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mtanksl edited this page Apr 24, 2024 · 5 revisions


Edit the \mtanksl.OpenTibia.GameData\data\server\config.lua file to configure which database to use and to configure the login and game binding port.

To configure the binding port

server = {
	login = {
		port = 7171,
	game = {
		port = 7172,

To configure the message of the day

Note: The message of the day is stored in database's Motd table.

server = {
	motd = "MTOTS - An open Tibia server developed by mtanksl",

To configure the ip and port for external access

Note: The server IP, port and world's name are stored in database's Worlds table.

server = {
	worlds = {
		["Cormaya"] = {
			ipaddress = "",
			port = 7172

To enable the status protocol

server = {
	info = {
		maxconnections = 1,
		port = 7173,
		public = {
			servername = "MTOTS",
			ipaddress = "",
			port = 7171,
			location = "",
			url = "",
			ownername = "",
			owneremail = "",
			mapname = "",
			mapauthor = ""