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Initial Update #21

merged 8 commits into from
Jul 8, 2018

Initial Update #21

merged 8 commits into from
Jul 8, 2018


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@pyup-bot pyup-bot commented Jul 8, 2018

This PR sets up on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.

Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.

Update Flask from 0.12.2 to 1.0.2.




Released on May 2nd 2018

-   Fix more backwards compatibility issues with merging slashes between
 a blueprint prefix and route. (`2748`_)
-   Fix error with ``flask routes`` command when there are no routes.

.. _2748:
.. _2751:



Released on April 29th 2018

-   Fix registering partials (with no ``__name__``) as view functions.
-   Don't treat lists returned from view functions the same as tuples.
 Only tuples are interpreted as response data. (`2736`_)
-   Extra slashes between a blueprint's ``url_prefix`` and a route URL
 are merged. This fixes some backwards compatibility issues with the
 change in 1.0. (`2731`_, `2742`_)
-   Only trap ``BadRequestKeyError`` errors in debug mode, not all
 ``BadRequest`` errors. This allows ``abort(400)`` to continue
 working as expected. (`2735`_)
-   The ``FLASK_SKIP_DOTENV`` environment variable can be set to ``1``
 to skip automatically loading dotenv files. (`2722`_)

.. _2722:
.. _2730:
.. _2731:
.. _2735:
.. _2736:
.. _2742:



Released on April 26th 2018

-   **Python 2.6 and 3.3 are no longer supported.** (`pallets/meta24`_)
-   Bump minimum dependency versions to the latest stable versions:
 Werkzeug >= 0.14, Jinja >= 2.10, itsdangerous >= 0.24, Click >= 5.1.
-   Skip :meth:` <>` when a Flask application is run
 from the command line. This avoids some behavior that was confusing
 to debug.
-   Change the default for :data:`JSONIFY_PRETTYPRINT_REGULAR` to
 ``False``. :func:`~json.jsonify` returns a compact format by
 default, and an indented format in debug mode. (`2193`_)
-   :meth:`Flask.__init__ <Flask>` accepts the ``host_matching``
 argument and sets it on :attr:`~Flask.url_map`. (`1559`_)
-   :meth:`Flask.__init__ <Flask>` accepts the ``static_host`` argument
 and passes it as the ``host`` argument when defining the static
 route. (`1559`_)
-   :func:`send_file` supports Unicode in ``attachment_filename``.
-   Pass ``_scheme`` argument from :func:`url_for` to
 :meth:`~Flask.handle_url_build_error`. (`2017`_)
-   :meth:`~Flask.add_url_rule` accepts the
 ``provide_automatic_options`` argument to disable adding the
 ``OPTIONS`` method. (`1489`_)
-   :class:`~views.MethodView` subclasses inherit method handlers from
 base classes. (`1936`_)
-   Errors caused while opening the session at the beginning of the
 request are handled by the app's error handlers. (`2254`_)
-   Blueprints gained :attr:`~Blueprint.json_encoder` and
 :attr:`~Blueprint.json_decoder` attributes to override the app's
 encoder and decoder. (`1898`_)
-   :meth:`Flask.make_response` raises ``TypeError`` instead of
 ``ValueError`` for bad response types. The error messages have been
 improved to describe why the type is invalid. (`2256`_)
-   Add ``routes`` CLI command to output routes registered on the
 application. (`2259`_)
-   Show warning when session cookie domain is a bare hostname or an IP
 address, as these may not behave properly in some browsers, such as
 Chrome. (`2282`_)
-   Allow IP address as exact session cookie domain. (`2282`_)
-   ``SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN`` is set if it is detected through
 ``SERVER_NAME``. (`2282`_)
-   Auto-detect zero-argument app factory called ``create_app`` or
 ``make_app`` from ``FLASK_APP``. (`2297`_)
-   Factory functions are not required to take a ``script_info``
 parameter to work with the ``flask`` command. If they take a single
 parameter or a parameter named ``script_info``, the
 :class:`~cli.ScriptInfo` object will be passed. (`2319`_)
-   ``FLASK_APP`` can be set to an app factory, with arguments if
 needed, for example ``'dev')``.
-   ``FLASK_APP`` can point to local packages that are not installed in
 editable mode, although ``pip install -e`` is still preferred.
-   The :class:`~views.View` class attribute
 :attr:`~views.View.provide_automatic_options` is set in
 :meth:`~views.View.as_view`, to be detected by
 :meth:`~Flask.add_url_rule`. (`2316`_)
-   Error handling will try handlers registered for ``blueprint, code``,
 ``app, code``, ``blueprint, exception``, ``app, exception``.
-   ``Cookie`` is added to the response's ``Vary`` header if the session
 is accessed at all during the request (and not deleted). (`2288`_)
-   :meth:`~Flask.test_request_context` accepts ``subdomain`` and
 ``url_scheme`` arguments for use when building the base URL.
-   Set :data:`APPLICATION_ROOT` to ``'/'`` by default. This was already
 the implicit default when it was set to ``None``.
-   :data:`TRAP_BAD_REQUEST_ERRORS` is enabled by default in debug mode.
 ``BadRequestKeyError`` has a message with the bad key in debug mode
 instead of the generic bad request message. (`2348`_)
-   Allow registering new tags with
 :class:`~json.tag.TaggedJSONSerializer` to support storing other
 types in the session cookie. (`2352`_)
-   Only open the session if the request has not been pushed onto the
 context stack yet. This allows :func:`~stream_with_context`
 generators to access the same session that the containing view uses.
-   Add ``json`` keyword argument for the test client request methods.
 This will dump the given object as JSON and set the appropriate
 content type. (`2358`_)
-   Extract JSON handling to a mixin applied to both the
 :class:`Request` and :class:`Response` classes. This adds the
 :meth:`~Response.is_json` and :meth:`~Response.get_json` methods to
 the response to make testing JSON response much easier. (`2358`_)
-   Removed error handler caching because it caused unexpected results
 for some exception inheritance hierarchies. Register handlers
 explicitly for each exception if you want to avoid traversing the
 MRO. (`2362`_)
-   Fix incorrect JSON encoding of aware, non-UTC datetimes. (`2374`_)
-   Template auto reloading will honor debug mode even even if
 :attr:`~Flask.jinja_env` was already accessed. (`2373`_)
-   The following old deprecated code was removed. (`2385`_)

 -   ``flask.ext`` - import extensions directly by their name instead
     of through the ``flask.ext`` namespace. For example,
     ``import flask.ext.sqlalchemy`` becomes
     ``import flask_sqlalchemy``.
 -   ``Flask.init_jinja_globals`` - extend
     :meth:`Flask.create_jinja_environment` instead.
 -   ``Flask.error_handlers`` - tracked by
     :attr:`Flask.error_handler_spec`, use :meth:`Flask.errorhandler`
     to register handlers.
 -   ``Flask.request_globals_class`` - use
     :attr:`Flask.app_ctx_globals_class` instead.
 -   ``Flask.static_path`` - use :attr:`Flask.static_url_path`
 -   ``Request.module`` - use :attr:`Request.blueprint` instead.

-   The :attr:`Request.json` property is no longer deprecated.
-   Support passing a :class:`~werkzeug.test.EnvironBuilder` or
 ``dict`` to :meth:` <>`.
-   The ``flask`` command and :meth:`` will load environment
 variables from ``.env`` and ``.flaskenv`` files if python-dotenv is
 installed. (`2416`_)
-   When passing a full URL to the test client, the scheme in the URL is
 used instead of :data:`PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME`. (`2430`_)
-   :attr:`Flask.logger` has been simplified. ``LOGGER_NAME`` and
 ``LOGGER_HANDLER_POLICY`` config was removed. The logger is always
 named ````. The level is only set on first access, it
 doesn't check :attr:`Flask.debug` each time. Only one format is
 used, not different ones depending on :attr:`Flask.debug`. No
 handlers are removed, and a handler is only added if no handlers are
 already configured. (`2436`_)
-   Blueprint view function names may not contain dots. (`2450`_)
-   Fix a ``ValueError`` caused by invalid ``Range`` requests in some
 cases. (`2526`_)
-   The development server uses threads by default. (`2529`_)
-   Loading config files with ``silent=True`` will ignore
 :data:`~errno.ENOTDIR` errors. (`2581`_)
-   Pass ``--cert`` and ``--key`` options to ``flask run`` to run the
 development server over HTTPS. (`2606`_)
-   Added :data:`SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE` to control the ``SameSite``
 attribute on the session cookie. (`2607`_)
-   Added :meth:`~flask.Flask.test_cli_runner` to create a Click runner
 that can invoke Flask CLI commands for testing. (`2636`_)
-   Subdomain matching is disabled by default and setting
 :data:`SERVER_NAME` does not implicily enable it. It can be enabled
 by passing ``subdomain_matching=True`` to the ``Flask`` constructor.
-   A single trailing slash is stripped from the blueprint
 ``url_prefix`` when it is registered with the app. (`2629`_)
-   :meth:`Request.get_json` doesn't cache the
 result if parsing fails when ``silent`` is true. (`2651`_)
-   :func:`Request.get_json` no longer accepts arbitrary encodings.
 Incoming JSON should be encoded using UTF-8 per :rfc:`8259`, but
 Flask will autodetect UTF-8, -16, or -32. (`2691`_)
-   Added :data:`MAX_COOKIE_SIZE` and :attr:`Response.max_cookie_size`
 to control when Werkzeug warns about large cookies that browsers may
 ignore. (`2693`_)
-   Updated documentation theme to make docs look better in small
 windows. (`2709`_)
-   Rewrote the tutorial docs and example project to take a more
 structured approach to help new users avoid common pitfalls.

.. _pallets/meta24:
.. _1421:
.. _1489:
.. _1559:
.. _1621:
.. _1898:
.. _1936:
.. _2017:
.. _2193:
.. _2223:
.. _2254:
.. _2256:
.. _2259:
.. _2282:
.. _2288:
.. _2297:
.. _2314:
.. _2316:
.. _2319:
.. _2326:
.. _2348:
.. _2352:
.. _2354:
.. _2358:
.. _2362:
.. _2374:
.. _2373:
.. _2385:
.. _2412:
.. _2414:
.. _2416:
.. _2430:
.. _2436:
.. _2450:
.. _2526:
.. _2529:
.. _2586:
.. _2581:
.. _2606:
.. _2607:
.. _2636:
.. _2635:
.. _2629:
.. _2651:
.. _2676:
.. _2691:
.. _2693:
.. _2709:



Released on April 29 2018

-   Repackage 0.12.3 to fix package layout issue. (`2728`_)

.. _2728:



Released on April 26th 2018

-   :func:`Request.get_json` no longer accepts arbitrary encodings.
 Incoming JSON should be encoded using UTF-8 per :rfc:`8259`, but
 Flask will autodetect UTF-8, -16, or -32. (`2692`_)
-   Fix a Python warning about imports when using ``python -m flask``.
-   Fix a ``ValueError`` caused by invalid ``Range`` requests in some

.. _2666:
.. _2692:

Update neomodel from 3.2.5 to 3.2.9.



* Add check for wiping db on test run - Athanasios
* Correct function name in doc string - Henry Jordan
* Support filtering on properties that end with a hash (348) - mprahl
* Support neo4j-driver v1.6.0 (347) - mprahl
* Explicit write transaction mode (337) - Robert Grant
* Adds a check for Traversal's definition argument (333) - Frank Sachsenheim


* Fix syntax error in import


* Back compat for exceptions module move - Robin Edwards
* Lower the required pytz version (328) - mprahl
* Add the "disconnect_all" and "replace" methods on relationship properties (327) - mprahl
* Add the "first" and "first_or_none" methods on the NodeSet class (325) - mprahl


* Code clean ups and documentation improvments - Frank Sachsenheim
* is renamed to NormalizedClass
* Respect when db_property is set in install_labels and get_or_create - mprahl
* Use a clearer relationship name in the Relationships documentation - mprahl
* Improve relationship documentation - mprahl
* Ensure_connection only called when accessing the database, not when
constructing the transaction decorator - Robert Grant
* Test against newer neo4j releases - Frank Sachsenheim
* Fixes and simplifies pickling of DoesNotExist subclasses - Frank Sachsenheim
* Add NeomodelException and move exceptions to a module - Frank Sachsenheim
* Many documentation improvements - Frank Sachsenheim
* Add newline to is abstract warning 305 - Omer Yampel
* Refactors tests to use pytest as runner.- Frank Sachsenheim
* Remove support for Python 3.3 - Frank Sachsenheim
* Adds support for neo4j 3.3 - Frank Sachsenheim
* Updates .travis.yml in order to also test against various neo4j versions - Frank Sachsenheim
* Updates neo4j-driver dependency to 1.5.2 - Frank Sachsenheim
* Adds a script to tests against various platforms with Docker Compose - Frank Sachsenheim
* Fix service unavailable issue (281) - Warin Isvilanonda
* Add neomodel_remove_labels - Ivan Laković
* Test for model is None in Traversal.match() - pvanheus

Update pytest from 3.5.1 to 3.6.3.




Bug Fixes

- Fix regression in ``Node.add_marker`` by extracting the mark object of a
``MarkDecorator``. (`3555

- Warnings without ``location`` were reported as ``None``. This is corrected to
now report ``<undetermined location>``. (`3563

- Continue to call finalizers in the stack when a finalizer in a former scope
raises an exception. (`3569

- Fix encoding error with `print` statements in doctests (`3583

Improved Documentation

- Add documentation for the ``--strict`` flag. (`3549

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Update old quotation style to parens in fixture.rst documentation. (`3525

- Improve display of hint about ``--fulltrace`` with ``KeyboardInterrupt``.
(`3545 <>`_)

- pytest's testsuite is no longer runnable through ``python test`` --
instead invoke ``pytest`` or ``tox`` directly. (`3552

- Fix typo in documentation (`3567



Bug Fixes

- Fixed a bug where stdout and stderr were logged twice by junitxml when a test
was marked xfail. (`3491

- Fix ``usefixtures`` mark applyed to unittest tests by correctly instantiating
``FixtureInfo``. (`3498

- Fix assertion rewriter compatibility with libraries that monkey patch
``file`` objects. (`3503

Improved Documentation

- Added a section on how to use fixtures as factories to the fixture
documentation. (`3461 <>`_)

Trivial/Internal Changes

- Enable caching for pip/pre-commit in order to reduce build time on
travis/appveyor. (`3502

- Switch pytest to the src/ layout as we already suggested it for good practice
- now we implement it as well. (`3513

- Fix if in tests to support 3.7.0b5, where a docstring handling in AST got
reverted. (`3530 <>`_)

- Remove some python2.5 compatibility code. (`3529




- Revamp the internals of the ``pytest.mark`` implementation with correct per
node handling which fixes a number of long standing bugs caused by the old
design. This introduces new ``Node.iter_markers(name)`` and
``Node.get_closest_mark(name)`` APIs. Users are **strongly encouraged** to
read the `reasons for the revamp in the docs
or jump over to details about `updating existing code to use the new APIs
<>`_. (`3317

- Now when ``pytest.fixture`` is applied more than once to the same function a
``ValueError`` is raised. This buggy behavior would cause surprising problems
and if was working for a test suite it was mostly by accident. (`2334

- Support for Python 3.7's builtin ``breakpoint()`` method, see `Using the
builtin breakpoint function
<>`_ for
details. (`3180 <>`_)

- ``monkeypatch`` now supports a ``context()`` function which acts as a context
manager which undoes all patching done within the ``with`` block. (`3290

- The ``--pdb`` option now causes KeyboardInterrupt to enter the debugger,
instead of stopping the test session. On python 2.7, hitting CTRL+C again
exits the debugger. On python 3.2 and higher, use CTRL+D. (`3299

- pytest not longer changes the log level of the root logger when the
``log-level`` parameter has greater numeric value than that of the level of
the root logger, which makes it play better with custom logging configuration
in user code. (`3307 <>`_)

Bug Fixes

- A rare race-condition which might result in corrupted ``.pyc`` files on
Windows has been hopefully solved. (`3008

- Also use iter_marker for discovering the marks applying for marker
expressions from the cli to avoid the bad data from the legacy mark storage.
(`3441 <>`_)

- When showing diffs of failed assertions where the contents contain only
whitespace, escape them using ``repr()`` first to make it easy to spot the
differences. (`3443 <>`_)

Improved Documentation

- Change documentation copyright year to a range which auto-updates itself each
time it is published. (`3303

Trivial/Internal Changes

- ``pytest`` now depends on the `python-atomicwrites
<>`_ library. (`3008

- Update all URLs to (`3431

- Detect `pytest_` prefixed hooks using the internal plugin manager since
``pluggy`` is deprecating the ``implprefix`` argument to ``PluginManager``.
(`3487 <>`_)

- Import ``Mapping`` and ``Sequence`` from ``_pytest.compat`` instead of
directly from ``collections`` in ````. Add ``Mapping``
to ``_pytest.compat``, import it from ``collections`` on python 2, but from
```` on Python 3 to avoid a ``DeprecationWarning`` on Python
3.7 or newer. (`3497 <>`_)

Update requests from 2.18.4 to 2.19.1.





- Fixed issue where's ``init`` function failed trying to append to
a ``__doc__`` value of ``None``.




- Warn user about possible slowdown when using cryptography version < 1.3.4
- Check for invalid host in proxy URL, before forwarding request to adapter.
- Fragments are now properly maintained across redirects. (RFC7231 7.1.2)
- Removed use of cgi module to expedite library load time.
- Added support for SHA-256 and SHA-512 digest auth algorithms.
- Minor performance improvement to ``Request.content``.
- Migrate to using for 3.7 compatibility.


- Parsing empty ``Link`` headers with ``parse_header_links()`` no longer return one bogus entry.
- Fixed issue where loading the default certificate bundle from a zip archive
would raise an ``IOError``.
- Fixed issue with unexpected ``ImportError`` on windows system which do not support ``winreg`` module.
- DNS resolution in proxy bypass no longer includes the username and password in
the request. This also fixes the issue of DNS queries failing on macOS.
- Properly normalize adapter prefixes for url comparison.
- Passing ``None`` as a file pointer to the ``files`` param no longer raises an exception.
- Calling ``copy`` on a ``RequestsCookieJar`` will now preserve the cookie policy correctly.


- We now support idna v2.7.
- We now support urllib3 v1.23.

Update setuptools from 39.0.1 to 39.2.0.




* 1359: Support using "file:" to load a PEP 440-compliant package version from
a text file.
* 1360: Fixed issue with a mismatch between the name of the package and the
name of the .dist-info file in wheel files
* 1365: Take the package_dir option into account when loading the version from
a module attribute.
* 1353: Added coverage badge to README.
* 1356: Made small fixes to the developer guide documentation.
* 1357: Fixed warnings in documentation builds and started enforcing that the
docs build without warnings in tox.
* 1376: Updated release process docs.
* 1343: The ``setuptools`` specific ``long_description_content_type``,
``project_urls`` and ``provides_extras`` fields are now set consistently
after any ``distutils`` ``setup_keywords`` calls, allowing them to override
* 1352: Added ``tox`` environment for documentation builds.
* 1354: Added ``towncrier`` for changelog managment.
* 1355: Add PR template.
* 1368: Fixed tests which failed without network connectivity.
* 1369: Added unit tests for PEP 425 compatibility tags support.
* 1372: Stop testing Python 3.3 in Travis CI, now that the latest version of
``wheel`` no longer installs on it.



* 1340: Update all PyPI URLs to reflect the switch to the
new Warehouse codebase.
* 1337: In ``pkg_resources``, now support loading resources
for modules loaded by the ``SourcelessFileLoader``.
* 1332: Silence spurious wheel related warnings on Windows.

Update Unidecode from 0.04.20 to 1.0.22.



* Move to semantic version numbering, no longer following version
   numbers from the original Perl module. This fixes an issue with
   setuptools (>= 8) and others expecting major.minor.patch format.
 * Add transliterations for currency signs U+20B0 through U+20BF
   (thanks to Mike Swanson)
 * Surround transliterations of vulgar fractions with spaces to avoid
   incorrect combinations with adjacent numerals
   (thanks to Jeffrey Gerard)


* Add U+2116 NUMERO SIGN (thanks to Alan Davidson)
 * Add U+05BE HEBREW PUNCTUATION MAQAF (thanks to Micha Moskovic)

Update webargs from 2.1.0 to 3.0.2.




Bug fixes:

* Fix compatibility with marshmallow 3.0.0b12 (:issue:`242`). Thanks :user:`lafrech`.



Bug fixes:

* Respect `Parser.DEFAULT_VALIDATION_STATUS` when a `status_code` is not
explicitly passed to `ValidationError` (:issue:`180`). Thanks :user:`foresmac` for
finding this.


* Add "Returning HTTP 400 Responses" section to docs (:issue:`180`).




* *Backwards-incompatible*: Custom error handlers receive the request object as the second
argument. Update any functions decorated with ``Parser.error_handler`` to take a `req` argument, like so:

.. code-block:: python

 def handle_error(error):
     raise CustomError(error.messages)

 def handle_error(error, req):
     raise CustomError(error.messages)

* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove unused ``instance`` and ``kwargs`` arguments of ``argmap2schema``.
* *Backwards-incompatible*: Remove ``Parser.load`` method (``Parser`` now calls ``Schema.load`` directly).

These changes shouldn't affect most users. However, they might break custom parsers calling these methods. (:issue:`222`)

* Drop support for aiohttp<3.0.0.

Update PyYAML from 3.12 to 3.13.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?


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coveralls commented Jul 8, 2018

Coverage Status

Coverage remained the same at 77.8% when pulling 126d7b4 on pyup-initial-update into 627ce30 on master.

@mostafa mostafa merged commit 767ffaa into master Jul 8, 2018
@mostafa mostafa deleted the pyup-initial-update branch July 17, 2018 05:14
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3 participants