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TODO Asciinema etc

Stand-alone Daemon

These args will listen on with a self-signed cert, log requests, and respond with a json object. See http-log -h.

Run from container image:

docker run -t --rm -p8080:8080

Download single, statically-linked binary

wget -O http-log$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)
chmod u+x http-log

Install from source

go install

AWS Lambda

docker build ./cmd/lambda

Packaging and publishing is left as an exercise for the reader (I forgot how I did it)


HTTP Versions

Note: h2c - h2 cleartext - is the name for h2/plaintext. The "correct" way to initiate such a connection is to send an http/1.1 request with an Upgrade: h2c field. Of course a client (like an Envoy proxy) can be configured with a-priori knowledge that the server accepts h2c, and just send h2 right away.

  • With TLS (a -K option other than off, or -k/-c)
    • Default: TLS's ALPN field allows client and server to negotiate HTTP version. http-log supports h2, and any modern client will do as well. The default with TLS enabled is "let it negotiate", which makes h2 effectively the default.
    • With --http-11: we force http/1.1. This is done by returning no protocols in the ALPN field, which means negotiation can't happen, and the default is used, which is http/1.1.
  • Without TLS (-K=off, or no -K and no -k/-c) http/1.1 is the "standard" version. It's usually quite hard to force clients (and server libraries) to do h2 over plaintext.
    • Default: because of some magic in the Go libraries, it's able to accept either http/1.1 or h2 simultaneously. h2 connections can either be h2 on the first request, or can upgrade with an HTTP/1.1 call with header Upgrade: h2c.
    • With --http-11: we disable the h2 handling. http/1.1 will work fine.
      • If you send an h2c upgrade request you'll see it printed, but the h2 upgrade and "main" request won't happen.
      • If you send an immediate h2 request, you'll see a log of a PRI method, with no other data (as that very first part of the h2 request is h1 compatible)