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FAPEX - An essential kit for Oracle APEX

FAPEX is a collection of essential tools and resources for Oracle APEX developers. It makes it easier to do complex tasks without having to write or copy code on every page.

Feel free to use FAPEX in your own projects. If you find any bugs or need assistance, please contact me. I am also open to suggestions for new features.

Video Introduction

Here is the list of files and their purposes:

Name Description
fapex.js This file is contains the JS code for all the FAPEX modules.
fapex.css This file contains the CSS rules related to FAPEX.
pkg_fapex.sql This file contains the backend package to be deployed in database.


1.  FAPEX Reports
2.  Fapex Navigation
3.  Fapex Featuress


  • Oracle APEX 23.1

How to Install

First, download the following file(s):

1. fapex.js

  1. Download this file from gitHub.
  2. Upload in Static Application Files Application > Shared Components > Static Application Files of your Application.
  3. Copy the Reference/Path
  4. Add the Reference/Path in Application > Shared Components > User Interfaces > JavaScript > File URLs

2. fapex.css

  1. Download this file from gitHub.
  2. Upload in Static Application Files Application > Shared Components > Static Application Files of your Application.
  3. Copy the Reference/Path
  4. Add the Reference/Path in Application > Shared Components > User Interfaces > CSS > File URLs

3. pkg_fapex.sql

  1. Download this file from gitHub.
  2. Go to SQL Scripts section under SQL Workshop
  3. Click upload button and upload the pkg_fapex.sql.
  4. Click run button.

4. Creating Fapex Application Process

  1. Go to Application > Shared Components > Application Processes
  2. Click Create and set Name = FAPAXPROCESS and Point = Ajax Callback
  3. Click Next
  4. Enter PKG_FAPEX.execute_fapex_procedures; in Code section
  5. Click Next and then Create Process

    Farhan Akram

FAPEX Reports

To make your Classic Reports and Interactive Reports more interactive and useful. You can create master detail pages and do lot of selection based tasks.


  1. Single and Multiple row selection
  2. Enables to add Selection change Dynamic Action
  3. Get data for selected/All rows
  4. Get data for most recently selected row
  5. Add class to selected row

Video Tutorial


  1. Works only for Classic and Interactive Reports
  2. In case of pagination, FAPEX will work only for current Page



Argument Name Type Required Description
list Array/Object Yes Single/Array of objects {staticId : <region static id>, options : <object with following properties>}

2.FapexReport(regionId, options)

Argument Name Type Required Description
regionId String Yes Static ID of the region.
options Object No Refer to following table for options object.
Opitons Object
Name Default Required Purpose
multiSelection False No If the user is allowed to select multiple rows.
selectFirstRow True No If first row is selected by default. (If multiSelection is off)
selectionClass undefined No Name of the class to be added if the row is selected.

Available Methods

Method Name Purpose
getSelectedRows To get array of Selected Rows Objects.
getAllRows To get array of All the Rows Objects.
getSelectedRowsData To get array of Selected Rows Arrays.
getAllRowsData To get array of All the Rows Arrays.
getColumnList To get array of available columns'
selectAll Select all rows
clearSelection Clear the selection

📖 Usage

First of all,  intstall FAPEX

Page Properties

Initialize FAPEX report module by adding following code in Page Properties > Function and Global Variable Declaration

One FAPEX Report on a Page

let options = {
    multiSelection: true,
    selectFirstRow: false,
    selectionClass: 'MyClass'
fx = new InitializeFapexReport({ staticId: 'projects_report', options: options });

or you can simply add following to user default options

fx = new InitializeFapexReport({ staticId: 'projects_report'});

Multiple FAPEX Reports on a Page

let options = {
    multiSelection: true,
    selectFirstRow: false,
    selectionClass: 'MyClass'
fx = new InitializeFapexReport([{ staticId: 'projects_report', options: options },
                                { staticId: 'project_details', options: options },
                                { staticId: 'project_timelines', options: options }]);

Selection Change Dynamic Action

Add Dynamic Action 'Selection Change [Interactive Grid]' to Report region. Recently selected row data can be retrieved through in JS code. For example to print the row data on console you can write following code in JS.


FAPEX Navigation

Passing parameters and navigating to a page throught JavaScript has become very easy.


  1. Generate Parameter list at runtime
  2. Decide calling page at runtime
  3. Navigate to any page at runtime through JavaScript
  4. Open Page in separte tab.

Video Tutorial


  1. Works only to Navigate/Open apex pages.



Output: #app_id@page_no

Argument Name Type Required Description
app_id String Yes Application ID of the page
page_no String Yes Page No of the page


Output: Returns Application ID extracted from input.

Argument Name Type Required Description
PageId String Yes Page ID in the format #app_id@page_no


Output: Returns Page No extracted from input.

Argument Name Type Required Description
PageId String Yes Page ID in the format #app_id@page_no


Output: Returns URL for given page and parameters.

Argument Name Type Required Description
PageId String Yes Page ID in the format #app_id@page_no
paramObj Object No Object containing parameters. Key: <Parameter Name>, Value: <Parameter Value> i.e. {P20_EMPLOYEE_ID:'5425', P20_AGE:'25'}


Navigate to the given page.

Argument Name Type Required Description
PageId String Yes Page ID in the format #app_id@page_no
paramObj Object No Object containing parameters. Key: <Parameter Name>, Value: <Parameter Value> i.e. {P20_EMPLOYEE_ID:'5425', P20_AGE:'25'}


Open page in separate tab.

Argument Name Type Required Description
PageId String Yes Page ID in the format #app_id@page_no
paramObj Object No Object containing parameters. Key: <Parameter Name>, Value: <Parameter Value> i.e. {P20_EMPLOYEE_ID:'5425', P20_AGE:'25'}

📖 Usage

First of all,  install FAPEX

Navigation/Open Page

Navigate to Page

let fxn = new FapexNavigation();
let paramObj = { P3_EMPLOYEE_NO: '123', P3_AGE: 25 }
fxn.navToPage('#285692@3', paramObj);

or you can use following snippet if the page has no parameters.

let fxn = new FapexNavigation();
fxn.navToPage('#285692@3', {});

Open Page in separate tab

let fxn = new FapexNavigation();
let paramObj = { P3_EMPLOYEE_NO: '123', P3_AGE: 25 }
fxn.openPage('#285692@3', paramObj);

or you can use following snippet if the page has no parameters.

let fxn = new FapexNavigation();
fxn.openPage('#285692@3', {});

Fapex Features

This module contains different options to provide you exiting features without writing extra lines of code.

1. Copy Single Cell

If you try to copy a single Cell in Interactive Grid by pressing Ctrl+C, it will copy the whole row. If you want to copy only a focussed cell, add folloing code sippet on page load.

let fxf = new FapexFeatures();

Video Tutorial


  1. Works only for Interactive Grids


Farhan Akram
Sr. Oracle Apex Developer