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Alexandre S. edited this page Jun 14, 2015 · 4 revisions

This small wiki will help you understanding how the plugin works.


Tint Health has actually 2 activation modes, and one "other" mode.

Health mode

This is the default mode. It sends a tint depending on how much health you have left when you get damaged. If you are fully healed, you will get a low tint. If you are really bad injured, you will get a high tint.

Damage mode

Damage mode can be enabled in the configuration. It will send a tint depending on how much damage you get. So if you take 1 heart (2 half hearts) of damage, the tint will be lower than if you take 5 hearts (10 half hearts) of damage.

If you want this mode to be more effective, I recommend changing the intensity modifier to 2. The tint will appear more red for less damage.

Fade mode

Actually, this is not a real mode. This occurs after the tint has been sent. It will fade the tint out of the screen over time defined in the configuration. I recommend enabling this feature, except if you want the tint not to disappear except when the player is healed.


Other options can improve the plugin experience in various ways, depending on how you use the plugin.

Intensity modifier

Modifies the global intensity of the tint. Tint is calculated with "percentage * intensity". It is not recommended to set the intensity modifier higher to 4 or 5, as you will not see any change in health or damage mode (or maybe you want that).

Fade time

This defines how long should it takes, in seconds, to remove the tint when fade mode is enabled.

Minimum health

In half-hearts (20 = 10 hearts, full normal health) This disables the tint if the player has too much health. Effect is not proportional to the minimum value.


Main command is /tinthealth. Aliases are /tint and /th. Subcommands are:

  • reload - Reloads the plugin configuration.
  • toggle - Enables / Disables your tint.


  • tinthealth.* gives you full access to the plugin (reload, toggle and fade).
  • tinthealth.reload allows you to use /tinthealth reload
  • tinthealth.toggle allows you to use /tinthealth toggle
  • tinthealth.fade allows a player to fade his tint (if enabled in the config).

Developer API

I developed a simple developer API to implement Tint Health in other plugins. Please look at the THAPI class for more information. PM me on Spigot if you implemented Tint Health in your plugin !

Debug mode

You can enable debug mode in the configuration file to send debug messages in the console. Use this if you cannot see the tint, before reporting a bug.