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FloodMonkey - Manage Firehose-level Activity Streams from the MySpace Flood API

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FloodMonkey – Supervise your stream

FloodMonkey helps manage subscriptions to the MySpace Flood, their real-time activity stream API.

FloodMonkey is designed for people looking to capture firehose-level (100%) data streams. We use it to haul in 25GB+ of raw data every day with a single small EC2 instance and room to spare.

  • A simple Sinatra frontend to manage and monitor subscriptions
  • An even yet still more lightweight rack responder to stream callbacks directly to disk.
  • Scripts to deploy, configure and monitor the various moving parts.

FloodMonkey is not designed for anything real-time. The endpoint streams everything to disk for bulk processing later — we use wukong and wuclan.

How to

  • Copy config/settings.example.yml to config/settings.yml and enter your info everywhere you see “CHANGEME
  • Create a MySpaceId app. Take it out of sandbox mode.
  • Click on the page for the app and set up the OAuth urls. Be careful about the validation URL: it has to omit the http://, any third-level domain in the host, and any trailing “/” or query params.
   External URL        
   External Callback Validation:
  • While you’re there, copy out the consumer key and secret. Paste them into the settings.yml
  • create a directory on a large local disk and replace the ‘work’ symlink to point to it. A full stream will fill 25GB a day or so, so be prepared.
  • While developing, I run shotgun --server=thin --host= --port=8080 (you’ll have to run on port 80 or use unicorn in development mode to use the publishing callbacks and some oauth calls).
  • For production, I use the nginx+unicorn setup contained in config/production. You can start unicorn by hand with unicorn -E production -c unicorn-conf.rb and then manipulate it with signals.
  • try clicking on the ‘test post’ link. It should make a bogus post (stored in a file labelled ‘test’) that you can watch from each end.


  • You actually don’t need to authenticate as a user to myspace, just as an app. There are facilities for three-legged oauth in the app – making stream API requests on behalf of a user – but they’re not hooked to anything interesting at the moment.
  • The app streams directly to disk, it doesn’t parse the received data or load it into a database. This is best done by separate worker processes.
  • Make sure you use the vendor’ed OAuth gem, or pull from the current (12/2009) edge version. MySpace is overly finicky about the structure of OAuth requests, insisting that the query params land in sort order. The latest versions of the gem tolerate this peccadillo.


  • Big ups to the very patient Jamie and Joel at MySpace for including us in the beta program, and working through a series of mysterious bugs.
  • The frontend app is based on Monk / Cartilage, a skeleton for building Sinatra apps.
  • The OAuth gem makes this thing work


Ruby Enterprise Edition

    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libreadline5-dev;
    wget "${latest_ree}.tar.gz" ;
    tar xvzf ${latest_ree}.tar.gz;
    cd ${latest_ree_gz};
    sudo ./installer --auto /usr/local/ree;


    wget "${latest_nginx}.tar.gz" ;
    tar xvzf ${latest_nginx}.tar.gz ;
    sudo /usr/local/ree/bin/passenger-install-nginx-module --prefix=/usr/local/nginx --nginx-source-dir=/usr/local/src/$latest_nginx --extra-configure-flags=' --with-http_ssl_module --with-http_gzip_static_module --add-module=/usr/local/src/ngx-fancyindex-0.2 --add-module=/usr/local/src/nginx_upload_module-2.0.10 --add-module=/usr/local/src/nginx_uploadprogress_module --with-pcre --with-ld-opt=-lssl --with-sha1-asm --with-md5=/usr/include --with-md5-asm --http-proxy-temp-path="/tmp/nginx-proxy_temp" --http-fastcgi-temp-path="/tmp/nginx-fastcgi_temp" --http-client-body-temp-path="/tmp/nginx-client_body_temp" --pid-path="/var/run/nginx/" --conf-path="/slice/etc/nginx/nginx.conf" --lock-path="/var/run/nginx/nginx.lock" --http-log-path="/var/log/nginx/access.log" --error-log-path="/var/log/nginx/error.log" '

Add the deploy user

    sudo adduser deploy
    sudo usermod -a  -G admin,sudo deploy


    cap deploy:setup
    scp -p config/settings.yml
    cap deploy:cold


FloodMonkey - Manage Firehose-level Activity Streams from the MySpace Flood API






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