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Repository files navigation

  • Refresh page several times so that it works.


  1. Navigate through the menus using the menu actions key bindings.
  2. Select the Track Select menu item.
  3. Select one of the listed tracks.
  4. Return to the Main menu.
  5. Select the Start menu item.
  6. Control the character using the default character action key bindings or custom ones
  7. Avoid collisions with enemies and obstacles and kill as many enemies as possible to acquire a higher score.


  • Character collisioning with objects causes effects.
  • To kill an enemy, be to the left or right of it and swing towards it.
  • Whenever the game is quited, current racing progress is saved.
  • Whenever the game is entered and a racing progress saving file is present, it is loaded.
  • Whenever the hit points are 0, then a current racing progress is discarded and the Main menu is opened.


  • A currently selected track is marked with the * character to the right of it.
  • A number after the HP label is remaining character hit points.
  • A number after the SCORE label is a current racing score.
  • To continue a loaded racing progress, toggle the pause mode in the Main menu.
  • To restart a racing,
    1. Return to the Main menu.
    2. Select the Start menu item.
  • Whenever an exreme menu item is navigated to and there is an attempt to navigate to its more extreme neighbour item, the opposite extreme item is navigated to.

Key Bindings


  1. Select the Key Bindings item of the Main menu.
  2. Select an action whose key bindings are to be changed.
  3. Press keys to bind to the selected action.
  4. Press the enter key to stop adding new key bindings.


  1. Select the Key Bindings item of the Main menu.
  2. Navigate to an action whose key bindings are to be cleared.
  3. Press the backspace key to clear it.


  1. Navigate to the Key Bindings item of the Main menu.
  2. Press the backspace key to restore default key bindings.


  • If the same key is bound to two actions, then it is bound only to a former one.
  • When the game is quited, current key bindings are saved.
  • when the game is entered the saved key bindings are loaded.

Create Tracks

  • Define top-level bindings of tracks one of which is defaultTrack in the Core.Script.Track.DefaultTrack module by connecting the Core.Track.Track smart constructors with the *>, <*, or >> operators or the do notation.
  • Add not defaultTrack ones into the Core.Script.Track.tracks list as tuples of their names and themselves.


  • A current difficulty level set within a particular track overwrites starting one there.
  • A difficulty level amount must be a floating number from -1 to 1, otherwise it is a nearest boundary.
  • A difficulty level difference must be an integer having absolute value not greater than a track width, otherwise it is a nearest boundary.
  • Predefined track rows lengths must not be 0 or greater than a track width, otherwise they are ignored.


  • A probability should be a floating number from 0 to 1.
  • Create tracks under the Core.Script.Track module.
  • In order that a track parts can be generated after a predefined one is appended, its last line must have at least one Core.Track.Cell.TrailPart value.
  • In order that either track sequences are selected with the given probabilities, their sum must be 1, otherwise they are equal.


Set some options to appropriate values in a configuration file or as command arguments.


  • A configured difficulty level is a starting one for all tracks.
  • A difficulty level must be a natural number from 0 to a track width, otherwise it is a nearest boundary.
  • Options passed as arguments to the command overwrite ones read from a configuration file.
  • If a configuration file whose particular key is set to a value is present, then the key is used from it, otherwise a default value is used.


  • A currently selected menu item is marked with the * character to the left of it.



Run the nix-shell --run 'ghci -DWWW -isrc Main' command to load WWW version into GHCi or the nix-shell --run 'ghci -DCONS -isrc Main' one to load the console one.


Run the nix-build -A www command to build WWW version or the nix-build -A cons one to build the console one.

Table 1

track smart constructor effects

Smart constructor Effect
dynamicLengthFinitePart A number, selected within a given range, of track rows is generated.
eitherSequenceWhere A following track sequence up to the same or eitherSequenceEnd smart constructor can be selected to be generated.
infiniteTailWhere A following track sequence is repeated infinitely.
leftPredefinedPart Given track rows offsetted from the left with a given Core.Track.Cell value are appended to a track.
middlePredefinedPart Given track rows offsetted from both sides with a given Core.Track.Cell value are appended to a track.
rightPredefinedPart Given track rows offsetted from the right with a given Core.Track.Cell value are appended to a track.
repeatedSequenceWhere A following track sequence is repeated a given number of times.
sequenceEnd A previous sequence is generated.
staticLengthFinitePart A given number of track rows is generated.
withAlteredDifficultyLevel A given integer is added to a current difficulty level.
withAmountAlteredDifficultyLevel A given maximum difficulty level amount is added to a current difficulty level.
withDifficultyLevel A given track difficulty level is set as a current one.
withDifficultyLevelAmount A given maximum difficulty level amount is set as a current difficulty level.
withGradualDifficultyLevelAmountRiseSlope A following track sequence is generated altering a difficulty level by a its amount every given number of rows.
withGradualDifficultyLevelSlope A following track sequence is generated altering a difficulty level by a given difference every given number of rows.
withProbability An either sequence within which it is present is selected with a given probability.
withSteepDifficultyLevelSlope A following sequence has a steep difficulty level.

Table 2


Option Default value Command option Configuration key Description
Character progress speed 2 --character-progress-speed (-w) characterProgressSpeed a number of track rows the character crosses per 1 second
Configuration file path "configuration.json" --configuration (-c) - a configuration file path
Enemy killing score bonus 10 --enemy-killing-score-bonus(-t) enemyKillingScoreBonus a score bonus acquired for killing of one enemy
Row crossing score bonus 1 --row-crossing-score-bonus (-r) rowCrossingScoreBonus a score bonus acquired for crossing of one track row
Track difficulty level 2 --track-difficulty-level (-d) trackDifficultyLevel a number defining maximum numbers of Core.Track.Cell.Pass values in a single track line and track trails in a track
Track name "default" --track-name (-t) trackName a name of a track to interpret
Track piece capacity 10 --track-piece-capacity (-p) trackPieceCapacity a number of track rows rendered at a time
Track start part length 3 --track-start-part-length (-l) trackStartPartLength a number of track start rows contained in all start parts
Track width 5 --track-width (-w) trackWidth a number of the Core.Track.Cell values in a single track line

Table 3

menu actions key bindings

Menu actions Keys bindings
to clear a selected character action, to restore all key bindings the backspace key
to navigate to an upper item the top key, the w key
to navigate to a lower item the bottom key, the s key
to return to a previously selected page, to toggle the pause mode the escape key
to select a currently navigated item the enter key
to save current racing progress and quit the q key

Table 4

character action key bindings

Character action Default key bindings
to strafe left the h key
to strafe right the l key
to swing left the j key
to swing right the k key

Table 5


Object Symbols Collision effect
a dead enemy % none
a living enemy K the character hit points are decreased by 1
a pass ,, . none
an obstacle = the character hit points are decreased by 1
the character x none

Diagram 1
