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mondeja's pre-commit hooks

PyPI Python versions License Tests

Example configuration

- repo:
  rev: v1.8.0
    - id: dev-extras-required
    - id: root-editorconfig-required
    - id: cloudflare-nameservers
    - id: cloudflare-gh-pages-dns
        - -username=my_gh_username
    - id: file-check-lines
      files: ^$
        - include
        - include LICENSE



Add a pre-commit hook to your configuration file if is not already defined.


  • -repo=URL (str) Repository of the new hook.
  • -rev=VERSION (str) Version of the new hook.
  • -hook=ID (str) Identifier of the new hook.

See repo-stream if you're wondering why you would need to add a pre-commit hook from another hook.


  • Support for pyproject.toml and files is limited to printing errors, automatic file rewriting is not performed.

Check if your development dependencies contains all other extras requirements. If an extra requirement is defined in other extra group than your development one, it will be added to your development extra dependencies group. If your development group is not defined, it will be created.

This is useful if you want to execute python -m pip install -e .[dev] to install all the optional requirements of the package, so if you add a new requirement to another groups, it will be added to development requirements.


  • -extra=NAME (str): Name for your development requirements extra group (as default dev).
  • -setup-cfg=PATH (str): Path to your setup.cfg file, mandatory if the extras requirements are defined in a setup.cfg file and this is located in another directory than the current one.
  • -pyproject-toml=PATH (str): Path to your pyproject.toml file, mandatory if the extras requirements are defined in a pyproject.toml file and this is located in another directory than the current one.


Check that a set of lines are included in a file. The file path must be passed in the files argument and only one can match against the regex.

The positional arguments must be the lines to check for inclusion in the file, without newlines characters. Empty lines and lines composed by newlines characters will be ignored.


Check that the nameservers of a domain ends with a string or raise an error. You can use it to check if a site like Clouflare is managing a domain using


  • -domain=DOMAIN (str): Domain name whose nameservers will be checked.
  • -nameserver=NAMESERVER (str): String to end the domain name servers in.


Check that Cloudflare is handling the nameservers of a domain.


  • -domain=DOMAIN (str): Domain name whose nameservers will be checked.


Check that the DNS records of a Cloudflare site are configured to serve a static website under Github Pages.

You must define the environment variable CF_API_KEY with your Cloudflare API key.

The required DNS records to make it pass are:

Type Name Content
A {domain}
A {domain}
A {domain}
A {domain}
CNAME www {username}


  • -domain=DOMAIN: Domain managed by Cloudflare whose DNS records will be checked.
  • -username=USER: Github username or organization under the Github Pages site is being served.

Environment variables


Check if your repository has an .editorconfig file and if this has a root directive defined as true before section headers.


Check if your WAVE files have the correct number of channels, frame rate, durations...

You need to install


  • -nchannels=N (int): Number of channels that your sounds must have.
  • -sample-width=N (int): Number of bytes that your sounds must have.
  • -frame-rate=N (int): Sampling frequency that your sounds must have.
  • -nframes=N (int): Exact number of frames that your sounds must have.
  • -comptype=TYPE (str): Compression type that your sounds must have.
  • -compname=NAME (int): Compression that your sounds must have.
  • -min-duration=TIME (float): Minimum duration in seconds that your sounds must have.
  • -max-duration=TIME (float): Maximum duration in seconds that your sounds must have.

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