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A custom react hls player inspired by Youtube with bitrate options if avaiblable.


react-hls-player is a simple HLS live stream player. It uses hls.js to play your hls live stream if your browser supports html 5 video and MediaSource Extension.

npm install @aka_theos/react-hls-player@1.0.0


Using the TheosPlayer component

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import TheosPlayer from "@aka_theos/react-hls-player";


Using hlsConfig (advanced use case)

All available config properties can be found on the Fine Tuning section of the Hls.js

import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import TheosPlayer from "@aka_theos/react-hls-player";

      maxLoadingDelay: 4,
      minAutoBitrate: 0,
      lowLatencyMode: true,


All video properties are supported and passed down to the underlying video component

Prop Description
src String, required The hls url that you want to play
autoPlay Boolean Autoplay when component is ready. Defaults to false
hlsConfig Object hls.js config, you can see all config here
width String Determines the width of the video player. note that if you leave this empty the video player is responsive.
title String give the video a title and it will appear in the video player.
color String give the video player a color and it will change the color theme of the player.

Additional Notes

By default, the HLS config will have enableWorker set to false. There have been issues with the HLS.js library that breaks some React apps, so I've disabled it to prevent people from running in to this issue. If you want to enable it and see if it works with your React app, you can simply pass in enableWorker: true to the hlsConfig prop object. See this issue for more information