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Privacy Policy

MTGATracker's core contributors ("us", "we", "our") manage source code ("the code"), distribute the application ("the app") and operate and maintain ("the site"). This document serves to inform users of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of data we receive from users of the app, the site, or contributors to the code.

MTGATracker tracks and stores game data from MTG Arena. (We hope this does not come as a surprise to our users, based on the name of the project.) You can read more specifics about the data we track below, as well as learn how to opt-out.

We are required, per Google Analytics terms, to share a privacy policy. None of us are lawyers; this is a document written by non-lawyer humans as a courtesy, and to satisfy Privacy Policy laws to the best of our ability wherever applicable.

Updates to this policy

MTGATracker is always getting better with new features & bug fixes. As MTGATracker evolves, this policy is also subject to change with it, at any time. Notice of updates to this document may be provided to you via notifications within MTGATracker. You may also see a live history of this file at any time by visiting the following link.


Personally Identifiable Information

Personally Identifiable Information ("PII") is a term used in legal documents such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). In the case of GDPR, it refers to information that can be used to identify an individual (i.e. by real name or home address, etc).

The legal nature of if the data collected with MTGATracker is considered PII is ambiguous; we do not legally consider any of the information MTGATracker collects to be PII, as none of this information can lead back to an identifiable individual (i.e. your real name or home address, etc) by use of our data sources alone. However, we will endeavor anyways to protect information from any category listed below as if it were. We will always ask for your consent before sharing information from any category listed below with any party for any reason other than to directly provide MTGATracker's services as outlined in our Terms of Service. For example, we will not share information from any category below with marketing partners without your consent to do so.

Linkable information

"Linkable Information" includes data that reasonably could be tied to a user, but does not inherently do so. We consider things like anonymized IP Addresses, Unique Identity Codes from Identity Providers, Preferred Usernames from Identity Providers (e.g. Twitch or Discord usernames), data about browsers, country-of-origin, etc. to be "Linkable information," but not "Individual Person Information," or "Platform Information." In general, we prefer to anonymize Linkable information whenever possible.

Individual Person Information

"Individual Person Information" includes data that de-facto represents an individual. We consider things like email addresses, full names, phone numbers, and mailing addresses to be "Individual Person Information." We do not process, collect, store, or share any Individual Person Information.

Secure Information

"Secure Information" includes secret and private data such as passwords. We provide a service that is passwordless, and as such, we do not process, collect, store, or share any secure information.

Platform Information

"Platform Information" includes data that represents an individual's persona & play history in MTGA. We consider things like MTGA usernames, deck titles, deck contents, win/loss ratios, etc to be "Platform Information." We consider Platform Information to be adjacent to and distinct from Individual Person Information, similar to Linkable Information.

If a user chooses to encode Individual Person Information into platform information (for example, a user providing a title for a deck that is also their home address), this use case would be a bizarre misuse of the platform, in which MTGATracker is not liable. Encoding Individual Person Information into platform information is done so at the user's own risk, and we are not responsible or liable to protect this data as such if you choose to do so.

Our data policy

Legal Basis

While we do not consider any information MTGATracker collects to be Individual Person Information, our legal basis for processing & storing any data that may be considered PII (namely, MTGA Usernames), now or in the future is and will always be to fulfill the contract of providing MTGA Game Data Analysis to individual users, as outlined in the MTGATracker Terms of Services, per GDPR Article 6(1)(b).

While you must agree to our Terms of Services in order to use MTGATracker services, your agreement to the Terms of Services contract is not considered consent for your information to be used for marketing purposes, or any other purpose than to directly carry out our contract with you. Before using your information for any purposes outside of fulfilling the contract outlined in our Terms of Services, we will ask for your consent. We ask for "soft-consent" and point you to this document from our downloads page only as a courtesy, as well as to notify you of your ability to opt-out of our data processing, collection, and storage entirely.

What we do and don't do with your data

We will never sell any of your information to any third parties. Ever.

If we ever do use Individual Person Information or PII, we will do so only to operate and improve the app and the site. We must use third parties to process information from any of the definitions above, but we will we never display Linkable Information (e.g. your Twitch / Discord username) publicly to any user other than the owner of that information without that user's specific and express permission. We also will never share your information with any 3rd party without your express permission for any reason other than to operate the app and site. Again, we do not process, collect, store, or share Individual Person Information, but if we ever do, we will not share it with or sell it to any third party without your freely-given consent.

We do share anonymized IP Addresses sent to the site with analytics services (namely, Google Analytics, which you can read more about here). We only share this information to understand our usage history, understand the scaling challenges ahead, plan future solutions, and generally to improve the app and site. Note that we do not collect or store IP Addresses in any form, and we do not share any Individual Person Information or PII with Google Analytics--not even your entire IP address.

We reserve the right to share raw data from any category with individuals affiliated with MTGATracker for the purpose of fulfilling MTGATracker's contract outlined in our Terms. These individuals will always have signed non-disclosure agreements on file.

We may share Platform Information with other services with your express permission for each service & use case, each of which, if any at all, will be outlined later in this document.

We reserve the right to share anonymous aggregate data publicly. We will endeavor to anonymize Platform Information before sharing it publicly, but we reserve the right to share Platform Information in its raw form with any authenticated user with a need to see that information (for example, if you played a game against User A, it is reasonable that that game's data, alongside your in-game username, will also be visible to User A.) We will not, without your permission, share specifics of your platform information publicly. For example, we will not share the contents of a specific deck, your deck's name, or your username publicly- if you think you have found a case where this is occurring, please report it to us immediately.

Here are some examples of information we will not share without permission:

  • User Gemma1234 has played 200 games with Merfolk!
  • User James9876 has a playset of Belzenlok's!
  • User xXxJ4CExXx has 27 decks, all of which are blue!
  • User SPIKEBEST has won 3,000 games!
  • User SPIKEBEST who has won 3,000 games this month is Twitch user iheartdwaynetherockjohnson
  • Somewhere between one and nine anonymous users are running this exact decklist!

Here are some examples of information we do reserve the right to share publicly:

  • 10+ anonymous users are running this exact decklist!
  • The most rats used in any deck tracked with MTGATracker is 55, by an anonymous user.
  • The largest land count ever used in a deck in MTGATracker is 40, by an anonymous user running a green deck. The smallest is 2, by an anonymous user running a red deck.
  • The highest winrate of any user is 200:6, by an anonymous user.
  • 43% of all blue-green decks tracked contain at least these 30 cards: ...
  • 15% of users use or have used at least one profanity in the names of their decks.
  • Zetalpha, Primal Dawn has been used in 98% of all decks tracked with MTGATracker!
  • No one has ever used Sphinx's Decree in any game tracked by MTGATracker, ever!

Specifically, what data does MTGATracker collect, and how often?

Last updated with version 4.1.3

Linkable Information

When you sign in to MTGATracker: Inspector using an identity provider such as Twitch or Discord, we always request the smallest set of information and permissions as possible.

We only collect this information to give you a method to uniquely authenticate with the Inspector service without the need to create a new username / password. We do not share this information with any third parties for marketing purposes or any other purposes, except sharing with the originating source while performing authentication ( for example, if you authenticate using Twitch, we will send Twitch and only Twitch your access code to ensure you are authorized to represent your account on Twitch.)

Twitch and Discord

For Twitch and Discord, this set of information is:

  • A Unique ID Number assigned to you by the identity provider
  • Your preferred username in the service
  • An API "access code," "access token," and "refresh token" (all of which only allows us to verify with the ID provider that you are authorized to represent that identity, and that only--we don't request any other actionable permissions from either service)

Game Information

MTGATracker sends one request to our servers at the end of each game played with the tracker running, and one request whenever your rank changes.

The following is an example payload sent to our server at the end of a game with incognito mode enabled:

  "anonymousUserID": "<hash>",  /* this is a hash (numeric representation) of your MTGA username */
  "date": "2018-05-08 14:40:26.809448"

In this case, no user entry will be generated.

The following is an example payload sent to our server at the end of a game without incognito mode enabled. Some fields have been partially obscured, the opponent's name has been redacted, and the opponent's deck has been replaced with the partial contents of one of Spencatro's decks, but the record is otherwise real:

{"client_version": "3.5.5",
 "date": "2018-05-08 03:20:36.619000",
 "gameID": "...R3D4CT3D...",
 "game_hash": "...R3D4CT3D...",
 "hero": "Spencatro",
 "opponent": "Opponent's MTGA Username",
 "turnNumber": 10,
 "elapsedTime": "0:04:57.944322",
 "currentPlayer": "Morethanafro",
 "currentPhase": "Phase_Main1",
 "onThePlay": "Spencatro",
 "opponentStartingRank": "Gold 4",
 "eventID": "CompCons_DOM_06072018",
 "players": [{"deck": {"cards": {"65081": 2,
     "65463": 2,
     "65643": 1,
     "65683": 1,
     "65687": 1,
     "66173": 1,
     "66177": 1,
     "66185": 1,
     "66189": 1,
     "66225": 1,
     "66237": 1,
     "66239": 1,
     "66249": 1,
     "66251": 2,
     "66263": 1,
     "66279": 2,
     "66289": 1,
     "66411": 2,
     "66449": 1,
     "66753": 1,
     "66761": 2,
     "66765": 2,
     "66783": 1,
     "66809": 1,
     "66813": 2,
     "66819": 2,
     "66827": 1,
     "66851": 1,
     "66929": 2,
     "67019": 9,
     "67021": 12},
    "playedCards": {
     "65463": 2,
     "65643": 1,
     "65683": 1,
     "65687": 1,
     "66411": 2,
     "66449": 1,
     "66753": 1,
    "timeSpent": "0:00:42.856671",
    "deckID": "...R3D4CT3D...",
    "poolName": "The Brazen Coalition"},
   "name": "Spencatro",
   "userID": "...R3D4CT3D..."},
  {"deck": {"cards": {"-1": 39,
     "66003": 2,
     "66009": 1,
     "66029": 1,
     "66175": 2,
     "66185": 4,
     "66219": 2,
     "66223": 2,
     "66431": 1,
     "66619": 2,
     "66627": 2,
     "66631": 2},
    "deckID": "unknown",
    "poolName": "Opponent's MTGA Username's visible cards"},
   "name": "Opponent's MTGA Username",
   "timeSpent": "0:01:12.86429",
   "userID": "...R3D4CT3D..."}],
 "winner": "Spencatro"}

When incognito mode is enabled, no requests are sent when rank changes are observed in MTGATracker.

The following is an example payload sent to our server when a rankChange event is observed without incognito mode enabled.

   "playerId": "...R3D4CT3D...",
   "newTier": 1,
   "oldTier": 1,
   "newClass": "Silver",
   "oldClass": "Silver",
   "oldProgress": 59.88731236824992,
   "newProgress": 48.64644868982941,
   "newStreak": 0,
   "oldStreak": 0,
   "rankUpdateType": "Constructed",
   "block_title": "Rank.Updated",
   "block_title_sequence": "398"

When incognito mode is enabled, no requests are sent when inventory changes (gold, gems, or vault progress) are observed in MTGATracker.

MTGATracker sends a request to our servers when it detects a change in a user's inventory. The following is an example payload sent to our servers on an inventory change event without incognito mode enabled.

    "type": "gold",
    "value": 20175,
    "playerId": "...R3D4CT3D...",

When incognito mode is enabled, no requests are sent when draft picks are observed in MTGATracker.

MTGATracker sends a request to our servers when a draft pick is observed. The following is an example payload sent to our servers on an draft pick event without incognito mode enabled.

    "playerID": "...R3D4CT3D...",
    "pickNumber": 1,
    "packNumber": 0,
    "pack": [
    "pick": 68182

User information

The following is what MTGATracker stores for each user record, created the first time a user completes a game with the tracker running:

{"_id": ObjectId("...R3D4CT3D..."),
 "available": false,
 "isUser": true,
 "publicName": "Fearless_Inquisitor",
 "username": "Spencatro"}

The following is what MTGATracker stores for each user record, after it has been updated by logging in to Inspector for the first time:

{"_id": ObjectId("...R3D4CT3D..."),
 "auth": {"accessCode": 123456,
          "expires": "2018-05-08 00:10:53.240000"},
 "available": false,
 "discordID": "...R3D4CT3D...",
 "discordUsername": "Spencatro#6059",
 "isUser": true,
 "publicName": "Fearless_Inquisitor",
 "username": "Spencatro"}

What data does MTGATracker share and with whom?

  • MTGATracker stores all information in an undisclosed DBaaS. If you would like more information about this, please contact us at .

  • MTGATracker uses to process all remote requests. You can read about their privacy policy here, and their security practices here.

  • MTGATracker shares your incomplete IP address, anonymized by dropping the last octet ( ->, with Google Analytics and Google Adsense.

  • MTGATracker "shares" the following information with Discord (to message you your accessCode during Inspector login)

    • Your Discord username
    • Your MTGA username
    • Your unique, rolling login accessCode's
    • Your accessCode's expiration date

Third-Parties and Privacy

Google Adsense

We reserve the right to use Google Adsense to serve users ads from any MTGATracker site. You can read more about Google Adsense's privacy policy here.

By default, Adsense will only show non-personalized ads to users located in the EU. We will only show personalized ads, which may use technology such as fingerprinting cookies, to users in the EU with their consent. We appreciate your choice to support MTGATracker by allowing these technologies to better serve you and us. You can read more about how Google Adsense uses cookies here.

Per Google Adsense's policy, we are obligated to include the following in our policy:

  • Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s prior visits to your website
  • Google’s use of the DoubleClick cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites on the internet
  • Users may opt out of the use of the DoubleClick cookie for interest-based advertising by visiting Ad Settings [Google]. (Alternatively, you can direct users to opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies for interest-based advertising by visiting

How do I opt out of MTGATracker data collection? (Turning on "incognito mode")

Where to enable incognito mode

  • Open MTGATracker
  • Click the settings button
  • Select the "Privacy" tab
  • Enable "Incognito Mode"

The Right to be Forgotten

You have the right to request a copy of all data stored in MTGATracker about you. To do so, please contact us at . If you at any time would like data related to you to be archived or removed from MTGATracker systems, please contact .

Note that these requests will require platform-based challenges to verify your identity in order to complete them.

Contact us about this policy

If you would like to better understand how any of your data is used, please feel free to ask our developers on Discord or via email ( Our core contributors will be more than happy to explain, improve, or remove the ways in which we handle your data, whenever necessary.