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Michal Bozon committed Jan 19, 2012
0 parents commit c507276
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Showing 32 changed files with 13,676 additions and 0 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions about.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@

$config = config();

$smarty = smarty_init();

$smarty->assign("profiles", $profiles);
$smarty->assign('template', 'about.tpl');
$smarty->assign('selected', 'about');
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions common.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
// Smarty

function smarty_init() {
$smarty = new Smarty();
$smarty->template_dir = '/home/xrosecky/www/templates/';
$smarty->config_dir = '/home/xrosecky/www/configs/';
$smarty->compile_dir = '/tmp/smarty/templates_c/';
$smarty->cache_dir = '/tmp/smarty/cache/';
return $smarty;

function get_files_in_directory($dir, $extension) {
$result = array();
if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && (substr($file, -strlen($extension)) == $extension)) {
$result[] = $file;
return $result;

function check_path($dir, $name) {
$path = realpath($dir . "/" . $file);
return (strpos($path, $dir) === 0);

334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions compare.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@

$config = config();

function exec_help($desc, $cmd) {
global $config;
$md5 = md5($desc);
$output_file = $config['output'] . $md5 . ".xml";
if (file_exists($output_file)) {
return file_get_contents($output_file);
} else {
$result_array = array();
exec($cmd, $result_array);
$result = "";
foreach($result_array as $line) {
$result .= $line . "\n";
$fh = fopen($output_file, 'cw');
fwrite($fh, $result);
return $result;

function jp2_properties($file) {
$cmd = "/usr/bin/kdu_expand -record -quiet /dev/stdout -i '$file'";
$output = exec_help("kdu_expand -record '$file'", $cmd);
$result = array();
foreach(split("\n", $output) as $line) {
list ($key, $value) = split("=", $line);
if ($value) {
$result[$key] = $value;
return $result;

function jp2_profile($file, $profile) {
$result = jp2_properties($file);
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents($profile));
$valid = true;
$result_xml = simplexml_load_string("<profile></profile>");
foreach($xml->{'metadata'} as $entry) {
$key = (string) $entry->attributes()->{"key"};
$value = $entry;
$valid = ($result[$key] == $value);
$element = $result_xml->addChild("metadata", $img_jhove->{"repInfo"}->{"format"});
$element->addAttribute("key", $key);
$element->addAttribute("expected", $value);
$element->addAttribute("value", (string) $result[$key]);
$element->addAttribute("valid", $valid);
$name = (string) $xml->{'name'};
// $result[$name] = $valid;
return $result_xml;

function resize($in, $out) {
if (!file_exists($out)) {
exec("convert -resize 350x '$in' '$out'");

function resize_bigger($in, $out) {
if (!file_exists($out)) {
exec("convert -resize 500x '$in' '$out'");

function compare($file1, $file2) {
global $config;
$file1 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $file1);
if ($file2 != "null") {
$file2 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $file2);
$image1 = tempnam($config['tmp_dir'], "") . ".ppm";
$image2 = tempnam($config['tmp_dir'], "") . ".ppm";
$diff = tempnam($config['tmp_dir'], "") . ".ppm";
$compare_bin = $config['compare_bin'];
$cmd = "$compare_bin -1 '$image1' -2 '$image2' '$file1' '$file2' '$diff'";
$result = exec_help("compare '$file1' '$file2'", $cmd);
if ($result == "") {
return false;
$xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
$img1 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . ".png");
$img2 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . ".png");
$img_diff = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . "_" . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . ".png");
$img1_big = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . "_big.png");
$img2_big = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . "_big.png");
$img_diff_big = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . "_" . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . "_big.png");
if (!file_exists($img1)) {
resize($image1, $img1);
resize_bigger($image1, $img1_big);
if (!file_exists($img2)) {
resize($image2, $img2);
resize_bigger($image2, $img2_big);
if (!file_exists($img_diff)) {
resize($diff, $img_diff);
resize_bigger($diff, $img_diff_big);
//jhove($xml->{"image1"}, $file1);
//jhove($xml->{"image2"}, $file2);
return $xml;

function jhove($file) {
$file = escapeshellcmd($file);
$img_jhove = simplexml_load_string(exec_help("jhove '$file'", "/opt/jdk1.6.0_20/bin/java -jar /home/xrosecky/jhove/bin/JhoveApp.jar -h xml '$file' -c /home/xrosecky/jhove/conf/jhove.conf"));
$xml = simplexml_load_string("<jhove></jhove>");
$xml->addChild("format", $img_jhove->{"repInfo"}->{"format"});
$xml->addChild("status", $img_jhove->{"repInfo"}->{"status"});
return $xml;

function validate($file) {
global $config;
$xml = simplexml_load_string("<validation></validation>");
$img_fits = exec_help("/home/xrosecky/fits/ '$file'", "/home/xrosecky/fits/ -i '$file'");
$img_fits = substr($img_fits, strpos($img_fits, "<?xml version"));
$img_fits = simplexml_load_string(str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $img_fits));
$img_fits->registerXPathNamespace('fits', '');
// Identification
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "Identification");
$format = $img_fits->xpath("//identification/identity[last()]/@format");
if (strpos($format[0], "Usage") !== false) {
$format = $img_fits->xpath("//identification/identity/@format");
$node->addChild("format", $format[0])->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
// Validation
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "Validation");
$formed = $img_fits->xpath("//filestatus/well-formed/text()");
$valid = $img_fits->xpath("//filestatus/valid/text()");
$status_str = ($formed[0] == "true")?"Well formed":"Bad formed";
$status_str .= ($valid[0] == "true")?" and valid":" and invalid";
$node->addChild("status", $status_str)->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
// Characterization
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "Characterization");
$width = $img_fits->xpath("//metadata/image/imageWidth");
$height = $img_fits->xpath("//metadata/image/imageHeight");
$node->addChild("width", (string) $width[0])->addAttribute("tool", "Jhove");
$node->addChild("width", (string) $width[0])->addAttribute("tool", "exif");
$node->addChild("height", (string) $height[0])->addAttribute("tool", "Jhove");
$node->addChild("height", (string) $height[0])->addAttribute("tool", "exif");
foreach($config["extract"] as $key) {
$values = $img_fits->xpath("//metadata/image/$key");
if ($values) {
foreach($values as $value) {
$new_node = $node->addChild($key, (string) $value);
$new_node->addAttribute("tool", $value->attributes()->{'toolname'});
$new_node->addAttribute("status", $value->attributes()->{'status'});
if ($format == "JP2 EXIF" || $format == "JPEG 2000 JP2" || $format == "JPEG 2000") {
$result = jp2_properties($file);
foreach($result as $key => $value) {
$node->addChild($key, (string) $value)->addAttribute("tool", "kdu_expand");
$result = jp2_properties($file);
foreach($result as $key => $value) {
$node->addChild($key, (string) $value)->addAttribute("tool", "kdu");
if ($format[0] == "DJVU" || $format[0] == "DJVU (multi-page)") {
$djvu_dump = exec_help("djvudump '$file'", "djvudump '$file'");
$node = $xml->addChild("djvu_dump", htmlentities($djvu_dump));
return $xml;

function validate($file) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string("<validation></validation>");
// Jhove
$img_jhove = exec_help("jhove '$file'", "/opt/jdk1.6.0_20/bin/java -jar /home/xrosecky/jhove/bin/JhoveApp.jar -h xml '$file' -c /home/xrosecky/jhove/conf/jhove.conf");
$img_jhove = simplexml_load_string(str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $img_jhove));
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "identification");
$format = $img_jhove->{"repInfo"}->{"format"};
$node->addChild("format", $format)->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
$width = 0;
$height = 0;
if ($format == "JPEG 2000") {
$width = current($img_jhove->xpath("//property[name='XSize']/values/value/text()"));
$height = current($img_jhove->xpath("//property[name='YSize']/values/value/text()"));
} else if ($format == "JPEG") {
$img_jhove->registerXPathNamespace('mix', '');
$width = (string) current($img_jhove->xpath("//mix:SpatialMetrics/mix:ImageWidth/text()"));
$height = (string) current($img_jhove->xpath("//mix:SpatialMetrics/mix:ImageLength/text()"));
// Validation
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "validation");
$node->addChild("status", $img_jhove->{"repInfo"}->{"status"})->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
// Characterization
$node = $xml->addChild("result");
$node->addAttribute("type", "Characterization");
$node->addChild("width", (string) $width)->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
$node->addChild("height", (string) $height)->addAttribute("tool", "jhove");
$node->addChild("width", (string) $width)->addAttribute("tool", "exif");
$node->addChild("height", (string) $height)->addAttribute("tool", "exif");
$result = jp2_properties($file);
foreach($result as $key => $value) {
$node->addChild($key, (string) $value)->addAttribute("tool", "kdu");
return $xml;

$files = $_GET['file'];
$op = $_GET['op'];
$action = $_GET['action'];
if ((count($files) == 2 || count($files) == 1) && ($action == "compare" || $action == "execute")) {
if (count($files) == 2) {
$xml = compare($files[0], $files[1]);
} else {
$xml = compare($files[0], "null");
$smarty = smarty_init();
if ($xml == false || $xml->{"error"}) {
$smarty->assign("error", ($xml == false)?"Error processing image":$xml->{"error"});
$smarty->assign('template', 'error.tpl');
$smarty->assign('selected', 'compare');
$images = array();
$count = 0;
foreach((count($files)==2)?array("image1", "image2"):array("image1") as $image) {
$data = array();
$data["thumbnail"] = "images/" . $xml->{$image}->{"checksum"} . ".png";
$data["big"] = "images/" . $xml->{$image}->{"checksum"} . "_big.png";
$data["hash"] = $xml->{$image}->{"checksum"};
$data["height"] = $xml->{$image}->{"height"};
$data["width"] = $xml->{$image}->{"width"};
$data["format"] = $xml->{$image}->{"format"};
$data["name"] = $files[$count];
$images[] = $data;
$smarty->assign("images", $images);
$smarty->assign("compare", (count($files)==2)?true:false);
$diff = array();
$psnr = array();
$psnr["avg"] = $xml->{"psnr"}->attributes()->{"avg"};
$psnr["r"] = $xml->{"psnr"}->attributes()->{"r"};
$psnr["g"] = $xml->{"psnr"}->attributes()->{"g"};
$psnr["b"] = $xml->{"psnr"}->attributes()->{"b"};
$diff["psnr"] = $psnr;
$diff["thumbnail"] = "images/" . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . "_" . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . ".png";
$diff["big"] = "images/" . $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"} . "_" . $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"} . "_big.png";
if (((string) $xml->{"image1"}->{"checksum"}) == ((string) $xml->{"image2"}->{"checksum"})) {
$diff["equal"] = "yes";
} else {
$diff["equal"] = "no";
$histogram = array();
foreach(array("histogram", "histogram1", "histogram2") as $hist) {
foreach (array("r", "g", "b") as $col) {
$result = array();
foreach($xml->{$hist}->{"rgb"} as $rgb) {
$level = (string) $rgb->attributes()->{"level"};
$pixs = (string) $rgb->attributes()->{$col};
$result[$level] = $pixs;
$histogram[$col] = $result;
$diff[$hist] = $histogram;
$smarty->assign("diff", $diff);
foreach(array("", "1", "2") as $cvs_id) {
$cvs_export = array();
foreach($xml->{"histogram" . $cvs_id }->{"rgb"} as $rgb) {
$add = array();
$add['r'] = $rgb->attributes()->{"r"};
$add['g'] = $rgb->attributes()->{"g"};
$add['b'] = $rgb->attributes()->{"b"};
$cvs_export[] = $add;
$smarty->assign("cvs_export" . $cvs_id, $cvs_export);
$profiles = array();
foreach (get_files_in_directory($config["profiles"], "xml") as $profile_file) {
$profiles[] = $profile_file;
$smarty->assign("cputime", (string) $xml->{"cputime"});
$smarty->assign("profiles", $profiles);
$smarty->assign('template', 'result.tpl');
$smarty->assign('selected', 'compare');
// $smarty->display('result.tpl');
} else if ($op == "jhove" && count($files) == 1) {
$file1 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $files[0]);
header("content-type: text/xml");
$result = jhove($file1);
//header("content-type: text/xml");
print $result->asXML();
} else if ($op == "validate" && count($files) == 1) {
$file1 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $files[0]);
header("content-type: text/xml");
$result = validate($file1);
print $result->asXML();
} else if ($op == "jp2_profile" && count($files) == 1) {
$file1 = escapeshellcmd($config['destination'] . $files[0]);
$profile = $config['profiles'] . $_GET["profile"];
header("content-type: text/xml");
$result = jp2_profile($file1, $profile);
header("content-type: text/xml");
print $result->asXML();
} else {
print "failed<BR>";

header("content-type: text/xml");
print $xml->asXML();



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