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License: GPL v3



  • hotSpot is optimised for data center deployments, not cloud
    • we need instant startup and low footprint today
  • GraalVM offers both a JIT compiler and an AOT compiler for Java
    • interpreter vs compiler
      • in a nutshell: compiler runs in advance, whereas the interpreter works on-the-fly
      • interpreter reads program line-by-line and generates the machine code of the line on-the-fly
        • it forgets about the previous line, so loops are translated time and again to machine code
  • polyglot alt text
  • written in java
    • integration with VM using JVMCI (jvm compiler interface - available since java 9)
    • truffle context
      • a language abstract syntax tree interpreter which allows implementing languages on top of the GraalVM
      • it's an API providing everything you need to write an interpreter, plus a framework allowing you to leverage partial evaluation
        • Futamura projections
  • pros
    • startup speed
    • peak throughput
    • reduced max latency
    • small packaging
    • low memory footprint
  • compilation pipelines
    • OpenJDK default
      • javac => interpreter => C1 JIT => C2 JIT
    • GraalVM JIT mode
      • could be used as JIT C2
      • javac => interpreter => C1 JIT => GraalVM JIT
    • GraalVM AOT mode
      • javac => GraalVM AOT
  • vs C2
    • easier to understand
    • modular design
    • better inlining and escape analysis
      • partial escape analysis
        • a variant of escape analysis which tracks object lifetime along different control flow paths of method
        • an object can be marked as not escaping along one path even though it escapes along a different path
        • even if object can escape the method, graalvm assumes that it won't and start to use normal escape analysis
      • if object is not on the heap but in the stack you could do more things
      • allows for
        • scalar replacement
          • when an object is identified as non-escaping the JVM can replace its allocation on the heap with an allocation of its members on the stack which mitigates the lack of user guided stack allocation alt text
        • lock elision

ahead of time compilation (AOT)

  • is the act of compiling a higher-level programming language such as C or C++, or an intermediate representation such as Java bytecode into a native (system-dependent) machine code so that the resulting binary file can execute natively
  • aot vs jit alt text
    • default: image build fails when a reachable class is missing
      • guarantees no linking errors at runtime
  • is enabled in Java 9
    • jaotc compiler
  • no longer platform neutral
    • different AOT code needed for each deployment platform (Linux, Mac, Windows)
  • potential risk - static initializers are resolved at compile time
    class HelloCachedTime {
        static final Date CACHED_TIME = Startup.TIME;
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            System.out.println("Startup: " + CACHED_TIME);
            System.out.println("Now: " + new Date());
    class Startup {
        static final Date TIME = new Date();
    • javac, java HelloCachedTime
      Startup: Fri Aug 31 13:17:05 PDT 2018
      Now: Fri Aug 31 13:17:05 PDT 2018
    • native-image HelloCachedTime, ./hellocachedtime
      Startup: Fri Aug 31 13:22:12 PDT 2018
      Now: Fri Aug 31 13:17:05 PDT 2018
      • remedy: use flag --delay-class-initialization-to-runtime=class

native images

  • single, self-contained executable

    • contains all the application code as well as necessary runtime support, ex. the garbage collector
      • image build fails when a reachable class is missing
        • guarantees no linking errors at runtime
    • easily copied
    • no need to seek for various JAR, properties & other miscellaneous files and wait for them to open, load and initialize
    • gives us instant startup
  • able to capture a snapshot of an application memory

    • when native executable is started it continues exactly from where it was (snapshot)
    • eliminates repetitive initialization
      • makes the startup time even more instant
        • class initializers, initializers for static and static final fields
        • class initialization at image build time improves app startup
          • by default, app classes are initialized at runtime
          • most jdk classes are initialized at image build time
    • do things once at build time instead at every application startup
    • examples for objects in the image heap
      • java.lang.Class objects, enum constants
  • lower memory consumption

    • closed-world principle
      • what is not known to be true, is false
        • absence of information is interpreted as negative information
      • analysis needs to see all bytecode
        • otherwise aggressive AOT optimizations are not possible
        • otherwise unused classes, methods, and fields cannot be removed
        • otherwise a class loader / bytecode interpreter is necessary at runtime
      • when building a native executable, GraalVM operates with a closed world assumption
        • it analyzes the call tree and removes all the classes/methods/fields that are not used directly
    • no meta-data for dynamically loaded classes
    • no profiling data
    • no JIT compiler data structures
    • no dynamic code cache
  • trade-offs

    • can only run on a single platform

      • if you generate the image for 64-bit Linux, it only runs on Linux
      • portability is restricted compared to classical JAR file
    • ability to perform reflection is limited

      • is still possible, but it has to be configured and compiled into the native executable
    • no dynamic classloading (everything is known at compile time)

      • no dynamic proxies
    • when the application runs for a long time, the just-in-time compiler can actually outperform the AOT one

      On the other hand, everything is always a tradeoff. Long running applications on traditional JVMs are still demonstrating better performance than GraalVM native executables due to runtime optimization. The key word here is long-running; for short-running applications like serverless functions, native executables have a performance advantage. So, you need to decide yourself between fast startup time and small size (and the additional step of building the native executable) versus better performance for long-running applications. team

    • GraalVM native use non-parallel gc

  • native image build process

    alt text alt text alt text

  • SubstrateVm

    • native image tool (part of GraalVM) which focuses on AOT compilation
    • takes a regular Java application and compile it into native binary
    • re-implementation of the JVM on a completely different basis
      • produces small, HotSpot independent code that starts fast and runs well in cloud based environment


  • price to pay for spring boot: memory, cpu, start-up
    • because of proxies, injections, reflections, scan all the code etc
  • supersonic?
    • fast boot
  • subatomic?
    • low memory, high density
  • why?
    • high memory consumption & long start-up time is problematic if cloud
  • start-up + first response
    • spring boot + openjdk - 5 seconds
    • quarkus + openjdk - 2.5 seconds
    • quarkus + GraalVm - 0.055 seconds
  • applicable for serverless
    • perfect fit for event-driven environments where we need to spin up a service in real time to react to an event
    • fast boot time = instant scale up
    • makes a difference if we only want to scale in cloud - and we want to have low first response time
  • under the hood
    • SubstrateVm
      • superpower: dead code elimination
        • analysis a whole graph of app and delete not used code
        • only the portions of frameworks (including the JDK itself) actually in use by the service are included in the resulting image
        • for example: if you use hibernate and not use oracle - you don't need around 100 classes
  • hot reload
    • quarkus:dev provides hot-reload capabilities
    • changes made to source and configuration files are automatically re-compiled once the browser is refreshed
  • how a traditional stack works
    1. search for configuration files, parse them
    2. classpath scanning to find annotated classes
      • discover extension points, plugins, optional features
    3. build the metamodel
      • prepare injection points
      • generate proxies
      • enhance classes
      • validate the world
  • jandex - high performance classpath scanner & indexer: avoids any class initialization
  • arc - CDI based dependency injection, at build time
  • gizmo - bytecode generation library, used by extensions to generate all infrastructure


  • a microservices and serverless focused framework
    • library/toolkit vs framework
      • when you use a library, you are in charge of the flow of the application
        • you are choosing when and where to call the library
      • when you use a framework, the framework is in charge of the flow
        • it provides some places for you to plug in your code, but it calls the code you plugged in as needed
    • reflection free, runtime proxy free, no dynamic classloading
  • designed from the ground-up for Microservices and Serverless Computing
    • a lot of cloud-native features
      • service discovery
      • distributed tracing
      • asynchronous communication
      • retriable http clients
      • circuit breakers
      • scalability and load balancing
      • external configuration
  • DI/AOP approach
    • reflection based
      • no common reflection cache in java, each library/framework produces a unique reflection cache
        • extremely difficult to optimize memory consumption
      • reflective calls are difficult for the JIT to optimize
      • traditional AOP has heavy reliance on runtime proxy creation
        • slows app performance
        • makes debugging harder
        • increases memory consumption
    • micronaut
      • processes classes at compile time and produces all metadata at compile time
      • doesn't need to scan all your classes, methods, properties to "understand" your app
      • uses Ahead of Time (AOT) compilation via annotation processors
      • pros
        • improves startup perfomance
        • reduces memory consumption
        • reducing proxies and stack trace size
        • improving debugging
  • data access approach
    • existing data access solutions
      • spring data, gorm etc
      • rely heavily on reflection and runtime proxies
      • must compute queries at runtime
      • cost of computation grows as your application grows
    • micronaut
      • precomputes queries at compilation time
      • uses micronaut's reflection-free aop
      • zero runtime overhead database access solution
      • compilation time checking
      • smaller stack traces
      • jpa-ql and sql currently supported
  • solutions
    • problem: limited annotation API
      • solution: precomputed AnnotationMetadata
    • problem: type erasure
      • solution: precomputed Argument Interface
    • problem: slow reflection
      • solution: eliminate reflection
    • problem: reflective data caches
      • solution: zero data caches
    • problem: classpath scanning
      • solution: no classpath scanning
    • problem: slow dynamic class loading
      • solution: no dynamic class loaders


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