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202 lines (137 loc) · 5.48 KB

File metadata and controls

202 lines (137 loc) · 5.48 KB

GitProject health

CI Moose 11 Coverage Status

This project includes a model, an importer, and some visulization to evaluate the health of a GitLab or GitHub group.


Download a Moose image.

In the Moose image, in a playground (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+W), perform:

Metacello new
  repository: 'github://moosetechnology/GitProjectHealth:main/src';
  baseline: 'GitLabHealth';
  onConflict: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
  onUpgrade: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
  onDowngrade: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];



Group import: GitLab

In a playground (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+W).

glhModel := GLHModel new.

glhApi := GLHApi new
    privateToken: '<Your private token>';

glhImporter := GLHModelImporter new
    glhApi: glhApi;
    glhModel: glhModel.

"137 is the ID of the a Group, you can find the number in the webpage of every project and group"
glhImporter importGroup: 137.

Group import: GitHub

In a playground (Ctrl+O, Ctrl+W).

glhModel := GLHModel new.

githubImporter := GHModelImporter new glhModel: glhModel; privateToken: '<my private token>'; yourself.

githubImporter importGroup: 'moosetechnology'.

More commits extracted

GitLab API only

You might want to gather more commits for a specific repository. To do so in GitLab, we added the following API

myProject := ((glhModel allWithType: GLHProject) select: [ :project | project name = '<my projectName>' ]) anyOne.

glhImporter importCommitsOf: myProject withStats: true until: '2023-01-01' asDate.


To visualize the group "health"

dritGroup := (glhModel allWithType: GLHGroup) detect: [ :group | group id = 137 ].
canvas := (GLHGroupVisualization new forGroup: dritGroup).
canvas open.


To export the visualization as a svg image

dritGroup := (glhModel allWithType: GLHGroup) detect: [ :group | group id = 137 ].
canvas := (GLHGroupVisualization new forGroup: dritGroup).
canvas open.

canvas svgExporter
  fileName: 'drit-group-health';


Here is the metamodel used in this project

GitProject meta-model png


This work has been first developed by the research department of Berger-Levrault

Running metrics with docker

running locally

|glphModel glphApi glhImporter beforeExp duringExp usersWithProjects gme|

"This example set up and run a GitProjectHealth metrics over two period of time of a given set of users and their projects.
It ouputs a csv files containing : churn code, commits frequencies, code addition and deletion, comments added (e.g. // # /**/ ), avg delay before first churn and merge request duration.

"load githealth project into your image"
Metacello new
  repository: 'github://moosetechnology/GitProjectHealth:GLPH-importer-new-changes/src';
  baseline: 'GitLabHealth';
  onConflict: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
  onUpgrade: [ :ex | ex useIncoming ];
  onDowngrade: [ :ex | ex useLoaded ];

"set up a log at your root"
TinyLogger default
    addFileLoggerNamed: 'pharo-code-churn.log'.

"new model instance"
glphModel := GLPHEModel new.

"new API class instance"
glphApi := GLPHApi new
    privateToken: '<YOUR_TOKEN_KEY>';

"new importer instance"
glhImporter := GLPHModelImporter new
    glhApi: glphApi;
    glhModel: glphModel;
        withFiles: false;
        withCommitDiffs: true.

"setting up the period to compare (e.g. before a experience and during an experience)"
beforeExp := {
                                        #since -> ('1 march 2023' asDate).
                                        #until -> ('24 may 2023' asDate).
                                        } asDictionary .
duringExp := {
                                        #since -> ('1 march 2024' asDate).
                                        #until -> ('24 may 2024' asDate).
                                        } asDictionary .

usersWithProjects := {
"  'dev nameA' -> {  projectID1 . projectID2 }."
"  'dev nameB' -> {  projectID3 . projectID2 }."
'John Do' -> { 14 . 543 . 2455 }.
 } asDictionary.

gme := GitMetricExporter new glhImporter: glhImporter;
            initEntitiesFromUserProjects: usersWithProjects;
            beforeDic: beforeExp; duringDic: duringExp; label: 'GitLabHealth'.

"select among the following calendar class (at least one) "
gme exportOver: { Date . Week . Month . Year .}.

"the output files are located at 'FileLocator home/*.csv' "
Smalltalk snapshot: true andQuit: true.

deploying with docker

git clone
cd GitProjectHealth
git checkout GLPH-importer-new-changes

sudo docker build -t code-churn-pharo .
sudo docker run  code-churn-pharo &

locate and retrieve csv output files:

sudo docker ps
sudo docker exec -it <container-id> find / -type f -name 'IA4Code*.csv' 2>/dev/null