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A queue generator for lftp.


$ lftpq -h
Usage of lftpq:
  -F string
    	Format to use in dry-run mode (default "lftp")
  -c string
    	Classify string and print its local dir
  -f string
    	Path to config (default "~/.lftpqrc")
  -i	Build queues from stdin
  -l string
    	Override local dir for this run
  -n	Print queue and exit
  -p string
    	Path to lftp program (default "lftp")
  -q	Do not print output from lftp
  -t	Test and print config

Example config

  "Default": {
    "GetCmd": "mirror"
  "LocalDirs": [
      "Name": "my-tv-dir",
      "Parser": "show",
      "Dir": "/tmp/{{ .Name }}/S{{ .Season }}/"
  "Sites": [
      "Name": "foo",
      "Dirs": [
      "LocalDir": "my-tv-dir",
      "SkipSymlinks": true,
      "SkipExisting": true,
      "SkipFiles": true,
      "Merge": true,
      "Priorities": [
      "Parser": "show",
      "MaxAge": "24h",
      "Patterns": [
      "Filters": [
      "Replacements": [
          "Pattern": "\\.The\\.",
          "Replacement": ".the."
      "PostCommand": "/usr/local/bin/"

Configuration options

Default holds the default site configuration, which will apply to all sites. All options can be overridden per site. This is useful when you want to apply the same options to multiple sites.

LocalDirs defines one or more local directory configurations.

Name is the name of this local directory configuration. This is used to bind a site to a local directory.

Parser sets the parser to use when parsing media. Valid values are show, movie or empty string (disable parsing).

Dir is the local directory where files should be downloaded. This can be a template. When the show parser is used, the following template variables are available:

Variable Description Type Example
Name Name of the show string The.Wire
Season Show season int 1
Episode Show episode int 5
Release Release/directory name string The.Wire.S01E05.720p.BluRay.X264

When using the movie parser, the following variables are available:

Variable Description Type Example
Name Movie name string Apocalypse.Now
Year Production year int 1979
Release Release/directory name string Apocalypse.Now.1979.720p.BluRay.X264

All variables can be formatted with Sprintf. For example /mydir/{{ .Name }}/S{{ .Season | Sprintf "%02" }}/ would format the season using two decimals and would result in /mydir/The.Wire/S01/.

Replacements is a list of replacements that can be used to replace misspellings or incorrect casing in media titles. Pattern is a regular expression and Replacement is the replacement string. If multiple replacements are given, they will be processed in the order they are listed.

Sites holds the configuration for each individual site.

Name is the bookmark or URL of the site. This is passed to the open command in lftp.

GetCmd sets the lftp command to use when downloading, this can also be an alias. For example: If you have alias m "mirror --only-missing" in your .lftprc, then GetCmd can be set to m.

Dirs is a list of remote directories from which the queue is generated.

LocalDir is the name of the local directory configuration to use from LocalDirs.

SkipSymlinks determines whether to ignore symlinks when generating the queue.

SkipExisting determines whether to ignore non-empty directories that already exist in LocalDir.

SkipFiles determines whether to ignore files when generating the queue. When true only directories will be included in the queue. Files inside a directory will still be transferred.

Merge determines whether files/directories that exist locally should be merged into the queue before deduplication takes place. This information can then be used when doing post-processing of the queue.

For example: Candidate A is transferred during session 1 and candidate B is transferred during session 2. If candidate B has a higher priority than A, so that A is considered a duplicate of B, B will be transferred during session 2. This means that both candidates exist on disk after session 2 ends. If Merge is true, the queue passed to PostCommand will contain candidate A along with its duplication status (the fields Merged and Duplicate will both be true).

Priorities is a list of patterns used to deduplicate directories which contain the same media (e.g. same show, season and episode, but different release). Directories are deduplicated based on the order of matching patterns, where the earliest match is given the highest rank. For example, if the items Foo.1.important and Foo.1.less.important are determined to be the same media, then given the priorities in the example above, Foo.1.important would be kept and Foo.2.less.important would be removed from the queue.

MaxAge sets the maximum age of directories to consider for the queue. If a directory is older than MaxAge, it will always be excluded. MaxAge has precedence over Patterns and Filters.

Patterns is a list of patterns (regular expressions) used when including directories. A directory matching any of these patterns will be included in the queue.

Filters is a list of patterns used when excluding directories. A directory matching any of these patterns will be excluded from the queue. Filters has precedence over Patterns.

PostCommand specifies a command for post-processing of the queue. The queue will be passed to the command on stdin, in JSON format. Leave empty to disable.


A queue generator for lftp






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