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This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 10, 2017. It is now read-only.


Minyoung Choi edited this page Jun 7, 2017 · 117 revisions


  • Update PvP and Submarine Switch assets to support the June 6th 2017 update to Kantai Collection (thanks to everyone for reporting changes and providing assets)


  • Actually archive 2017 Spring Event assets
  • Change FleetComp option to FleetComps to support fleet cycling for sorties (thanks to @waicool20)
  • Add UseBuckets option to Submarine Switch module to specify whether or not submarines should be bucketed (thanks to @R-Jimenez)
  • Update readme


  • Archive 2017 Spring Event assets


  • Add additional assets for 2017 Spring Event (thanks to @frosty5689)


  • Add support for 2017 Spring Event (thanks to @AppleBoi86, @waicool20, @twisting2017, @perryhuynh, and @frosty5689)


  • Update asset for port checking for Events


  • Bugfix to repair module (thanks to @Aripracc)


  • Updates to sortie-related assets (thanks to @waicool20)

2017-03-29 (Release 9.1)

  • Create wrapper for streamlining calls to Sikuli's findAll functionality


  • Fix fleetcomp switcher and assets
  • Update readme and configs

2017-03-17 (Release 9)

  • Update assets to support the March 17th 2017 upgrade to Kantai Collection (thanks to everyone for reporting changes and providing assets)

2017-03-15 (Release 8.3)

  • Bugfixes to PvP module

2017-03-13 (Release 8.2)

  • Bugfixes to submarine switch module

2017-03-12 (Release 8.1)

  • Impovements to PvP module so it selects diamond or line abreast vs sub-heavy opponents, as well as declining night battle against all-sub fleets
  • Improvements to submarine switch module to use less clicks
  • EnabledSubs option of submarine switch module now supports 'ss' and 'ssv' as valid group values
  • Bugfix to ScheduledStop feature (thanks to @waicool20)
  • Minor code updates

2017-02-28 (Release 8)

  • Archive 2017 Winter Event assets
  • Implement FatigueSwitch feature, which lets you specify whether or not kancolle-auto should attempt to switch out fatigued submarines with its submarine switcher module
  • Optimized the submarine switch module's performance when EnabledSubs is set to 'all'
  • Bugfix to fix non-detection of quest bw7
  • Minor code updates


  • Critical bugfix to LastNodePush feature. Please upgrade if you are using this, otherwise you are at risk of losing ships


  • Bugfix with config reader not working when ReplaceLimit was set to blank value


  • Implement ReplaceLimit, which lets you specify what up to what level of damaged subs should be swapped out by the submarine switch module
  • Revise timings to fix bugs caused by optimizing default Sikuli wait times
  • Bugfix on 2017 Winter Event asset (E-3 panel)


  • Optimized default Sikuli and combat loop wait times
  • Bugfix and updates to config files
  • Revise some expedition assets


  • Update 2017 Winter Event assets
  • Add SSV support to submarine switch module (thanks to @waicool20)
  • Revise submarine switch assets
  • Improve debug_find function
  • Add
  • Update config and config_detailed (may cause many merge conflicts)
  • Update code to follow PEP8 spacing
  • Copy 2017 Winter Event assets into archive folder for use in wiki documentation


  • Bugfix to LBAS assignment method
  • Bugfix to repair module's setting of next sortie time


  • Expand support for 2017 Winter Event


  • Expand support for 2017 Winter Event


  • Expand support for 2017 Winter Event (thanks to @waicool20)
  • Improve Event expedition support (thanks to @waicool20)


  • Expand support for 2017 Winter Event (thanks to @AppleBoi86 and @Danielosama)


  • Expand support for 2017 Winter Event
  • Revise submarine switch module logic


  • Begin adding support for 2017 Winter Event
  • Bugfix to LBAS panel switch image so it works with low-morale planes

2017-02-07 (Release 7.1)

  • Improvements to repair and submarine switch modules (thanks to @waicool20)
  • Further modifications to combat module
  • Minor updates and code cleanup


  • Bugfix for crash when kancolle-auto's repair module encounters a completely filled repair screen (thanks to @waicool20)


  • Bugfix for crash when kancolle-auto is started only with PvP module enabled (thanks to @waicool20)

2017-01-22 (Release 7)

  • Upgrade to use Sikuli 1.1.1/SikuliX
    • WARNING: Future versions of kancolle-auto will no longer be compatible with Sikuli 1.0.x! Please upgrade Sikuli following the Quick Start directions
  • Update README

2017-1-1 (Release 6.1)

  • Happy New Year
  • Add CHANGELOG to repo


  • Add support for LBAS on normal non-event maps
  • Add better support for LBAS when all groups are not assigned any nodes
  • Add 6-4 map assets
  • Remove 2016 Winter Event assets

2016-12-05 (Release 6)

  • Revise submarine switch module to support more granular choice of submarines
  • Revise FCF logic to better support ship drops before FCF screen check


  • Add additional images for 2016 Winter Event


  • Update Event expedition icon for 2016 Winter Event
  • Update LBAS resupply logic to use the new one-click resupply button


  • Revise and add images for 2016 Winter Event


  • Revise images for 2016 Winter Event (thanks to @diceman112)


  • Add support for 2016 Winter Event (thanks to @diceman112)


  • Re-structure Quest module, QuestNode object, and Quest trees
  • Add extra Quest item to catch erroneous bw4 OCR readings


  • Replace 4-4 panel image (thanks to @diceman112)


  • Separate out config file descriptions into config_detailed.ini
  • Separate out submarine switcher in config into its own section
  • Bugfix in OCR function


  • Restructured to handle viewer popups


  • Add additional 2016 Summer Event E-4 assets
  • Made Event pre-boss and boss node support expeditions more future proof. They are defined as expeditions 9998 and 9999, respectively
  • Minor changes to README and config file
  • Other minor changes

2016-08-18 (Release 5)

  • Add support for 2016 Summer Event
    • Panel images for all maps
    • Node select images for E-4
    • LBAS node select images for E-2, E-3, E-4
  • Add LBAS resupply and sortie support for event maps
  • Add pre-boss support and boss support expedition support
  • Add additional check to improve fleet status checking mid-sortie
  • Update README, config file, and ISSUE_TEMPLATE
  • Other minor tweaks and improvements
  • Add debug method for rudimentary image match checking


  • Re-work Quests module to be more flexible (see #198)
  • Changes to OCR functions in util to support changes related to above item
  • Add support for ScheduledStop
  • Organized and moved code around

2016-07-05 (Release 4.3)

  • Update Submarine Switch images (thanks to @diceman112)
  • Update bw6, bw7, bw10, c8 quest images. All quest images now updated


  • Update bd4 and bd6 quest images


  • Update sub switch image
  • Update quest image


  • Re-support Quests after the June 10th 2016 Quests UI update to Kantai Collection
  • Remove unnecessary last crash timer check from catbomb recovery routine
  • Improve catbomb recovery routine

2016-06-09 (release 4.2)

  • Implement LastNodePush, which makes kancolle-auto 'push' past the last specified combat node, regardless of fleet damage states. Useful for maps where the last node is a resource/non-combat node like 1-6 (please be careful when using this feature!!!!)
  • Improve tracking of completed sorties
  • Bugfix in PvP module
  • Bugfix in Quests module
  • Remove 2016 Spring event elements
  • Implement additional catbomb check post-expedition


  • Add node D image for 2016 Spring E-4
  • Revise home refresh action pre-sortie to avoid some crash scenarios
  • Add/modify rejiggers in combat module
  • Update readme and config


  • Add node D and E images for 2016 Spring E-2
  • Slight modification to expedition and sortie counting mechanism

2016-05-25 (release 4.1)

  • Critical bugfix to combat module

2016-05-21 (release r4)

  • Implement global regions for each formation
  • Fix formation input validator in config loader
  • Workaround to wait_and_click()


  • Add node D and F images for 2016 Spring E-7
  • Implement formation input validation in config loader
  • Fix automatic formation fill for combined fleets
  • Tweak rnavigation()


  • Add/revise images for 2016 Spring event (page switch arrows are in)
  • Revise resupply to better support failed switches due to damage ship smoke
  • Add home refresh before sortieing to refresh ships under repair
  • Add support for multiple rewards/unlocks after sorties
  • Bugfix to PvP module


  • Add panel images for 2016 Spring event (no page switch arrows yet)
  • Tighten up expand areas in repair module to hopefully avoid crashes
  • Revise certain mouse rejigger areas so that mouse does not rest on certain buttons
  • Bugfix to submarine switcher
  • Revise display_timers text


  • Update config defaults and readme
  • Force homescreen refresh before combat sortieing to update ships under repair
  • Add expanded click areas for fleet flags and ship selection in repair screen


  • Bugfix to Quests module where quests not started due to the queue being full would be tracked incorrectly


  • Bugfix to Combat module where SubmarineSwitch would not work if the submarines had low morale


  • Implement MedalStop into Combat module - stops automatic sorties once a medal has been obtained (for automating monthly medal grinding)
  • Fix Quests module
    • Better tracking of number of active quests
    • Fix ability to switch quests from PvP to Sortie quests
  • Optimize expeditions module
  • Move 2016-Winter assets, add node selection images for map 4-5
  • Other minor bugfixes


  • Improved performance of image matching by specifying specific search regions for many commonly-used images, as well as specifying the global search region to the Kantai Collection game, not the viewer/browser window
  • Sped up certain actions by incorporating sleep_fast() (0.2 - 0.5ms sleep) and tightening up or removing other sleep()s
  • Changes to how Schedule Sleep and PvP timers are set
  • Fix submarine switcher not sorting immediately after successful submarine switch
  • Fix issues with cold starting expeditions
  • Incorporate more informative next action timer message at end of main loop
  • Numerous changes to main kancolle_auto loop
  • Minor changes to navigation
  • Few other bugfixes

2016-02-20 (release r3)

  • Finalize Combined Fleet support
  • Finalize Event support
  • Revise Expeditions module and the way it tracks expeditions
  • Improvements to rejigger_mouse
  • Updated README, config, and wiki
  • Other minor bugfixes and improvements


  • Add Combined Fleet support
  • Add support for FCF (automatically retreats via FCF if only one ship is critically damaged)
  • Bugfix in Combat module where sortieing to non-Event maps were bugged
  • Bugfix in Quests module


  • Expand support for sortieing to Event maps
  • Implement node select ability
  • Revise the Combat module's pre-combat loop


  • Add basic support for sortieing to Event maps


  • Bugfixes on pattern_generator and other speed improvement changes
  • Optimized Quest module
  • Added quest filtering system - quest selection and deselection based on PvP or Sortie quests
  • Re-generated quest images


  • Improve speed and performance of kancolle-auto overall by reducing number of image matching kancolle-auto has to do
    • Revamped random click - rclick function has been removed and replaced with pattern_generator, which can reduce the number of image matching actions by up to 50%, while retaining random click locations
    • Optimized use of findAll - code that is dependent on findAll no longer requires redundant image matching
  • Expeditions received during PvP are not forgotten anymore and are properly re-dispatched
  • Taigei is no longer a valid submarine replacement for the switch_sub method


  • Improve quest identification in Quests module


  • Implement submarine switching capability for Combat module - if enabled, kancolle-auto will switch out submarines being repaired to continue sorties
  • Change RepairTimeLimit setting in config.ini to format HHMM from HH for more granular setting of the repair time limit


  • Implement fleet composition switcher for when both PvP and Combat are enabled
  • Update retreat images in Combat module

2016-01-18 (release r2.1)

  • Fix KC3 recovery method

2016-01-09 (release r2)

  • Revise quest images
  • Bugfixes to Quest module
  • Revise builtin-expedition timers


  • Implement random mouse rest locations (thanks to @minh6a)
  • Implement config option to modify script cycle timer
  • Implement force recheck of expected fleets
  • Minor changes to Quests module
  • Tweak expanded click areas
  • Fix bug that caused repeated checks for PvP
  • Other minor bugfixes


  • Bugfix on PvP expanded click areas


  • Implement expanded click areas for quests and PvP screens
  • Shorten timers on hard-coded expedition timers
  • Implement ability to turn off Quests module via config


  • Revise images used for PvP
  • Incorporate Enabled config option for Quests
  • Bugfixes to Quests module


  • Rudimentary implementation of PvP module (automated PvP)
  • Rudimentary implementation of schedule sleep (kancolle-auto automatically pauses/sleeps at specified time for specified length of time)
  • Expand and bugfixes on quests module
  • Expand OCR and allow for attempt limit on timer reads


  • Implement quests module (automated quests)
  • Other minor improvements and bugfixes

2015-11-08 (release r1)

  • Incorporate destination checks to rnavigation
  • Other minor changes


  • Expand repair functionality
    • Read timers on ships already under repairs
    • Continue repair process if fleet is still damages and a repair dock opens up
  • Optimize actions on script start
  • Other minor improvements and bugfixes


  • Make check_timer more crash-resistant
  • Skip OCR check when set to always use buckets on repair
  • Expand OCR
  • Other minor improvements and bugfixes


  • Implement expanded click area for expedition_finish.png
  • Revise combat_panel images
  • Expand OCR


  • Implement expanded click area for compass.png, next.png, and next_alt.png (expansion of bot-detection evasion features; see discussion in #52)
  • Revise combat_panel images to account for above change
  • Other minor improvements and bugfixes


  • Implement random walk through menus (expansion of bot-detection evasion features; see discussion in #52)
  • Refactor expedition module so expedition-only related commands lives only in
  • Improve the check_timer method so that it does not crash the script when it encounters completely bizarre OCR results
  • Tighten up images
  • Other minor improvements and bugfixes


  • Tweak some sleep timers
  • Tweak fatigue/morale image check thresholds
  • Revise sortie world selection images


  • Update KCT recovery method to use the 'Get API Link' option
  • Minor bugfixes


  • Incorporate mouse click location randomization (see discussion in #52)
  • Update readme


  • Add support for catbomb recovery


  • Expand OCR character checking


  • Incorporate retreat and repair thresholds so the two can be differentiated
  • Add ability to choose whether or not to sortie if port is full (ship slots maxed out)


  • A bunch of stuff