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node-smartdc is a node.js client library and set of CLI tools for using with the Joyent SmartDataCenter API, for example the Joyent Compute Service.

(Note: Current releases and the #master branch of this are for SmartDataCenter (SDC) version 7. It is not 100% backward compatible with SDC 6.5. For 100% compatility with SDC 6.5, you must install a "6.5.x" version of this module.)


To use the CLI tools (a number of sdc-* commands) you may want to install globally:

npm install -g smartdc

The CLI commands typical work with JSON content. We suggest you also install the json tool for working with JSON on the command line. The examples below use json heavily.

npm install -g jsontool   # *not* 'npm install json'

CLI Setup and Authentication

There are CLI commands corresponding to almost every action available in the SmartDataCenter API; see the Joyent CloudAPI documentation for complete information. Each command takes --url, --account, and --keyId flags to provide the API endpoint URL and your credentials. However you'll probably want to set the environment variable equivalents:

  • SDC_URL (--url | -u): URL of the CloudAPI endpoint. E.g. "".

  • SDC_ACCOUNT (--account | -a): Login name/username. E.g. "bob".

  • SDC_KEY_ID (--keyId | -k): The fingerprint of an SSH public key that has been added to the account set in SDC_ACCOUNT. This is used for signing requests. If you use an SSH agent, the fingerprint is shown in ssh-add -l output. You can calculate the fingerprint like this:

      ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/ | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d '\n'

    Your matching SSH private key must be beside the ".pub" public key file in your "~/.ssh" dir.

The SmartDataCenter Cloud API uses http-signature (IETF draft spec) for authentication. All requests to the API are signed using your RSA private key. The server uses your (previously uploaded) public key to verify the signed request. This avoids ever sending a password.

Once you have set the environment variables, check that it is working by listing available images for provisioning:

$ sdc-listimages
    "id": "753ceee6-5372-11e3-8f4e-f79c1154e596",
    "name": "base",
    "version": "13.3.0",
    "os": "smartos",
    "requirements": {},
    "type": "smartmachine",
    "description": "A 32-bit SmartOS image with just essential packages installed. Ideal for users who are comfortable with setting up their own environment and tools.",
    "owner": "9dce1460-0c4c-4417-ab8b-25ca478c5a78",
    "homepage": "",
    "published_at": "2013-11-22T12:34:40Z",
    "public": true,
    "state": "active"

CLI Usage

There are many many sdc-* commands. Typically one for each endpoint in the API. A common one is for provisioning a new machine (aka VM). Let's provision a new "base" (SmartOS) machine. First find the id of the "base" image (version 13.3.0):

$ IMAGE=$(sdc-listimages | json -c '"base" && this.version=="13.3.0"'
$ sdc-createmachine --image $IMAGE --name mymachine1
$ sdc-getmachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f
  "id": "f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f",
  "name": "mymachine1",
  "type": "smartmachine",
  "state": "provisioning",
  "image": "753ceee6-5372-11e3-8f4e-f79c1154e596",

Then you can poll until the state of the machine goes to "running":

$ sdc-getmachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f | json state
$ sdc-getmachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f | json state

At that point, you can ssh into the machine; try this:

$ IP=$(sdc-getmachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f | json primaryIp)
$ ssh root@$IP
   __        .                   .
 _|  |_      | .-. .  . .-. :--. |-
|_    _|     ;|   ||  |(.-' |  | |
  |__|   `--'  `-' `;-| `-' '  ' `-'
                   /  ; Instance (base 13.3.0)

[root@f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f ~]#

Once you've played around and are done, you can delete this machine.

$ sdc-deletemachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f
$ sdc-getmachine f8f995da-086f-e8f5-c062-992139432c4f
Object is Gone (410)

There's a lot more you can do, like manage snapshots, analytics, keys, tags, etc. For the Joyent cloud, you can read more here:

Programmatic Usage

var fs = require('fs');
var smartdc = require('smartdc');

var client = smartdc.createClient({
    sign: smartdc.privateKeySigner({
        key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.HOME + '/.ssh/id_rsa', 'utf8'),
        keyId: process.env.SDC_KEY_ID,
        user: process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT
    user: process.env.SDC_ACCOUNT,
    url: process.env.SDC_URL

client.listMachines(function(err, machines) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('Unable to list machines: ' + err);

    machines.forEach(function(m) {
        console.log('Machine: ' + JSON.stringify(m, null, 2));

Upgrading from 6.5 to 7.0

  • The environment variables changed from 6.5 to 7 (the CLI_ string was dropped):
  • The SDC_CLI_IDENTITY environment variable is no longer used. See above on how to determine your public key fingerprint for SDC_KEY_ID.
  • The sdc-setup command was removed.

Note that in 6.5, SDC_CLI_KEY_ID was the name of the SSH key as specified in your Joyent Cloud account. In 7.0, SDC_KEY_ID is the fingerprint of your SSH public key.


MIT. See the "LICENSE" file.


Please report issues to

# Running the test suite

Note that this will execute tests against the Smart DC setup set into ENV variable SDC_URL. Please, make sure it's OK to try to create new machines into such Smart DC setup before running this test suite.

Running the test suite is as simple as:

make test

You may want to add a test user to your Smart DC setup. A sample user, with sample ssh keys can be found at test/user.ldif and test/.ssh. Once you've added this user, you can run your tests using:

    SDC_ACCOUNT=test \
    SDC_KEY_ID=id_rsa \
    HOME="$(pwd)/test" \
    VERBOSE=1 \
    make test


Client SDK and CLI for the Joyent SmartDataCenter API







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