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Releases: mong01/Death-Korps-of-Krieg-HB

Death Korps of Krieg HB v1.0.3

12 Feb 16:55
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Death Korps of Krieg HB
Sorry for the late release, I forgot about it.
Increased price of salamander scout tank from 75 points to 85 points.
Increased price of salamander command vehicle from 80 points to 90 points.

Death Korps of Krieg HB v1.0.2

01 Feb 15:19
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Death Korps of Krieg HB
Increased price of praetor from 280 to 290.
Decreased price of gorgon from 340 to 330.
Grenadiers can no longer move if the transport advances.
Increased price of centaur carrier from 45 points to 50.
Still fiddling with the prices of huge transports because there's nothing to compare them to in a regular codex, only in the compendium and the balancing for that is dated.

Death Korps of Krieg HB v1.0.1

27 Jan 13:18
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Death Korps of Krieg HB
Sorry, looks like the first version I uploaded was an out of date one that wasn't finished. This one is right.

Fixed death rider leadership.
Added list of orders from regular catalogue.

Death Korps of Krieg HB v1.0

26 Jan 11:59
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It took a couple of weeks to make but here it is.
Death Korps of Krieg HB
This isn't proper or anything, it's some notes I made while working on the homebrew to keep track of my thoughts, not actual patch notes. I probably repeated myself a few times.
Also thanks to email guy for a couple of ideas on what to name things or how to make them.

I'm going to state that I am not including any of the stuff the regular devs are working on with crusade on my homebrew. I know literally nothing about crusade and how it works and I've never put it into consideration when making anything in my homebrew, aside from copying and pasting stuff from other units with crusade rules described. Doing it retroactively would be such a fucking frustrating disaster.

Basically, these guys are designed to be an elite version of the imperial guard and function almost like a heavily expanded army of renown. They're generally stronger or better equipped than their equivalent units from the regular codex but they cost more. Weapon options are unfucked, like infantry squads can take vox casters and medi-packs on a model regardless of weapon choice, and shifted around quite a bit (although I've trimmed some of the excess options from 8th edition which a lot of the options are based off, like double pistols) and most of the units except vehicles and non-DK specific units get the wound rolls of 1-2 fail ability.
Overall, compared to the original codex, there's a heavier focus on artillery and other vehicles but also more transports for infantry.
You could also say that this homebrew combines an update of the forge world units and death korps into one. Not everything FW model was added though. In retrospect, that's definitely what this. I did mostly everything, although it helps that krieg use a lot of FW model fluff-wise.
Obviously there's no book of rules for this so I added a written specification that you can't take put more than 1 upgrade on a single model. I did this instead of having models equipped with the item in question be a selectable option in order to simplify list building, it was getting very cluttered.
They also get a strong unique regimental doctrine, I didn't want to just copy a couple of doctrines from the regular codex because A: the ideal ones to encourage a fluffy but playable list for DK aren't very impactful or useful and B: it seemed too low-effort to just do that. What they get is +1 to combat attrition tests as a compromise between "ignore modifiers" and "automatically pass" and indirect fire weapons don't suffer penalties to their hit rolls. I doubt the indirect rule will stay the same forever so now we wait for that.

I'm not sure how I feel about free upgrades galore for guard but I want to keep it internally balanced too so everything you'd expect to have free upgrades has them. Only specific things cost points (platoon standards, medi-packs, etc.)
Grenadiers are just the death korps specific version of the elite guardsmen the regular book has, kasrkin and scions. I've kept their restricted heavy weapons team but given them more extra special weapon guys with 10 models, to match the other units. Their special ability is they get to move, shoot, charge etc after disembarking from a transport and they also get WS3.
Importantly, I've kept them as troops options though. Having them be elites wouldn't make them play the way I want them to be, which is as elite objective takers jumping ahead on transports to nab stuff. No objective secured = not good and giving them an ability to count as objective secured seems pointless.
One thing I'm really excited about is the arks of omen detachments having lords of war slots. I've added some FW units as death korps stuff and I've hopefully made some of them very tempting to use.
Heavy weapon teams for the regular infantry get the death korps options, heavy flamers and twin heavy stubbers.
No fluff on warlord traits or relics like I did fluff for my daemon prince stuff, I don't want to set a precedent and then do fluff for every single thing that has a description. It'd probably be shitty anyway because I don't know enough about death korps lore. No fucking shovel memes though.
Three warlord traits, three relics. The relics have been worked into the regular options so they aren't as obvious as the warlord traits which have their own section. This will be a bitch to update when a new codex comes but I've got a couple of years I think.
One relic is marshal exclusive, one is for tank commanders and another is a hot-shot laspistol that works with battlefield bequest. Units that aren't death korps can't take the death korps warlord traits or relics but this just applies to enginseers and preachers.

The death korps field officer was rolled into the command squad as I felt it was a bit redundant with how the new codex is.
Karis venner is the death korps creed. A bit of a clone actually but he's good.
Death riders use the same hunting lance profile as the attilan rough riders.
Their augmented mount ability is now a -1 to damage as there are a few ways to get FNP buffs.
Some of the regular codex units are kept and I've added the rogal dorn and field ordnance battery units. It doesn't make sense to exclude them.

I've included a FAQ for rules I wanted to clarify because I didn't want to clutter up the catalogue with exceptions and shit.
Melta bombs, which are a stratagem for space marines, are an additional weapon for engineers. No need for a single stratagem for one unit for one optional item.
Engineers replace deep strike with a unique action that gives them cover for the rest of the battle once performed.
Artillery tractor for centaur mostly kept the same, I like how it works.

Due to an error in the astra militarum catalogue, certain multi-model units like the quartermaster cadre or command squads can't equip weapon-specific relics. This is shared with units in the original catalogue.
Heavy stubbers for grenadiers were replaced with a "storm stubber" which is the same weapon but with 6 shots. The regular version is a bit weak compared to all the other choices and was straight inferior to the hot-shot volley gun for other equivalent units.
Death rider command squadrons can't take any attaches or bodyguards. It just doesn't make sense in any way.
Death rider commander was also rolled into the squadron.
Finally, onto things other than infantry.

The armageddon pattern medusa was changed to just medusa. There's not much point in having different rules for these units.
Some vehicles with multiple models were changed to a single model, bringing them in-line with the regular codex.
Mars-alpha leman russ has had the twin lascannon mixed into it, although there's nothing I can really do to improve it. Conqueror cannon was deleted, I don't see how I could make it different enough to warrant existing compared to the tonne of weapons the tank already has and it looks similar enough to the regular battle cannon anyway. The base ability was replaced with the ability to receive orders from a tank commander from further ranges. I also removed a couple of redundant legends options.
Batteries are a mess of rules in general. I've condensed some of them into a single set of rules with swappable weaponry and others are separate.
The storm chimera is a copy of the regular chimera but it has mandatory track guards, an autocannon and I included a stratagem edit to reduce the cost of ablative plating to 1CP for it.

I realised that everything started to have "death korps" in front of the name and it looks dumb so I renamed near everything except for units that need it or simply sound better with it like grenadiers.
Salamander tanks can be taken in 3s again. They aren't battle tanks which is intentional, I think it should be reserved for models like the macharius tanks, malcadors, whatever.
The hades breaching drill functions almost like a drop pod instead of having all those rules. Otherwise unchanged, I think it's fine just like a few of these units, they just need point changes and fixes.
Yes, trojans and atlases can repair themselves. This is intentional.
The cyclops works basically the same as it used to. I could've just made it do mortal wounds in the same way spore mines work but that's kinda boring. I did add some rules to give it the same exemptions, it can't guard characters, can't control objectives, mostly the same things as spore mines. It's cheap as shit and has free battlefield role slots per engineer to compensate.
The bombard received a firepower buff, it has 2 shell types, one is for vehicles and heavy infantry, the other is for lighter infantry. However, it cannot be fired if the model has moved and it only moves 8" max, so the points cost is reduced compared to the cost if it didn't have these debuffs. Also renamed to the imperial bombard. Thanks to email guy for the idea on shells.

Added the salamander command vehicle as a fast, cheaper tank commander. Makes sense. Changed vraks plate to work too.
I'm on batteries now. Christ, why are there so many and why do they have random differences.
Gave the batteries a little bit of movement, 3" at most. They're meant to use the centaur for big movements, speaking of which, I added a note that you can't tow a unit that's already moved in some way or is within engagement range.
They've kept the ability to take several models, this is their advantage over the regular units.
The malcador was "nerfed" to 17 wounds. I think even GW realised what an advantage this is because shit like the tyrannofex and rogal dorn are 17 wounds. I'm not 100% sure on the size of the malcador but it seems about okay. Obviously, this is to stop the malcador from getting rekt by losing obscuring for a single wound over the other tank.

Gave some tanks exceptions in rules to make them function like rogal ...

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