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Vagrant Installation


This documentation needs update. Please use the alternative installation method :doc:`installation-virtualenv`.


Installing Mozillians might be daunting. Ask for help in #mozillians on tofumatt or tallOwen will be happy to help.

You'll need ruby, vagrant, Virtualbox and git. The following steps will help you:

  1. Install vagrant (requires ruby):

    $ gem install vagrant
    .. seealso::
       `Vagrant: Getting Started


    you don't need to install the lucid32 box, one will be installed automatically with mozillians)

  2. Install virtualbox by Oracle.


    If you run Linux, you'll need to make sure virtualization isn't disabled in your kernel.

  1. Get a copy of

    $ git clone --recursive git:// mozillians
    $ cd mozillians
  2. Run a virtual dev environment:

    $ vagrant up
    $ vagrant ssh # you will now enter the virtualized environment


    Run this in your working copy directory (i.e. mozillians/)

    You can edit files under (mozillians/) locally and they will automatically show up under /home/vagrant/mozillians in the virtualbox. This means you can edit in your favorite text-editor, yet run Mozillians from our virtualized environment.

  3. Setup the database::

    $ ./ update_product_details -f $ mysql -u root > create database mozilians; > exit; $ ./ syncdb --noinput $ ./ migrate

  4. Run the development web server (in the virtualized environment):

    $ ./ runserver


rs is one of the many handy Django aliases included in the Mozillians VM. It's aliases to ./ runserver You can see all the aliases available by typing alias inside your VM shell or by inspecting the contents of puppet/files/home/vagrant/zshrc (or bashrc_vagrant if you use bash).

  1. Point your web browser to http://localhost:8000

  2. Stay up-to-date:

    On your host machine do:

    $ git pull -q origin master
    $ git submodule update --recursive
    $ pushd vendor
    $ git pull -q origin master
    $ git submodule update --recursive
    $ popd

    Then you can run any needed database migrations inside your VM:

    $ dj syncdb
    $ dj migrate

    Occassionally there will be a new base VM box. If so, get it with:

    $ vagrant destroy
    $ vagrant up