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(neo)vim plugin that uses fzf for previewing hoogle search results


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fzf-hoogle.vim (works only on Linux and macOS)

(neo)vim plugin that uses fzf for previewing hoogle search results preview image fzf-hoogle.vim


  • vim 8.1 or neovim 0.4
  • fzf
  • hoogle
  • jq - for processing json
  • awk, tee - should be in any Linux distro

Since v1.2 requires hoogle and above to properly restrict number of the items from hoogle search results.

Tested only on Linux.


Using vim-plug

Plug 'junegunn/fzf', {'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all'}

Plug 'monkoose/fzf-hoogle.vim'

Or use any other plugin manager. I bet you know it better than I'm.


:Hoogle or append it with initial search like :Hoogle >>=.

To open fzf window in a new fullscreen tab just append command with exclamation mark :Hoogle!

If you don't know how to properly search with hoogle, then look at the hoogle documentation.

Inside fzf window

enter to start new search with the current query.

alt-s to open default browser with documentation. If it doesn't work (perhaps if you are on macOS), then change g:hoogle_open_link option to open links with the CLI tool.

alt-x to copy type annotation into default register. Paste it just with p.

alt-c to copy import statement into default register.

Esc or ctrl-c to close fzf window.

You can open :Hoogle appended with a word under the cursor with this command. Use a key combination that suitable for you. In my config it is <space>hh:

augroup HoogleMaps
  autocmd FileType haskell nnoremap <buffer> <space>hh :Hoogle <C-r><C-w><CR>
augroup END

Or you can set it as keywordprg and open fzf-hoogle window with K:

augroup HoogleMaps
  autocmd FileType haskell setlocal keywordprg=:Hoogle
augroup END


Variable Description Default
g:loaded_hoogle Any value deactivates the plugin.
g:hoogle_path Path to hoogle executable. 'hoogle'
g:hoogle_fzf_window Change fzf window.1 neovim - {"window": "call hoogle#floatwindow(32, 132)"}. vim - {'down': '50%'}
g:hoogle_fzf_header Change fzf window header. 'enter - restart with the query alt-s - open in a browser alt-x - copy type annotation alt-c - copy import statement'
g:hoogle_fzf_preview Change fzf preview split. 'right:60%:wrap'
g:hoogle_fzf_open_browser Shortcut for opening documentation in a browser. 'alt-s'
g:hoogle_fzf_copy_type Shortcut for copying type annotation. 'alt-x'
g:hoogle_fzf_copy_import Shortcut for copying import statement. 'alt-c'
g:hoogle_count Maximum number of results by hoogle search. 500
g:hoogle_open_link CLI tool to open a link in the default browser. On macOS change it to 'open' 'xdg-open' if it is executable, else ''
g:hoogle_enable_messages Activates/deactivates echoing of the fzf-hoogle messages. 1
g:hoogle_fzf_cache_file Path to the internal fzf-hoogle cache file.2 '{plugin_directory}/hoogle_cache.json'

1 - for neovim you can change floating window size by changing parameters of hoogle#floatwindow(rows, columns)

2 - Required to configure if fzf preview window just shows sed errors.
