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This script converts an image and audio file into a movie, and then uploads that movie to Youtube. It's meant for quickly sharing music.


usage: [--auth_host_name AUTH_HOST_NAME]
                    [--auth_host_port [AUTH_HOST_PORT [AUTH_HOST_PORT ...]]]
                    [--logging_level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}]
                    [--no_stored_auth] [--output OUTPUT] [--cs_json CS_JSON]
                    [--privacy {public,private,unlisted}]
                    [--category CATEGORY] [--keywords KEYWORDS]
                    [--title TITLE | --title_vars [TITLE_VARS]]
                    [--title_sep TITLE_SEP] [--description [DESCRIPTION]]
                    [--add_metadata] [-V] [-v | -q] [-h]
                    audio_file image_file

Generates a video from an image and audio file and uploads it to Youtube.

positional arguments:
  audio_file            Audio file (MP3, OGG, FLAC, etc).
  image_file            Image file (PNG, JPG, etc).

optional arguments:
  --auth_host_name AUTH_HOST_NAME
                        Hostname when running a local web server.
                        Do not run a local web server.
  --auth_host_port [AUTH_HOST_PORT [AUTH_HOST_PORT ...]]
                        Port web server should listen on.
                        Set the logging level of detail.
  --no_stored_auth      Forego using stored oauth2 tokens.
  --output OUTPUT       Save the output video (.MP4) to a file rather than
                        uploading it to Youtube.
  --cs_json CS_JSON     Path to the client secrets json file (default:
  --privacy {public,private,unlisted}
                        Privacy status of the video (default: unlisted).
  --category CATEGORY   Numeric video category (see the Github wiki for a
                        list; the default is 10, Music).
  --keywords KEYWORDS   Comma-separated list of video keywords/tags.
  --title TITLE         Video title string (default: '(Empty title)'). If
                        neither --title nor --title_vars is specified,
                        --title_vars will be used with its default value,
                        unless this would result in an empty title.
  --title_vars [TITLE_VARS]
                        Comma-separated list of metadata variables to use as
                        the video title (default: artist,title).
  --title_sep TITLE_SEP
                        Separator for the title variables (default: ' - ',
                        yielding e.g. 'Artist - Title'). Ignored if using
  --description [DESCRIPTION]
                        Video description string (default: empty string).
  --add_metadata        Adds a list of audio file metadata to the description
                        (default: True).
  -V, --version         Show version number and exit.
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode (display ffmpeg/ffprobe output).
  -q, --quiet           Quiet mode.
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.

A Youtube Data API client key is required to use this script, as well as
ffmpeg. For help on setting up these dependencies, see this project's Github
page <> or the included file.

Example usage

If we want to upload a video built from test.flac and test.png, we'd type the following:

$ ./ _src/test.flac _src/test.png

Something like the following output is shown:

Using image file `_src/test.png', size: 28659.
Using audio file `_src/test.flac', size: 9755700, duration: 00:02:09.64.
Extracted 7 tag(s) from the audio file.
Encoding video file...
Successfully generated the file `tmp.mp4'.
Authenticating using the Youtube API...
Your browser has been opened to visit:

If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this
application with the command-line parameter 


At this point, the default browser is opened so you can give permission to upload a video to your Youtube channel. If you have multiple accounts, you can choose the one you want to use here.

After the authentication flow finishes, the Terminal output resumes:

Authentication successful.
Uploading file... (filesize: 5.9 MB)
Video ID `dQw4w9WgXcQ' was successfully uploaded. Its visibility is set to `unlisted'.
URL of the newly uploaded video: <>
It may take some time for the video to finish processing; typically 1-10 minutes.

The Youtube URL is now available, although it may not be processed yet.


Aside from your own Youtube Data API key, you'll need to download a few libraries in a virtual environment:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

The following libraries are installed:


There's one additional dependency that can't be automatically installed, which is ffmpeg. On Linux, it's likely in your package manager. On Mac OS X, it can be installed with brew by typing brew install ffmpeg.

OAuth 2.0 client configuration

To be able to upload files to Youtube, you'll need to set up your own client_secrets.json file containing your OAuth 2.0 keys (for Youtube API access). Thankfully, Google lets you set up and download such a file from their developers console. To obtain the file, perform the following actions:

  1. Once logged in to the developers console, you'll need to create a new project, and then turn on:
  2. the YouTube Analytics API;
  3. and the YouTube Data API v3.
  4. Then, you need to set up a valid product name in the Consent Screen page.
  5. Once all that is done, head over to the Credentials page and click the Download JSON button.

By default, looks for the client_secrets.json file in its own directory.

If your key seems to be dysfunctional despite all the proper steps having been taken, you might have hit a bug in Google's systems—try opening the old console as this user states, and it might fix your problem as it did for me.

Code style

The code is PEP8-compliant, with the exception of W291 and W293 and the rules that are ignored by default.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


Quickly uploads an image/audio combination to Youtube







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