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Install kancolle auto

Minyoung Choi edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 19 revisions


You need the following installed:

You may need to install Tesseract manually if you are on a Unix environment. Necessary steps are detailed in the section below.


  1. Install Java JRE 8. On Unix systems use apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk openjfx or your distribution's equivalent.
    • Unix only: Install additional packages: apt-get install wmctrl xdotool tesseract-ocr libopencv-core2.4v5 libhighgui2.4 (or your distribution's equivalent)

      Make sure that you have the tessdata folder in the /usr/local/share/ directory. For example, if tesseract-ocr installed to /usr/share/, create a symlink to it using the command sudo ln -s /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/tessdata /usr/local/share/tessdata

  2. Install SikuliX 1.1.x (Nightly) with options 1 (Pack 1) and 3 (Tesseract OCR) selected. Selecting options 1 and 3 are important, otherwise kancolle-auto will not function!
  3. Install kancolle-auto (clone this project somewhere)
  4. Setup kancolle-auto's config file (examples)
  5. Run Kantai Collection in your favorite program (default: Chrome) and go to the Home screen
  6. Run kancolle-auto:
  • Windows: From the command prompt: java -jar <path_to_sikuli>\sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>\kancolle_auto.sikuli (replacing <path_to_sikuli> and <path_to_kancolle_auto> with the correct directories for your installs)
  • Unix: From the terminal: java -jar <path_to_sikuli/sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>/kancolle_auto.sikuli (replacing <path_to_sikuli> and <path_to_kancolle_auto> with the correct directories for your installs)

Tips and Tricks

  1. You can create a batch/bash file to launch kancolle_auto with ease

    • For Windows:

      @ECHO off
      java -jar <path_to_sikuli>\sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>\kancolle_auto.sikuli

      Save the file as .bat in your favorite space (I prefer desktop/KCV folder for easy access).

    • For Linux (method 1):

      java -jar <path_to_sikuli>/sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>/kancolle_auto.sikuli

      Save the file as .sh in your favorite space. Open terminal, open the bash file location, and run: chmod u+x <filename>.sh (allows for double-click and execution of the script).

    • For Linux (method 2): You can create an alias for the command in your .bashrc file or its equivalent like so:

      alias kancolle-auto='java -jar <path_to_sikuli>/sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>/kancolle_auto.sikuli'

      Just run the alias kancolle-auto from any terminal window (works best if the above paths are absolute paths) to run!

  2. If kancolle_auto consistently crashes, please run the script with the debug option -d 3 to help find the error: java -jar <path_to_sikuli>/sikulix.jar -r <path_to_kancolle_auto>\kancolle_auto.sikuli -d 3. This more-detailed log also helps with debugging when opening a new issue.