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Importing scattensor code
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mormatti committed Jan 22, 2024
1 parent d03ba3c commit 84f0427
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Showing 11 changed files with 839 additions and 12 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions prova.jl
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@@ -1 +1,2 @@
using Revise
using Scattensor
11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions src/Scattensor.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ module Scattensor

# Write your package code here.


export myfunc1, myfunc2

293 changes: 293 additions & 0 deletions src/bloch.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
using Scattensor
using LinearAlgebra
using Plots
using Optim

Returns the complete dispersion relation of a quantum system.
- `𝐇` is the Hamiltonian of the system;
- `𝐓` is the translation operator of the system.
- `k` is the `Vector` of momenta associated to the eigenstates;
- `ℰ` is the `Vector` of energies associated to the eigenstates;
- `𝛙` is the `Vector` of eigenvectors (`Vector`s) associated to the eigenstates.
- `𝐇` must be Hermitian, i.e. 𝐇 = 𝐇†;
- `𝐇` must be translationally invariant, i.e. [𝐇,𝐓] = 0.
function blochStates(
)::Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Vector{ComplexF64}}}

@debug "Computing the bloch states from exact diagonalization..."

dim = size(𝐇)[1] # The dimension of the Hilbert space

# We compute the groundstate energy E₀ and the matrix product 𝐇𝐓,
# where 𝐇 is shifted by E0 - 1
E₀ = eigen(𝐇, permute=true).values[1]
𝐇′𝐓 = (𝐇 - E₀ * I + I) * 𝐓

# We compute all the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of HT
(𝜆, 𝛙) = eigen(𝐇′𝐓)
Nᵥ = length(𝜆) # The number of eigenvalues

# Extract the phases and moduli from the eigenvalues 𝜆
(k, ℰ) = (zeros(Nᵥ), zeros(Nᵥ))
for i in eachindex(𝜆)
(k[i], ℰ[i]) = (angle(𝜆[i]), abs(𝜆[i]) + E₀ - 1)

𝛙 = [𝛙[:,i] for i in 1:dim]

return k, ℰ, 𝛙

Plots the dispersion relation of the system.
- `k` is the `Vector` of momenta of the eigenstates;
- `ℰ` is the list of energies of the eigenstates;
- `filename` is the name of the file (with extension) where the plot will be saved;
- `aspectRatio` is the ratio between the width and the height of the plot (default 1:1).
function plotDispersionRelation(
filename::String = "plot.png",
aspectRatio::Float64 = 1.0)

@debug "Plotting the dispersion relation..."

# Plotting the dispersion relation
plot(k, ℰ, seriestype=:scatter, markersize=4, legend=false, xlabel="k", ylabel="")
plot!(size=(170,170 * aspectRatio), dpi=300) # Setting the size of the plot
savefig(filename) # Saving the plot in a file

Finds the bloch states of the first band.
- `k` is the `Vector` of momenta of the eigenstates;
- `ℰ` is the list of energies of the eigenstates;
- `𝛙` is the `Matrix` of eigenvectors of the eigenstates.
- The groundstate must be non-degenerate.
function firstBandStates(
)::Tuple{Vector{Float64}, Vector{Float64}, Vector{Vector{ComplexF64}}}

@debug "Computing the first band states..."

# Constructing the vector of tuples (k, ℰ, 𝛙)
𝓣 = [(k[i], ℰ[i], 𝛙[i]) for i in eachindex(k)]

# Selecting the groundstate and deleting it
j = argmin([t[2] for t in 𝓣]) # the groundstate index for 𝓣
deleteat!(𝓣, j) # Deleting the element of states at that index

# Selecting the first band states
# The list of the tuple states of the first band
𝓣′ = []
while length(𝓣) > 0
# The index and momentum of the state with the minimum energy
j′ = argmin([t[2] for t in 𝓣])
k′ = 𝓣[j′][1]
# Filling 𝓣′ with the state with the minimum energy
push!(𝓣′, 𝓣[j′])
# deleting all the elements with same (similar) momentum
𝓣 = [t for t in 𝓣 if abs(k′ - t[1]) > π/L]
# we repeat the process until 𝓣 is empty

# Transforming the a vector of tuples 𝓣′ into a tuple of vectors 𝓑′
# the vector of momenta of the first band
k = [t[1] for t in 𝓣′]
# the vector of energies of the first band
= [t[2] for t in 𝓣′]
# the matrix of eigenvectors of the first band
𝛙 = [t[3] for t in 𝓣′]

# Returning the tuple of bloch states of the first band
return k, ℰ, 𝛙

""" Plots the energy density profile of the state `𝛙`.
- `𝛙` is a generic qualtum state;
- `𝐡₁` is the local Hamiltonian of the first site;
- `𝐓` is the translation operator of the system;
- `L` is the number of sites of the chain.
Optional inputs:
- `ℰ₀` is the groundstate energy of the system (default 0.0).
- The `Vector{Real}` of the energy density profile of the state `𝛙`.
function energyDensityArray(
ℰ₀::Float64 = 0.0,

@debug "Computing the energy density profile..."

# We initialize the array
arr::Vector{Float64} = [real(𝛙' * 𝐡₁ * 𝛙 - ℰ₀/L)]

# The loop to compute all the others energies
for _ in 2:L
𝛙 = 𝐓' * 𝛙
push!(arr, real(𝛙' * 𝐡₁ * 𝛙 - ℰ₀/L))

return arr

Computes the maximally localized from a generic set of states.
- `𝛙` is the set of states (a `Vector` of `Vector`s);
- `𝐓` is the translation operator of the system;
- `𝐡` is the local Hamiltonian of the first site;
- `jᶜ` is the localization position of the maximally localized state;
- `ℰ₀` is the groundstate energy of the system;
- `L` is the number of sites of the chain.
- The maximally localized state.
function find_wannier(

@debug "Computing the localized Wannier state..."

# We define the number of states
N = length(𝛙)

# For each vector in 𝛙 we compute the translated vector by 1 unit
𝚿 = [deepcopy(𝛙)]
𝛙′ = deepcopy(𝛙)
for _ in 1:(L-1)
𝛙′ = [𝐓' * 𝜓 for 𝜓 in 𝛙′]
push!(𝚿, deepcopy(𝛙′))

# For each state in 𝚿 we compute the multiplied by the local Hamiltonian
𝐡𝚿 = [deepcopy([𝐡₁ * 𝜙 for 𝜙 in 𝛟]) for 𝛟 in 𝚿]

# Computing the overlap matrix Λ between States and StatesH
Λ = [𝚿[j][α]' * 𝐡𝚿[j][β] for α in 1:N, β in 1:N, j in 1:L]

# We define the distance function
Id(j,j′) = 1
χ(j,j′) = ((Int64(j - j′ - (L-1)/2) Int64(L)) - (L-1)/2 - 1)
χ²(j,j′) = χ(j,j′)^2

# We define the function A₀, A₁ and A₂
function A(f::Function, θ::Vector{Float64}, j′::Int64)::ComplexF64
S1 = sum(exp(im * (θ[β] - θ[α])) * Λ[α,β,j] * f(j,j′) for j in 1:L, α in 1:N, β in 1:N)
S2 = sum(ℰ₀ * f(j,j′) for j in 1:L)
return (S1 - S2) / L

# We define auxiliary functions
A₀(θ, j′) = A(Id, θ, j′)
A₁(θ, j′) = A(χ, θ, j′)
A₂(θ, j′) = A(χ², θ, j′)

# We define the functional to minimize
function 𝑓::Vector{Float64}, j′::Int64)::Float64
return real((A₂(θ, j′) / A₀(θ, j′)) - (A₁(θ, j′) / A₀(θ, j′))^2)

# We define the restricted functional, defined putting the last θ argument to 0
function 𝑓ᵣ(θr::Vector{Float64})::Float64
θ = deepcopy(θr)
push!(θ, 0.0)
return 𝑓(θ, jᶜ)

# We minimize the functional
result = optimize(𝑓ᵣ, ones(N-1), NelderMead())
θ = result.minimizer
push!(θ, 0.0)

println("The minimum is: ", 𝑓(θ, jᶜ))

# We compute the maximally localized state
𝓌 = 1/√L * sum(exp(im * θ[j]) * 𝛙[j] for j in 1:N)

# We compute the maximally localized state
return 𝓌

# function find_localized(
# 𝛙::Vector{Vector{ComplexF64}},
# 𝐓::Matrix{ComplexF64},
# 𝐡₁::Matrix{ComplexF64},
# jᶜ::Int64,
# L::Int64
# )::Vector{ComplexF64}

# @debug "Computing the localized Wannier state..."

# # We define the number of states
# N = length(𝛙)

# # For each vector in 𝛙 we compute the translated vector by 1 unit
# 𝚿 = [deepcopy(𝛙)]
# 𝛙′ = deepcopy(𝛙)
# for _ in 1:(L-1)
# 𝛙′ = [𝐓 * 𝜓 for 𝜓 in 𝛙′]
# push!(𝚿, deepcopy(𝛙′))
# end

# # For each state in 𝚿 we compute the multiplied by the local Hamiltonian
# 𝐡𝚿 = [deepcopy([𝐡₁ * 𝜙 for 𝜙 in 𝛟]) for 𝛟 in 𝚿]

# # We define the distance function
# χ(j) = ((Int64(j - jᶜ - (L-1)/2) ↻ Int64(L)) - (L-1)/2 - 1)
# χ²(j) = χ(j)^2

# # Computing the overlap matrix Λ between States and StatesH
# Λ = [sum(χ(j)^2 * 𝚿[j][α]' * 𝐡𝚿[j][β] for j in 1:L) for α in 1:N, β in 1:N]

# # We select the first (the smallest) eigenvector z of Λ
# eig = eigen(Λ)
# z = eig.vectors[:,1]

# # We compute the maximally localized state
# lf = sum(z[α] * 𝛙[α] for α in 1:N)
# lf = lf / norm(lf)

# # We compute the maximally localized state
# return lf
# end

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