# Create sequence path if it does not exist
s_path = path + 's' + str(i) + '/'
if not os.path.exists(s_path):
print s_path + ' -> ' + str(indices[i])

for j in range(10):
sm.imsave(s_path + 'g' + str(j) + '.png', g[j])
sm.imsave(s_path + 'g' + str(j+10) + '.png', g[10+j])
sm.imsave(s_path + 'p' + str(j+10) + '.png', p[j])

# Return indices and sequences
return indices, predictions, gt
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

def print_results(title, errors):
# Remove prediction singularities
errors[errors == np.inf] = np.nan

# Print baseline errors
errors = np.nanmean(errors, axis=0)
errors = np.concatenate((errors, np.mean(errors, axis=1, keepdims=True)), axis=1)
print '\n\n' + title + ':'
print 'MSE: ' + str(errors[0])
print 'PSNR: ' + str(errors[1])
print 'DSSIM: ' + str(errors[2])

def make_plot(measures, limits=None):
def lineplot(y_label, measures, limits):
lines = []
for c, m, s in measures:
lines += plt.plot(range(1, 11), m, s)
plt.xlabel('time step')
plt.xticks(range(1, 11))
plt.xlim(1, 10)
if limits[0] is not None:
plt.ylim(limits[0], limits[1])
plt.grid(True, linestyle='dashed')

return lines

# Set limits
limits = [None] * 3 if limits is None else limits
limits = [([[None, None]] * 3 if l is None else l) for l in limits]

# Create plots
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 10), dpi=70)
for i, (t_measures, t_limits) in enumerate(zip(measures, limits)):
fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 3*i+1)
lines = lineplot('Average MSE', t_measures[0], limits=t_limits[0])
fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 3*i+2)
lineplot('Average PSNR', t_measures[1], limits=t_limits[1])
fig.add_subplot(3, 3, 3*i+3)
lineplot('Average DSSIM', t_measures[2], limits=t_limits[2])

# Display legend
plt.subplots_adjust(top=1, bottom=0.09, left=0.05, right=0.99)
labels = tuple(l for l, v, s in measures[0][0])
plt.figlegend(lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=10, fontsize=12, frameon=False)

# Display result
# plt.tight_layout()

if __name__ == '__main__':
('Baseline', [0.04923, 0.06121, 0.06642, 0.07147, 0.07338, 0.07512, 0.07511, 0.07567, 0.07542, 0.07590], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.04251, 0.04252, 0.04252, 0.04254, 0.04255, 0.04253, 0.04254, 0.04255, 0.04255, 0.04254], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.02838, 0.04408, 0.04285, 0.04285, 0.04270, 0.04255, 0.04258, 0.04255, 0.04256, 0.04254], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.00885, 0.01097, 0.01308, 0.01496, 0.01680, 0.01856, 0.02035, 0.02185, 0.02335, 0.02473], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.022462, 0.032085 , 0.037718 , 0.043201 , 0.043589 , 0.043213, 0.044363 , 0.045566, 0.046795, 0.047694], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.04251, 0.04252, 0.04252, 0.04254, 0.04255, 0.04253, 0.04254, 0.04255, 0.04255, 0.04255], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.00475, 0.00578, 0.00686, 0.00784, 0.00887, 0.00994, 0.01105, 0.01207, 0.01319, 0.01435], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0.00760, 0.00978, 0.01217, 0.01432, 0.01651, 0.01851, 0.02047, 0.02229, 0.02401, 0.02567], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [13.233, 12.266, 11.937, 11.601, 11.513, 11.396, 11.407, 11.362, 11.388, 11.350], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [13.860, 13.859, 13.860, 13.858, 13.856, 13.858, 13.856, 13.855, 13.855, 13.856], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [15.684, 13.711, 13.828, 13.831, 13.843, 13.857, 13.853, 13.855, 13.855, 13.855], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [20.809, 19.916, 19.177, 18.601, 18.103, 17.681, 17.276, 16.960, 16.671, 16.421], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [16.4688, 14.9215, 14.2196, 13.6307, 13.5919, 13.6295, 13.5155, 13.3994, 13.2839, 13.2013], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [13.860, 13.859, 13.860, 13.858, 13.856, 13.858, 13.856, 13.855, 13.855, 13.856], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [24.208, 23.287, 22.566, 21.983, 21.455, 20.949, 20.471, 20.060, 19.634, 19.242], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [21.703, 20.660, 19.674, 18.942, 18.291, 17.764, 17.291, 16.884, 16.531, 16.212], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [0.15520, 0.17771, 0.19192, 0.20677, 0.21422, 0.22155, 0.22383, 0.22647, 0.22637, 0.22770], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.13797, 0.13776, 0.13783, 0.13785, 0.13780, 0.13777, 0.13789, 0.13799, 0.13802, 0.13791], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.11971, 0.16172, 0.15431, 0.14562, 0.14292, 0.13912, 0.13945, 0.13909, 0.13920, 0.13899], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.05095, 0.05916, 0.06735, 0.07426, 0.08072, 0.08661, 0.09239, 0.09707, 0.10150, 0.10544], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.1601, 0.2268, 0.2835, 0.3486, 0.3765, 0.4050, 0.4171, 0.4240, 0.4273, 0.4334], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.13905, 0.13885, 0.13891, 0.13894, 0.13889, 0.13886, 0.13898, 0.13908, 0.13910, 0.13899], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.02375, 0.02854, 0.03336, 0.03762, 0.04180, 0.04612, 0.05047, 0.05444, 0.05871, 0.06275], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0.03779, 0.04691, 0.05734, 0.06629, 0.07471, 0.08238, 0.08952, 0.09586, 0.10140, 0.10631], 'g--'),
]), ([
('Baseline', [0.00103, 0.00204, 0.00280, 0.00338, 0.00383, 0.00420, 0.00450, 0.00475, 0.00497, 0.00515], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.00080, 0.00064, 0.00087, 0.00110, 0.00132, 0.00151, 0.00169, 0.00184, 0.00199, 0.00213], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.00144, 0.00447, 0.00361, 0.00673, 0.00580, 0.00907, 0.00856, 0.01218, 0.01237, 0.01645], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.00839, 0.00852, 0.00893, 0.00940, 0.00983, 0.01024, 0.01061, 0.01093, 0.01121, 0.01145], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.0006567, 0.0010211, 0.0012615, 0.0014319, 0.0016421, 0.0017737, 0.0019078, 0.0021111, 0.0021855, 0.0023709], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.00030, 0.00063, 0.00098, 0.00132, 0.00161, 0.00189, 0.00214, 0.00234, 0.00254, 0.00274], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.00074, 0.00097, 0.00122, 0.00147, 0.00170, 0.00190, 0.00210, 0.00228, 0.00246, 0.00262], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [34.780, 31.774, 30.223, 29.233, 28.515, 27.973, 27.535, 27.180, 26.878, 26.619], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [31.737, 34.142, 33.018, 32.109, 31.393, 30.834, 30.375, 30.000, 29.677, 29.397], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [31.360, 26.974, 27.532, 24.952, 25.300, 23.329, 23.340, 21.776, 21.508, 20.280], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [21.974, 21.922, 21.691, 21.439, 21.234, 21.048, 20.892, 20.762, 20.653, 20.559], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [33.1342, 31.8160, 31.2525, 30.7705, 30.4912, 29.9523, 29.6754, 29.3361, 29.1516, 28.8458], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [37.575, 34.621, 32.709, 31.430, 30.401, 29.575, 28.940, 28.509, 28.061, 27.640], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [32.044, 31.106, 30.320, 29.683, 29.165, 28.749, 28.400, 28.097, 27.829, 27.596], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [0.02873, 0.04799, 0.06156, 0.07211, 0.08091, 0.08836, 0.09483, 0.10040, 0.10536, 0.10978], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.03249, 0.03745, 0.04533, 0.05268, 0.05916, 0.06473, 0.06965, 0.07395, 0.07780, 0.08125], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.04704, 0.09218, 0.08831, 0.12188, 0.12168, 0.15040, 0.15538, 0.18037, 0.19019, 0.21140], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.18878, 0.18911, 0.19203, 0.19530, 0.19809, 0.20076, 0.20307, 0.20497, 0.20655, 0.20788], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.0656, 0.0774, 0.0851, 0.0947, 0.0994, 0.1082, 0.1093, 0.1200, 0.1206, 0.1298], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.01778, 0.03261, 0.04741, 0.06162, 0.07656, 0.09009, 0.09973, 0.10550, 0.11346, 0.12094], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.04057, 0.05004, 0.05858, 0.06605, 0.07262, 0.07830, 0.08335, 0.08787, 0.09200, 0.09571], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
]), ([
('Baseline', [0.00412, 0.00751, 0.00992, 0.01179, 0.01332, 0.01456, 0.01566, 0.01665, 0.01753, 0.01830], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.00365, 0.00516, 0.00674, 0.00811, 0.00925, 0.01022, 0.01108, 0.01185, 0.01254, 0.01316], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.00274, 0.00878, 0.00874, 0.01523, 0.01589, 0.02313, 0.02436, 0.03307, 0.03527, 0.04516], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.00908, 0.05399, 0.11943, 0.16735, 0.18014, 0.17885, 0.18194, 0.19184, 0.19989, 0.20404], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.00646, 0.00708, 0.00869, 0.00875, 0.00861, 0.01042, 0.01210, 0.01252, 0.01475, 0.01773], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.00268, 0.00482, 0.00655, 0.00812, 0.00940, 0.01040, 0.01150, 0.01261, 0.01373, 0.01443], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.00274, 0.00481, 0.00652, 0.00795, 0.00920, 0.01029, 0.01122, 0.01204, 0.01273, 0.01334], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [28.993, 25.335, 23.812, 22.874, 22.230, 21.765, 21.362, 21.007, 20.722, 20.486], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [26.332, 25.979, 24.851, 23.992, 23.373, 22.893, 22.490, 22.154, 21.876, 21.641], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [29.537, 23.693, 23.612, 20.923, 20.554, 18.746, 18.403, 16.859, 16.477, 15.180], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [21.077, 13.125, 9.876 , 8.515 , 8.212 , 8.212 , 8.094 , 7.849 , 7.670 , 7.577], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [22.634, 22.406, 21.488, 21.674, 22.192, 21.262, 20.591, 20.699, 19.653, 18.804], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [29.389, 26.389, 24.759, 23.765, 22.959, 22.440, 21.854, 21.401, 20.940, 20.671], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [28.942, 26.411, 25.011, 24.086, 23.402, 22.878, 22.453, 22.111, 21.830, 21.593], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
], [
('Baseline', [0.06650, 0.10611, 0.12946, 0.14549, 0.15735, 0.16643, 0.17415, 0.18086, 0.18654, 0.19142], 'k-'),
('RLadder', [0.06874, 0.09301, 0.11197, 0.12665, 0.13804, 0.14714, 0.15475, 0.16118, 0.16664, 0.17136], 'g-'),
('Prednet', [0.05345, 0.12480, 0.12507, 0.17436, 0.17825, 0.21586, 0.21961, 0.25540, 0.26117, 0.29331], 'r-'),
('Srivastava', [0.13221, 0.34915, 0.41874, 0.46370, 0.47410, 0.47660, 0.47985, 0.48424, 0.48746, 0.48940], 'y-'),
('Mathieu', [0.0905, 0.0943, 0.1031, 0.1036, 0.1010, 0.1059, 0.1126, 0.1157, 0.1252, 0.1429], 'c-'),
('Villegas', [0.05502, 0.09051, 0.11414, 0.13304, 0.14620, 0.15725, 0.16712, 0.17599, 0.18492, 0.19083], 'm-'),
('fRNN', [0.05446, 0.08526, 0.10694, 0.12300, 0.13569, 0.14580, 0.15421, 0.16115, 0.16700, 0.17195], 'b-'),
('RLadder (pre-trained)', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'g--'),
])], limits=(
[[0, 0.006], [20, 38], [0.01, 0.12]],
[[0.0025, 0.02], [20, 30], [0.05, 0.20]],

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