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Software testing overview

A short presentation on software testing.


  1. Open in a vaguely modern web browser.
  2. Choose either "Slides" or "Speaker notes"

Note this loads reveal.js on CloudFlare's cdnjs, so you have to be connected to the internet when you load the slideshow for the first time. Technical information is available on cdnjs's page about reveal.js.


  1. Install a Ruby version mananger.

    (I installed rbenv with my computer's package manager).

  2. Clone this repo, use your Ruby version manager to install the correct version of Ruby & Rubygems, use Rubygems to install the Bundler package manager, and use Bundler to install dependencies needed to compile this presentation:

     $ git clone --recursive
     $ cd talk--software-testing-overview/
     $ rbenv install
     $ gem install bundler
     $ bundle install
  3. Run Jekyll's local development server:

     $ bundle exec jekyll serve