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outgoing packet

mtanksl edited this page Apr 17, 2023 · 1 revision


Packets are the primary unity. Incoming packets wrap the intent of the client and Outgoing packets wrap all the information of a server change that the client needs to receive in order to keep in sync.


Tibia's protocol uses byte 0x83 to show a magic effect. You must specify the position and the magic effect type.

public class ShowMagicEffectOutgoingPacket : IOutgoingPacket
    public ShowMagicEffectOutgoingPacket(Position position, MagicEffectType magicEffectType)
        this.Position = position;

        this.MagicEffectType = magicEffectType;

    public Position Position { get; set; }

    public MagicEffectType MagicEffectType { get; set; }
    public void Write(ByteArrayStreamWriter writer)
        writer.Write( (byte)0x83 );




        writer.Write( (byte)MagicEffectType );