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Apache Kafka and Zookeeper cluster with ansible Based on Centos 7

This Installation is based on Ansible playbook to deploy Kafka and zookeeper cluster Required Nodes : Three Nodes

  Installation Steps :-
  1) Infra Prepration
    a) ssh key to the three nodes
    b) create ssh and copy the public key to the Kafka cluster nodes
    c) configure the inventory file with the ssh key ~/.ssh/ssh-key
    d) configure DNS to map IP with hostname for all Kafka nodes , 
    note i am using as domain for my Kafka cluster (nodes) which is must be replaced with the production DNS domain name.
    e) ensure correct host-names to be replaced in below files :-
    - ansible inventory file
    - roles/zookeeper/templates/zoo.cfg.j2 
    - replace * with the new host names
    - roles/kafka/templates/
    replace * with the new host names
  vim /etc/hosts kafka01 kafka02 kafka03

  2) ansible-playbook -i inventory kafka.yml -t common       
  The purpose of this role is to prepare the apache kafka cluster by installing required packages & java
  Role Tasks:
        a) install java & required packages for Kafka servers (java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 , vim , wget, git , firewalld,bind-utils,git,httpd-tools)
        b) update /etc/bashrc
             export JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre
             export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk
        c) Set nofile limits /etc/security/limits.d/90-nproc.conf
                "* soft nproc 32768"
                "* hard nproc 32768"
        d) Set nofile limits /etc/security/limits.conf
              "* soft nofile 32768"
              "* hard nofile 32768"
        e) Set swappiness to 1
        f) Disable Transparent huge pages untill reboot
              echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
              echo never > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/defrag

  3) ansible-playbook -i inventory kafka.yml -t firewall
  The purpose of this role is to create new firewall services for both kakfka and zookeeper

  4) ansible-playbook -i inventory -t "kafka,zookeeper"
  The purpose of those roles is to install & enable and start both kafka and zookeeper services
  Kafka Role Tasks :
        1) Create user and group "kafka" to run own kafka configurations directory & run kafka and zookeeper services
        2) Download apache kafka and zookeeper tarball file
        3) Extract the tarball file kafka_2. and copy its contents to /opt/kafka
        4) Set permissions on /opt/kafka to be owned by "kafka" user and Group
        5) Create kafka log directory : /var/log/kafka-logs & set permissions to be owned by "Kafka" user and Group
        6) Create zookeeper data directory : /var/lib/zooKeeper & set permissions to be owned by "Kafka" user and Group
        7) Install kafka service & run it as daemon /etc/systemd/system/kafka.service
        8) Configure kafka "configuration file" /opt/Kafka/config/
        9) Reload systemctl daemon
  Note :  before running the ansible kafka playbook , edit the file roles/kafka/templates/
  5) ansible-playbook -i inventory -t zookeeper
  The purpose of those roles is to install & enable and start zookeeper service
  Zookeeper Role Tasks:
        1) Install zookeeper daemon service at /etc/systemd/system/zookeeper.Service
        2) Configure zookeeper configuration file /opt/kafka/config/
        3) Configure broker id at /var/lib/zookeeper/myid
        4) reload systemctl daemon

  Note: before running the ansible playbook , edit the below files
        1) vim roles/kafka/templates/
              - replace ““ with the new domain name
              - ansible inventory file must have the full DNS for the three nodes
        2) vim roles/zookeeper/templates/zoo.cfg.j2
              - ensure the correct name of the nodes (correct DNS hostname )
  make sure kafka and zookeeper services are up and running

  Finally To deploy the full command with one command 
  ansible-playbook -i inventory kafka.yml

  You can contact me on
  Best Regards
  Mohamed Salah


Apache Kafka and Zookeeper cluster with ansible






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