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Integrated CI dashboard, it connects to Gitlab, Jenkins, Heroku, and JIRA, to provide all info in one place, and the action buttons for CI workflow.


  • Projects
    • each project has the Gitlab, Jenkins, Heroku and JIRA behind, need config for their connections
  • User & Access
    • user could be in multiple projects
    • anonymous has readonly access to non-private project
    • members in the project has operation access to the non-protected items: e.g. feature branch build & test
    • masters in the project has operation access to the protected items: e.g. RC branch bump, build & test
    • masters in the project has operation access to set/unset master in members list on project page
  • Apps
    • all apps and pipelines from Heroku
    • show all app config and version
    • show all related builds and promotions
    • project members could pick an app to deploy the branch build for demo etc, and locked the app from other branch builds
    • the app will be unlocked automatically when the related JIRA issue done (resolved/closed/done/ready for test/deployed...) or the branch deleted (e.g. remove source branch when merge request accepted)
    • when have a RC build, it would automatically arrive next stage by promotion
    • project members could promote app in development stage to staging stage if any app in staging stage not promoted from it yet
    • project masters could promote app in staging stage to production stage if any app in production stage not promoted from it yet
  • Branches
    • all branches from gitlab repository
    • show all outgoing/incoming merges for branch
    • show the app of the branch deployed to
    • project members could build the branch to deploy to app
    • project members could test the branch with local app, or with app of build if branch has build
  • Merge Requests
    • show all merge requests for current working releases with status
    • project masters could approve the merge request if it reviewed (pass code review and build check), then CI will accept the merge request automatically
    • transit the related JIRA issue status to complete/resolve/done and set fix version when merge request accepted
  • Builds
    • show all builds with status
    • the build will automatically rerun when the branch has new commit (except: the RC build is run by demand)
  • Tests
    • show all tests with status
  • Issues
    • show all JIRA issues in current sprint with status
    • show related build, related release, and related merge request for the JIRA issue
  • Releases
    • show all releases (milestones defined in gitlab) with status, due date, last version tag
    • show related JIRA issues, RC branch, RC build for release
    • project masters could bump release: create RC or patch RC
    • when bumped, it auto build release and deploy to specified app in pipeline, also promote to next stage in pipeline. And transit issue status to "Ready for test/Deployed..."
    • auto configure the app config for each release build
    • project masters could publish the release as the RC ready to release
    • when a Release closed, the RC branch and outdated tags will be deleted from gitlab, only keep the last tag


there are some constants defined in code as convention

# Release
BRANCH_PREFIX = 'release/v'
PUBLISH_TAG = 'latest'


various config required for the connections to external systems and internal workflow. all in YAML format.

Code Manager

  • Gitlab CE v8+ config
endpoint: <your-gitlab-api-endpoint>
private_token: <your-gitlab-token>

Build Server

  • Jenkins v2+ config
server_ip: <your-jenkins-server-ip>
server_port: <your-jenkins-server-port>
username: <your-jenkins-user>
password: <your-jenkins-pwd>
ssl: true|false

App Platform

  • Heroku config
oauth_token: <your-heroku-token>

Issue Tracker

  • JIRA config
username: <your-jira-user>
password: <your-jira-pwd>
site: <your-jira-website>
context_path: ''
auth_type: basic


GITLAB_PROJECT: <your-gitlab-project-full-name>
  BUILD: <your-jenkins-job-template-for-build-branch>
  TEST: <your-jenkins-job-template-for-test-branch>
  RC: <your-jenkins-job-for-bump-rc>
  RC_PATCH: <your-jenkins-job-for-bump-rc-patch>
  ACCEPT_MERGE_REQUEST: <your-jenkins-job-for-accepting-merge-request>
HEROKU_PROJECT: <your-heroku-app-prefix-name>
  APPROVAL: <min-number-of-thumbup-to-approve-merge-request>
   <your-app-default-config-key>: <your-app-default-config-value>
  VERSION_API: <your-app-version-api-url, support-string-template-with-config-keys>
   <your-build-default-app-config-key>: <your-build-default-app-config-value, support-eval-instance-self>
   <your-test-default-config-key>: <your-test-default-config-value, support-eval-instance-self>
    APP: <your-rc-build-app-name>
     <your-build-app-config-key>: <your-build-app-config-value, support-eval-instance-self>
JIRA_PROJECT: <your-jira-project-key>
JIRA_BOARD: <your-jira-agile-board-id>
  - <your-jira-issue-status-as-to-do>
  - <your-jira-issue-status-as-in-progress>
  - <your-jira-issue-status-as-done>
  - <your-jira-issue-status-to-transit-when-merge-request-accepted>
  - <your-jira-issue-status-to-transit-when-release-built>


all the long running activities for Gitlab, Jenkins, Heroku, JIRA are enqueued to redis, then performed by sidekiq.

Build Server

kick Jenkins for:

  • run branch build by copying Jenkins job from a specified job, the Jenkins job must set the build displayName as a version: e.g. displayName = '2.22.1'
  • create RC branch with bumped major/minor version, the Jenkins job must set the build displayName as the bumped version
  • patch RC branch as bumping patch version, the Jenkins job must set the build displayName as the bumped version
  • accept merge request

Sync Code Manager

sync from Gitlab:

  • branches
  • merge requests
  • releases (by milestones, tags)

scheduled via set interval for a CodeManager in cron format:

  • every 10 min: */10 * * * *

Sync Issue Tracker

sync from JIRA:

  • issues (by agile board, sprint)

scheduled via set interval for a IssueTracker in cron format:

  • every 10 min: */10 * * * *

Sync App Platform

sync from Heroku:

  • apps
  • pipelines

scheduled via set interval for a AppPlatform in cron format:

  • every 30 min: */30 * * * *


It is a dockerized app, docker-compose with redis and mongo.

external volume for database is required to avoid data loss, that need to be created first:

docker volume create dbstore

OR with volume mounting to local file system on non-windows (mongo has issue with volume mounting to windows file system)

docker volume create dbstore --opt type=none --opt device=<db_path> --opt o=bind

then run with specified publish port for app:

APP_PORT=9080 docker-compose up -d

OR run with default publish port 8000 for app:

docker-compose up -d


it needs a default admin when fresh deployed:

docker exec -e "ADMIN_EMAIL=<email>" -e "ADMIN_PASSWORD=<password>" $(docker-compose ps -q app) ./bin/rails db:seed

or with default value for ADMIN_EMAIL (see docker-compose.yml) and ADMIN_PASSWORD (see db/seeds.rb)

docker-compose exec app ./bin/rails db:seed


Integrated CI dashboard







No releases published


No packages published
