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Move install.install_binary_rock[_deps] into build module
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Some installing logic was in luarocks.install, some was
in Moved all of it into
If some duplicated code is eliminated it should be possible
to actually have building in and installing
in luarocks.install.
  • Loading branch information
mpeterv committed Jan 4, 2016
1 parent 5b15cf5 commit 5fe80e2
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Showing 3 changed files with 122 additions and 129 deletions.
120 changes: 118 additions & 2 deletions src/luarocks/build.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -370,15 +370,131 @@ function build.build_rock(rock_file, need_to_fetch, deps_mode, build_only_deps)
return ok, err, errcode

--- Install a binary rock.
-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
-- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
-- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
-- installed rock if succeeded or nil and an error message followed by an error code.
function build.install_binary_rock(rock_file, deps_mode)
assert(type(rock_file) == "string")

local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
if not name then
return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."

if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"
if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
repos.delete_version(name, version)

local rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))

local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, path.install_dir(name, version))
if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end

local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
if err then
return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode

if deps_mode == "none" then
util.printerr("Warning: skipping dependency checks.")
ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "install")
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

-- For compatibility with .rock files built with LuaRocks 1
if not fs.exists(path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)) then
ok, err = manif.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
if err then return nil, err end

if deps_mode ~= "none" then
ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec))
if err then return nil, err end

rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
repos.delete_version(name, version)

ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
if err then return nil, err end

ok, err = manif.update_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err end

local license = ""
if rockspec.description.license then
license = ("(license: "..rockspec.description.license..")")

local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
util.printout(name.." "..version.." is now installed in "..root_dir.." "..license)

return name, version

--- Installs the dependencies of a binary rock.
-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
-- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
-- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
-- the rock whose dependencies were installed if succeeded or nil and an error message
-- followed by an error code.
function build.install_binary_rock_deps(rock_file, deps_mode)
assert(type(rock_file) == "string")

local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
if not name then
return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."

if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"

local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, path.install_dir(name, version))
if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end

local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
if err then
return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode

ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

util.printout("Succesfully installed dependencies for "" "..version)

return name, version

local function do_build(name, version, deps_mode, build_only_deps)
if name:match("%.rockspec$") then
return build.build_rockspec(name, true, false, deps_mode, build_only_deps)
elseif name:match("%.src%.rock$") then
return build.build_rock(name, false, deps_mode, build_only_deps)
elseif name:match("%.all%.rock$") then
local install = require("luarocks.install")
local install_fun = build_only_deps and install.install_binary_rock_deps or install.install_binary_rock
local install_fun = build_only_deps and build.install_binary_rock_deps or build.install_binary_rock
return install_fun(name, deps_mode)
elseif name:match("%.rock$") then
return build.build_rock(name, true, deps_mode, build_only_deps)
Expand Down
128 changes: 3 additions & 125 deletions src/luarocks/install.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,13 +4,10 @@
local install = {}
package.loaded["luarocks.install"] = install

local path = require("luarocks.path")
local repos = require("luarocks.repos")
local fetch = require("luarocks.fetch")
local build = require("")
local util = require("luarocks.util")
local fs = require("luarocks.fs")
local deps = require("luarocks.deps")
local manif = require("luarocks.manif")
local remove = require("luarocks.remove")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")

Expand All @@ -30,124 +27,6 @@ or a filename of a locally available rock.
--only-deps Installs only the dependencies of the rock.

--- Install a binary rock.
-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
-- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
-- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
-- installed rock if succeeded or nil and an error message followed by an error code.
function install.install_binary_rock(rock_file, deps_mode)
assert(type(rock_file) == "string")

local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
if not name then
return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."

if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"
if repos.is_installed(name, version) then
repos.delete_version(name, version)

local rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
fs.delete(path.install_dir(name, version))

local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, path.install_dir(name, version))
if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end

local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
if err then
return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode

if deps_mode == "none" then
util.printerr("Warning: skipping dependency checks.")
ok, err, errcode = deps.check_external_deps(rockspec, "install")
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

-- For compatibility with .rock files built with LuaRocks 1
if not fs.exists(path.rock_manifest_file(name, version)) then
ok, err = manif.make_rock_manifest(name, version)
if err then return nil, err end

if deps_mode ~= "none" then
ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

ok, err = repos.deploy_files(name, version, repos.should_wrap_bin_scripts(rockspec))
if err then return nil, err end

rollback = util.schedule_function(function()
repos.delete_version(name, version)

ok, err = repos.run_hook(rockspec, "post_install")
if err then return nil, err end

ok, err = manif.update_manifest(name, version, nil, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err end

local license = ""
if rockspec.description.license then
license = ("(license: "..rockspec.description.license..")")

local root_dir = path.root_dir(cfg.rocks_dir)
util.printout(name.." "..version.." is now installed in "..root_dir.." "..license)

return name, version

--- Installs the dependencies of a binary rock.
-- @param rock_file string: local or remote filename of a rock.
-- @param deps_mode: string: Which trees to check dependencies for:
-- "one" for the current default tree, "all" for all trees,
-- "order" for all trees with priority >= the current default, "none" for no trees.
-- @return (string, string) or (nil, string, [string]): Name and version of
-- the rock whose dependencies were installed if succeeded or nil and an error message
-- followed by an error code.
function install.install_binary_rock_deps(rock_file, deps_mode)
assert(type(rock_file) == "string")

local name, version, arch = path.parse_name(rock_file)
if not name then
return nil, "Filename "..rock_file.." does not match format 'name-version-revision.arch.rock'."

if arch ~= "all" and arch ~= cfg.arch then
return nil, "Incompatible architecture "..arch, "arch"

local ok, err, errcode = fetch.fetch_and_unpack_rock(rock_file, path.install_dir(name, version))
if not ok then return nil, err, errcode end

local rockspec, err, errcode = fetch.load_rockspec(path.rockspec_file(name, version))
if err then
return nil, "Failed loading rockspec for installed package: "..err, errcode

ok, err, errcode = deps.fulfill_dependencies(rockspec, deps_mode)
if err then return nil, err, errcode end

util.printout("Succesfully installed dependencies for "" "..version)

return name, version

--- Driver function for the "install" command.
-- @param name string: name of a binary rock. If an URL or pathname
-- to a binary rock is given, fetches and installs it. If a rockspec or a
Expand All @@ -169,13 +48,12 @@ function

if name:match("%.rockspec$") or name:match("%.src%.rock$") then
util.printout("Using ""... switching to 'build' mode")
local build = require("")
return, util.forward_flags(flags, "local", "keep", "deps-mode", "only-deps"))
elseif name:match("%.rock$") then
if flags["only-deps"] then
ok, err = install.install_binary_rock_deps(name, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
ok, err = build.install_binary_rock_deps(name, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
ok, err = install.install_binary_rock(name, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
ok, err = build.install_binary_rock(name, deps.get_deps_mode(flags))
if not ok then return nil, err end
local name, version = ok, err
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions src/luarocks/validate.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ local dir = require("luarocks.dir")
local path = require("luarocks.path")
local cfg = require("luarocks.cfg")
local build = require("")
local install = require("luarocks.install")
local util = require("luarocks.util")

validate.help_summary = "Sandboxed test of build/install of all packages in a repository."
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ local function validate_src_rock(file)

local function validate_rock(file)
local ok, err, errcode = install.install_binary_rock(file, "one")
local ok, err, errcode = build.install_binary_rock(file, "one")
if not ok then
Expand Down

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