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Configuration example

Moriel Schottlender edited this page Dec 26, 2020 · 1 revision

This plugin is fairly flexible and allows admins to use this for censoring bad speech, reminding the users of behavior rules, or congratulating users for good behavior. Admins can create different groups that trigger different behaviors.

The example below sets up three groups:

  • "minor" group for minor curse words that will mute the message and remind the user they should read the rules.
  • "major" group for curse words and bad behavior that proceeds to run commands to ban the user
  • "faq_rules" group that congratulates users for being nice to each other.

Setting up the above would require one main configuration file (config.yml) and 3 sub-config files (words_minor.yml, words_major.yml and words_faq_rules.yml)

Config files for the example

Here are the configuration files that would work with this example:

Main config config.yml

defaultmessage: Bad word intercepted (%word%). Please don't do that!
- minor
- major
- faq_rules

Minor group config words_minor.yml

message: This message was not sent because it goes against our rules about age talk
  on this server. Please refer to the rules of the server on Discord.
preventsend: true
- tell
- how old are you
- your age
- my age

Major group config words_major.yml

message: We don't allow this word (%word%) on this server. Your message was not sent.
preventsend: true
- tell
- badword
- worseword
- 'ban %player% Automatic ban: Use of forbidden word (%word%).'

faq_rules group config words_faq_rules.yml

message: "[INFO] You can see the rules of this server at"
preventsend: false
broadcast: true
- "!rules"

Note that the minor and major groups will not allow the message to be sent (they both have preventsend: true) while the faq_rules group not only allows for the message to be sent, but also sends the the preset message to the entire chat in a broadcast.

Also, please note that the trigger word "!rules" must be surrounded with quotations marks because it starts with an exclamation point, similar to the message, which includes square brackets. Please see YAML specifications for more of these requirements.

Behavior for the example

The config files above would produce the following behaviors:

Player says Anyone sees the player's message? Resulting action
!rules Yes Reply appearing to everyone.
Ooh, how old are you? No Reply appearing on the player's screen.
What a badword you are! No Reply appearing on the player's screen. Player banned.