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OpenGexImporter: documented OpenDDL parser usage.
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mosra committed Mar 24, 2015
1 parent aaddbd6 commit 0dacf34
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 3 deletions.
197 changes: 194 additions & 3 deletions src/MagnumPlugins/OpenGexImporter/OpenDdl/Document.h
Expand Up @@ -68,9 +68,200 @@ namespace Validation {
@brief OpenDDL document
@attention All @ref Structure and @ref Property instances are just references
to internal data of originating document, thus you must ensure that the
document is available for whole lifetime of these instances.
Parser for the [OpenDDL]( file format.
The parser loads the file into an in-memory structure, which is just a set of
flat arrays. When traversing the parsed document, all @ref Structure and
@ref Property objects are just tiny wrappers around references to the internal
data of the originating document, thus you must ensure that the document is
available for whole lifetime of these instances. On the other hand this allows
you to copy and store these instances without worrying about performance.
## Usage
To avoid needless allocations and string comparisons when using the parsed
document, all structure and property names are represented as integer IDs. To
parse a file, you first need to build a list of string names with their
corresponding IDs for both structure and property names. The following example
is a subset of the [OpenGEX]( file format:
namespace OpenGex {
enum: Int {
const std::initializer_list<OpenDdl::CharacterLiteral> structures{
enum: Int {
const std::initializer_list<OpenDdl::CharacterLiteral> properties{
Each enum value has corresponding string representation and the string
identifiers are then passed to @ref parse():
OpenDdl::Document d;
bool parsed = d.parse(data, OpenGex::structureIdentifiers, OpenGex::propertyIdentifiers);
If the file contains structures or properties which are not included in the
identifer lists, these are parsed with @ref UnknownIdentifier ID. If the
document has syntax errors, the function returns `false` and prints detailed
diagnostics on @ref Corrade::Utility::Error output. After parsing you can
traverse the document using IDs from the enums:
for(OpenDdl::Structure geometryObject: d.childrenOf(OpenGex::GeometryObject) {
// Decide about primitive
if(std::optional<OpenDdl::Property> primitive = geometryObject.findPropertyOf(OpenGex::primitive)) {
if(!primitive->isTypeCompatibleWith(OpenDdl::Type::String)) {
// error ...
std::string str = primitive->as<std::string>();
if(str == "triangles") {
// ...
} else if(str == "lines") {
// ...
} // ...
} else {
// ...
// Parse vertex array
if(std::optional<OpenDdl::Structure> vertexArray = geometryObject.findFirstChildOf(OpenGex::VertexArray)) {
if(!vertexArray->hasChildren() || vertexArray->firstChild().type() != OpenDdl::Type::Float) {
// error ...
Containers::ArrayReference<const Float> vertexArray = vertexArray->firstChild().asArray<Float>();
// ...
} else {
// error ...
As you can see, the error checking can get pretty tiresome after a while.
That's when document validation proves to be useful. The validation is just
rough and checks only proper document hierarchy, allowed structure and property
types, structure count and presence of required properties, but that's often
enough to avoid most of the redundant checks. You define which structures can
appear at document level and then for each structure what properties and which
substructures it can have. Again an (very stripped down) subset of OpenGEX
namespace OpenGex {
using namespace OpenDdl::Validation;
// GeometryObject and Metric can be root structures
const Structures allowedRootStructures{
{GeometryObject, {}},
{Metric, {}}
// Info about particular structures
const std::initializer_list<Structure> structureInfo{
// Metric structure has required key string property and contains exactly
// one float or string primitive substructure with exactly one value
{Metric, Properties{{key, PropertyType::String, RequiredProperty}},
Type::String}, 1, 1},
// GeometryObject structure has optional visible and shadow boolean
// properties and one or more Mesh substructures
{GeometryObject, Properties{{visible, OpenDdl::PropertyType::Bool, OptionalProperty},
{shadow, OpenDdl::PropertyType::Bool, OptionalProperty}},
Structures{{Mesh, {1, 0}}}},
// Mesh structure has optional lod and primitive properties, at least one
// VertexArray substructure and zero or more IndexArray substructures
{Mesh, Properties{{lod, OpenDdl::PropertyType::UnsignedInt, OptionalProperty},
{primitive, OpenDdl::PropertyType::String, OptionalProperty}},
Structures{{VertexArray, {1, 0}},
{IndexArray, {}}}},
// IndexArray structure has exactly one unsigned primitive substructure
// with any number of values
{IndexArray, Primitives{OpenDdl::Type::UnsignedByte,
OpenDdl::Type::UnsignedInt}, 1, 0},
// VertexArray structure has required attrib property and exactly one float
// substructure with any number of values
{VertexArray, Properties{{attrib, OpenDdl::PropertyType::String, RequiredProperty}},
Primitives{OpenDdl::Type::Float}, 1, 0}
You then pass it to @ref validate() and check the return value. As with
@ref parse(), structures with @ref UnknownIdentifier ID are ignored and if the
validation fails, detailed diagnostics is printed on @ref Corrade::Utility::Error
bool valid = d.validate(OpenGex::allowedRootStructures, OpenGex::structureInfo);
If the document is valid, you can access child structures and properties
directly with e.g. @ref Structure::firstChildOf(), @ref Structure::propertyOf() etc.
instead of using @ref Structure::findFirstChildOf(),
@ref Structure::findPropertyOf() etc. and checking return value all the time:
// Decide about primitive
if(std::optional<OpenDdl::Property> primitive = geometryObject.findPropertyOf(OpenGex::primitive)) {
auto&& str = primitive->as<std::string>();
if(str == "triangles") {
// ...
} else if(str == "lines") {
// ...
} // ...
} else {
// ...
// Parse vertex array
OpenDdl::Structure vertexArray = geometryObject.firstChildOf(OpenGex::VertexArray);
auto&& attrib = vertexArray->propertyOf(OpenGex::attrib).as<std::string>();
if(attrib == "position") {
// ...
} else if(attrib == "normal") {
// ...
// Parse vertex array data
Containers::ArrayReference<const Float> data = vertexArray->firstChild().asArray<Float>();
// ...
@requires_gl On OpenGL ES the `double` type is not recognized. Additionally,
due to JavaScript limitations, on @ref MAGNUM_TARGET_WEBGL "WebGL" the
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