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Boa HTTP Server

mrlt8 edited this page Mar 9, 2023 · 1 revision

NOTE: Boa has been disabled/removed in modern versions of the wyze firmware.

Some wyze cams have have a built-in http server "boa" that is enabled when downloading a time lapse from the camera. By enabling this http server, we can have full local access to the SD card on the camera, so you can download whatever you need off the SD card without having to take each camera down.

Enable Boa

SD Card and local connection REQUIRED.

This will enable the boa server on each camera http://<cam-ip>:80/ that has the boa server and has an SD card in the camera. PLEASE NOTE: If enabled, anyone on your local network will be able to access/download stuff from the SD Card on the camera.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true

Boa Interval

The boa server will go down after some time and needs to be restarted from time to time. This interval will keep the server up and pull any new images at the same time.

This will default to 5 if not set.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true

Take Photo

SD Card and local connection REQUIRED.

This will take a high quality photo on the camera on each BOA_TAKE_PHOTO.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true
    - BOA_TAKE_PHOTO=true

Photos can also be taken on-demand by publishing to the MQTT topic wyzebridge/<camera-name>/takePhoto.

Pull Photo

SD Card and local connection REQUIRED.

This will pull the latest photo from the camera on each BOA_INTERVAL.

Files will be saved to your local img_dir as cam-name_YYYMMDD_HH_MM_SS.jpg or cam-name.jpg if BOA_TAKE_PHOTO is enabled.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true
    - BOA_PHOTO=true

Pull Alarm

SD Card and local connection REQUIRED.

In addition to pulling the latest alarm image from the camera on each BOA_INTERVAL, this will also trigger a motion event to the MQTT topic wyzebridge/<camera-name>/motion if available.

Files will be saved to your local img_dir as cam-name_alarm.jpg.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true
    - BOA_ALARM=true

Motion Alerts

SD Card and local connection REQUIRED.

If the MQTT options are configured and enabled, motion events will be sent to the MQTT topic wyzebridge/<camera-name>/motion.

Motion alerts can also be sent via Webhook/HTTP to any url by specifying the url and using the variable {cam_name}:

    - ENABLE_BOA=true
    - BOA_MOTION=http://localhost/triggerMotion?cam={cam_name}

Motion Cooldown

The number of seconds to keep the motion flag set to true in MQTT before it gets cleared or resending another HTTP/webhook event.

This will default to 10 if not set.

    - ENABLE_BOA=true