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Firefox Experiments validator - Klaatu

A tool used to validate firefox experiments

Using the docker hub image

To use the docker hub image, you must mount your local dir as a volume in the container. I suggest mounting the volume like -v {LOCAL-DIR}:/code/test_files.

Here is an example: docker compose run klaatu tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --variables tests/fixtures/test_experiment.json --private-browsing-enabled. By default this will build and run the tests on Firefox Release.

There are 3 versions of Klaatu that have each major Firefox type.

  1. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-release : Firefox Release
  2. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-beta: Firefox Beta
  3. mozilla/klaatu:firefox-nightly: Firefox Nightly


You should have docker and git installed.

Building locally

  1. Clone repository
  2. Copy the JSON of your experiment, into a file named experiment.json. The JSON can be found in 2 ways. On production:{EXPERIMENT-SLUG-HERE}


Place this file in the somewhere within the working directory.

  1. Add the path using the --variables option. Ex: --variables={PATH/TO/experiment.json}

  2. Add the branch you want to test with the --experiment-branch option. Ex: --experiment-branch control

  3. Build docker image with command FIREFOX_VERSION="-nightly" docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build in the projects root directory. The FIREFOX_VERSION env variable can either be -nightly or -beta. Leave it blank to build for release: FIREFOX_VERSION="".

  4. Run tests with docker, example: docker compose run klaatu tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch={BRANCH YOU WANT TO TEST} --experiment-slug experiment-slug --experiment-server {stage-or-prod}

If you want to run against a locally stored experiments JSON file, place the file in tests/fixtures and pass the path to the --experiment-json flag. You can remove the --experiment-server and --experiment-slug flags when using this method.

Running on Windows

The file docker-compose-windows.yml contains a windows docker image. This setup is much more involved but I've provided some scripts to help with this.

  1. The method of interacting with the docker image is through RDP. I suggest using XDRP for this. If you're on windows but using WSL, you can use the build in RDP client.
  2. Run the docker image docker compose -f docker-compose-windows.yml up. This will take some time to finish as it has to download the windows image. You can view this process via novnc in the browser at localhost:8006
  3. Close the VNC window after the windows desktop is shown and connect via RDP using the following address: localhost:3389. The user is docker and there is no password.
  4. Open a powershell terminal and execute the following:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
  1. Run the setup-windows.ps1 script:
  1. Right click on the desktop and make a folder named klaatu.
  2. Open the klaatu folder and right click, select More Options and then Open git bash here.
  3. Clone the klaatu repo:
git clone
  1. Run the

You should now be able to run the tests in the git bash shell: tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --experiment-json tests/fixtures/test_experiment.json or tox -e bdd-tests -- --experiment-branch control --experiment-slug experiment-slug-here

CLI Options

  • --private-browsing-enabled: If your experiment runs within private browsing windows please include this option.
  • --run-update-test: Includes the update test in the test run using Firefox Nightly.
  • --experiment-branch: Experiment branch you want to test.
  • --experiment-slug: The experiments slug from experimenter to load the experiment into the test.
  • --experiment-server: The server where the experiment is located, either stage or prod.
  • --experiment-json: The experiments JSON path on your local system.