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An extension for VS Code which provides support for HOL Light


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HOL Light Extension for VS Code

A HOL Light extension for Visual Studio Code. It supports basic syntax highlighting and interaction with a HOL Light REPL in a terminal window. Autocompletion, hover messages, and Go to Definition features are also partially supported.


HOL Light should be installed separately. See HOL Light repository for installation instructions. The path to a HOL Light installation should be manually set by modifying the hol-light.path option (it could be done by invoking the command HOL Light: Set HOL Light Path from the command palette).

The extension is automatically activated for .hl files. If a HOL Light file has a different file type (e.g., .ml) then it is required to activate the HOL Light extension manually by selecting HOL Light language mode.

It is also possible to associate .ml files with the HOL Light extension by executing the command HOL Light: Associate .ml Files with HOL Light. This command adds the following lines to the workspace settings file:

    "files.associations": {
        "*.ml": "hol-light-ocaml"

Other file types can be associated with HOL Light by adding the corresponding lines to the files.associations options in a settings file.

The extension does not start a HOL Light REPL automatically. Whenever any command which interacts with HOL Light is invoked, a dialog will appear where a script for starting a HOL Light session should be selected. One possible choice is to select from the HOL Light directory. Any other script can also be selected (e.g., if DMTCP checkpointing is used).

HOL Light Server

A special HOL Light server can be used to execute all HOL Light statements. This server enhances the extension capabilities by providing execution results to the extension. A HOL Light server must be started manually inside a HOL Light REPL. OCaml 4.14 is required to start a HOL Light server.

The easiest way to start it is to open a HOL Light REPL inside the extension and then use the command HOL Light: Start Server which starts the server inside this REPL (it will also open a new HOL Light client terminal). This command can be invoked directly from the status bar by clicking the Start Server text which appears in the bottom right corner whenever a HOL Light terminal window is open. A server can only be started when the active HOL Light REPL is not executing any other commands (more precisely, a server will be started after executing all other commands but the client will not be able to connect to this server and an error message will be shown). A server will automatically stop when the client terminal is closed.

Alternatively, a server can be started manually inside any HOL Light REPL (even running on a remote machine). The server code and instructions for running a server are in the hol_server repository. After starting a server, it is required to select Connect to a HOL Light Server in the list of HOL Light startup scripts (which appears whenever any HOL Light command is executed without an active REPL or when the command HOL Light: New HOL Light REPL session is invoked).

When a HOL Light server is active, a feedback is provided for all executed HOL Light statements: Failed statements are colored with light red color and successfully executed statements are colored with light green color (these colors can be changed by editing the corresponding configuration options). When multiple statements are executed (for example by selecting multiple statements and sending them to REPL) then the execution will stop automatically after the first failure.

Code Completion, Hover Info Messages, and Go to Definition

This extension provides autocompletion, hover info messages, and Go to Definition features for all definitions and modules. These feature use a global index of definitions of all open HOL Light files and their dependencies. This index is automatically created and updated if the option hol-light.autoIndex is enabled (it is enabled by default). Alternatively, the index may be created (or updated) by invoking the command HOL Light: Index File and its Dependencies. Note that the exetension parsing algorithm is not perfect and it works for files where definitions are separated by ;;.

Only explicitly imported dependencies are recongnized. That is, dependencies should be imported with needs, loads, or loadt commands followed by a string literal with a dependency path. Dependency files are searched relative to paths specified in hol-light.rootPaths. For example, if HOL Light files of a project are located in the src/proofs directory then the following path should be added to hol-light.rootPaths: {workspace}/src/proofs.

If a project uses special commands for importing dependencies or for proving theorems, then it is possible to inform the parser about these commands by editing hol-light.customImports, hol-light.customDefinitions, or hol-light.customTheorems options.

Completion suggestions are also provided for imports after needs, loads, loadt and custom import commands. By default, suggestions do not appear automatically inside strings. One needs to trigger completion suggestions with Ctrl + Space after typing needs " (or other import commands). It is also possible to enable completion suggestions for all strings by changing the configuration option Editor: Quick Suggestions ("editor.quickSuggestions": { "strings": "on" }).

If a HOL Light server is active then hover messages are provided for all global definitions which are available in the current HOL Light session.

Interactive Notebooks

It is possible to open HOL Light files as interactive notebooks by right cliking a HOL Light file and selecting Open with... and then selecting HOL Light Notebook. Notebook cells contain statements separated by ;;. In order to execute notebook cells, it is required to start a HOL Light server.


All commands can be invoked from the command palette or by pressing the corresponding keyboard shortcuts.

  1. HOL Light: New HOL Light REPL Session

    Starts a new HOL Light REPL. This command is automatically invoked whenever any HOL Light command is executed without an active HOL Light REPL.

  2. HOL Light: Send selected text to HOL Light REPL

    Default shortcut: Alt + E

    Sends selected text to HOL Light. If no text is selected, then text at the cursor position separated by ;; is sent to HOL Light and the cursor position is moved to the next statement.

    A variation of this command is HOL Light: Send Current Statement to REPL (no preprocessing) (default shortcut Ctrl + Alt + E). This command sends the selected text to HOL Light without any preprocessing. It is useful when a server is used to execute statements and it is required to execute a module definition.

  3. HOL Light: Send All Statements before the Cursor Position to REPL

    Default shortcut: Alt + A

    Sends all statements before the cursor position (including the statement at the cursor position) to a HOL Light REPL.

  4. HOL Light: Set Current Term as a Goal

    Default shortcut: Alt + G

    Sets the term at the current cursor position as a new goal. This command works when the cursor is inside a HOL Light term (a text inside back quotes).

  5. HOL Light: Execute Current Tactic (Multiple Lines)

    Default shortcut: Alt + M

    Sends a tactic at the cursor line to HOL Light. If the tactic occupies several lines, all these lines are sent to HOL Light (the maximum number of lines is limited by the configuration parameter tacticMaxLines which is 30 by default). This command also moves the cursor to the next line after the tactic.

    Alternatively, it is possible to select arbitrary text with tactics and use this command to sent it to HOL Light.

  6. HOL Light: Execute Current Tactic

    Default shortcut: Alt + L

    Sends a tactic at the cursor line to HOL Light. Only one line tactic could be processed with this command. This command also moves the cursor to the next line after the tactic.

    Alternatively, it is possible to select arbitrary text with tactics and use this command to sent it to HOL Light.

  7. HOL Light: Revert One Proof Step

    Default shortcut: Alt + B

    Reverts one proof step.

  8. HOL Light: Print Current Goal

    Default shortcut: Alt + P

    Prints the current goal in a HOL Light terminal.

  9. HOL Light: Rotate Subgoals

    Default shortcut: Alt + O

    Rotates current subgoals.

  10. HOL Light: Send ^C to REPL

    Default shortcut: Alt + C

    Sends ^C to HOL Light. It interrupts all currently executing commands.

  11. HOL Light: Search Theorems

    Default shortcut: Alt + S

    Creates an input dialog where HOL Light theorems could be searched (all results will appear in a HOL Light REPL). Inputs in this dialog are either term patterns (with _ wildcards; e.g., _ + _ = _) or names in double quotes (e.g., "ARITH"). Several search terms separated by a comma can be given (e.g., _ + _ = _, "ARITH"). If a search term includes a comma, then enclose this search term inside backticks.

    Search results are printed in a HOL Light REPL. If a HOL Light server is used then a new view with all search results is also shown.

  12. HOL Light: Remove Highlighting

    Default shortcut: Alt + D

    Removes highlighting of the text sent to REPL from the active text document.

  13. HOL Light: Jump to Highlighted Text

    Default shortcut: Alt + J

    Moves the cursor to the end of a highlighted text in the active text editor.

  14. HOL Light: Index File and its Dependencies

    Parses the active file and its dependencies and adds definitions to a global index. This command should be invoked when hol-light.autoIndex is false or after updating hol-light.rootPaths.

  15. HOL Light: Set HOL Light Path

    Opens a dialog where a path to HOL Light should be selected. This path is required for enabling autocompletion for items defined in the HOL Light Help directory and for indexing core HOL Light files.

  16. HOL Light: Set Current Working Directory

    Shows an input dialog for setting the working directory of an active HOL Light REPL.

  17. HOL Light: Associate .ml Files with HOL Light

    Adds the "*.ml": "hol-light-ocaml" line to the files.associations option in the current workspace settings file.

Note: Text which is sent to a HOL Light REPL is highlighted. The highlighting color can be specified with the configuration option hol-light.highlightColor.

Extension Settings

The extension adds the HOL Light configuration group to settings.

  1. hol-light.exePaths: array of strings. Default: [].

    An array of paths to HOL Light startup scripts. A new entry to this array is automatically added when a new script is selected in a file open dialog whenever a new HOL Light terminal is created.

  2. hol-light.path: string.

    Path to a HOL Light directory. This path is required to enable autocompletion and related features for core HOL Light files.

  3. hol-light.rootPaths: array of strings. Default: [".", "{hol}", "{workspace}"]

    An array of paths to locations containing HOL Light source files of a project. These paths are used by the extension to find dependencies of a file. The path value "." indicates that dependencies should be searched in the same directory as the current file. Paths may contain the following special tokens: {hol} is the path to a HOL Light installation, {workspace} is the current workspace root path.

    For example, if a project contains HOL Light files in the src directory then the following path should be added to rootPaths: "{workspace}/src".

  4. hol-light.autoIndex: boolean. Default true.

    If this option is true then all open files and their dependencies are automatically parsed and all definitions are added to a global index. If this option is false then it is still possible to index a file by invoking the HOL Light: Index File and its Dependencies command.

  5. hol-light.server: string. Default "". A default HOL Light server address. The empty string corresponds to localhost:2012.

  6. hol-light.customImports: string. Default "".

    By default, the extension parser recongnizes needs, loads, and loadt as import statements. Some projects may have other import statements. They can be specified in this option as statement names separated by commas or spaces.

    Note: custom import statements should take only one string argument.

  7. hol-light.customDefinitions: string. Default "".

    The extension parser recognizes several HOL Light functions for creating definitions (e.g., definition, new_definition). Some projects may have custom functions for creating definitions. They can be specified in this option as function names separated by commas or spaces.

    Note: the first argument of custom definition functions should be a HOL Light term or a string.

  8. hol-light.customTheorems: string. Default "".

    By default, the extension parser recognizes prove as a function for creating theorems. Some projects may have custom functions for creating theorems. They can be specified in this option as function names separated by commas or spaces.

    Note: the first argument of custom theorem functions should be a HOL Light term or a string.

  9. hol-light.tacticMaxLines: number. Default: 30.

    A number which specifies how many lines could be selected when a multiple line tactic is sent to HOL Light.

  10. hol-light.highlightColor: string. Default: "editor.wordHighlightStrongBackground".

    Color for highlighting text sent to a HOL Light REPL. Could be either a reference to a color theme (see or a color in the format ##RRGGBBAA. If this value is empty then the text is not highlighted.

  11. hol-light.highlightColorSuccess: string. Default: "diffEditor.insertedTextBackground".

    Color for highlighting successfully executed statements. This color is shown when a HOL Light server executes statements.

  12. hol-light.highlightColorSuccess: string. Default: "diffEditor.removedTextBackground".

    Color for highlighting statements which executed with an error. This color is shown when a HOL Light server executes statements.

Known Issues

  • Commands which select tactics may not work correctly for all possible tactics. Workaround: It is always possible to select tactic text manually and send it to HOL Light.

  • Type annotations inside HOL terms which occupy several lines are not correctly highlighted. The only recognized type constructors for highlighting are list, group, finite_sum, word.

  • The extension parser is not perfect and it may miss or incorrectly parse some definitions. In general, all definitions should be separated by ;;.


An extension for VS Code which provides support for HOL Light







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