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Example configs

Minyoung Choi edited this page Mar 1, 2017 · 21 revisions
Table of Contents


Example 1

Playing with KC3 on Chrome, in the PST timezone, with a semi-responsive kancolle-auto, plenty of sidesteps, and global sleep timers unaltered

Program = Google Chrome
RecoveryMethod = KC3
JSTOffset = 17
SleepCycle = 20
Paranoia = 3
SleepModifier = 0

Example 2

Playing with Electronic Observer, in the PST timezone, with a more responsive kancolle-auto, 0 to 1 sidesteps, and global sleep times increased by a second

Program: Electronic Observer
RecoveryMethod = EO
JSTOffset = 17
SleepCycle = 10
Paranoia = 1
SleepModifier = 1


Example 1

Scheduled Sleep enabled, starting sometime between 12:30AM and 1AM, for around 3.5 hours

Enabled = True
StartTime = 0030
SleepLength = 3.5

Example 2

Scheduled Sleep enabled, starting sometime between 4AM and 4:30AM, for around 5 hours

Enabled = True
StartTime = 0400
SleepLength = 5


Example 1

Expeditions enabled, with fleet 2 assigned to expedition 2, fleet 3 assigned to expedition 5, and fleet 4 assigned to expedition 21

Enabled = True
Fleet2 = 2
Fleet3 = 5
Fleet4 = 21

Example 2

Expeditions enabled, with fleet 3 assigned to expedition 2, and fleet 4 assigned to expedition 38

Enabled = True
Fleet2 =
Fleet3 = 2
Fleet4 = 38


Example 1

PvP enabled, using fleet composition 1 (if Combat module is also enabled, and a different fleet composition is assigned to it).

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 1

Example 2

PvP enabled, fleet composition switcher disabled (will use whatever is in fleet 1 at the time).

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 0


2-3 - Orel Cruising

Combat enabled, using fleet comp 2, sortieing to map 2-3, not with a combined fleet, up to 5 nodes, line ahead on all nodes, no night battle only on first node, retreat at critical damage, repair all moderate damage and above, bucket for timers above 30 minutes, switch submarines, check fatigue/morale, don't check port (don't care about drops).

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 2
Subarea = 3
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 5
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_ahead
NightBattles = False
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0030
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = False
MedalStop = False
LastNodePush = False

Enabled = True
EnabledSubs = all
ReplaceLimit = 
FatigueSwitch = True

3-2-A grind

Combat enabled, using fleet comp 2, sortieing to map 3-2, not with a combined fleet, only the first node, line ahead, no night battle, retreat at critical damage (not that this matters), repair all moderate damage and above, bucket for timers above 1 hour, switch submarines, check fatigue/morale, check port to not lose any potential drops.

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 3
Subarea = 2
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 1
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_ahead
NightBattles = False
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0100
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = True
MedalStop = False
LastNodePush: False

Enabled = True
EnabledSubs = all
ReplaceLimit = 
FatigueSwitch = True

1-5 Monthly

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 1
Subarea = 5
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 4
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_abreast, line_abreast, line_abreast, line_abreast
NightBattles = False, False, False, False
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = False
MedalStop = True
LastNodePush: False

1-6 Monthly - South route

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 1
Subarea = 6
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 3
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_abreast, diamond, line_ahead
NightBattles = False, False, False
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = False
MedalStop = False
LastNodePush = True

2-5 Monthly - North route

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 2
Subarea = 5
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 3
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_ahead, line_ahead, line_ahead
NightBattles = False, False, True
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = True
MedalStop = True
LastNodePush = False

3-5 Monthly - North route

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 3
Subarea = 5
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 4
NodeSelects =
Formations = line_ahead, line_ahead, line_ahead, line_ahead
NightBattles = False, False, False, True
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = True
MedalStop = True
LastNodePush = False

4-5 Monthly - Middle route

Enabled = True
FleetComp = 2
Area = 4
Subarea = 5
CombinedFleet = False
Nodes = 4
NodeSelects = node_4-5-C
Formations = line_ahead, line_abreast, line_ahead, line_ahead
NightBattles = False, False, False, True
RetreatLimit = 2
RepairLimit = 1
RepairTimeLimit = 0
CheckFatigue = True
PortCheck = True
MedalStop = True
LastNodePush = False


Example 1

Quests enabled, generic list of quests enabled, check quests every 3 sorties/expeditions

Enabled = True
Quests = bd1, bd2, bd3, bd4, bd5, bd6, bd8, bw1, bw2, bw3, bw4, bw5, c2, c3, c4, c8, d2, d3, d4, d9, d11, e3, e4
CheckSchedule = 3

Example 2

Quests enabled, hunting only submarines on map 1-5, check quests after every sortie/expedition

Enabled = True
Quests = bd1, bd2, bd3, bd5, bd6, bw1, bw3, bw4, bw10, c2, c3, c4, c8, d2, d3, d4, d9, d11, e3, e4
CheckSchedule = 1