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Making a proposal with the MonetaryUnit QT wallet

c44c edited this page Jan 22, 2019 · 1 revision

Making a proposal with the MonetaryUnit QT wallet

Please note, this guide is out of date and will not work

The MonetaryUnit network has adopted a governing model where a 10% portion of the block rewards are used to fund proposals that benefit the MonetaryUnit network and community. It is currently necessary to manually make a proposal with the QT wallet before submitting a proposal output - for the masternode operators to vote for or against. Please see the steps below on how to make a proposal and getting it submitted to the network!

Initiating a proposal

Let's start by going the MyMue proposal page: Create an account and make sure to setup two-factor authentication, 2fa, for your increased security.

Next, please go to the proposal page; where we will start by filling in the requested fields and start generating a proposal for the masternode network.

You will need to fill in

Proposal Name:
Proposal Description URL:
Payment Address:

And select

Payment Date:

So as an example:

It is easy and pretty straightforward to fill out the form. In the fields,

  • Payment Amount: this is how much you want to be paid on each superblock
  • Payments: This is how many payments you want to receive.
  • Payment Address: Your address where payment will be sent to
  • Total Amount: 5000 MUE with a final payment on 6/1/2017

The output here would lead to the proposal being paid 500 MUE, for 10 times, making a total of 5000 MUE.

So after you have filled in the boxes hit

And it will take you to the next page, and the next step

Pasting outputs in the QT-wallet

The next step is to paste the outputs from the proposal page into the console of the QT-wallet.

Copy the output and paste it in the wallet console

Hit Enter and in the console you will get a new output, that we will need for the next step:

The output in this example:


will be needed for the next step back on the proposal page.

You can verify that a transaction has been made for the proposal, for the live mainnet the cost for a proposal is set to 500 MUE. For the current testing the fee has been set to 5 MUE. Please wait for six (6) confirmations (about 2.5 minutes) before proceeding with the next step.

Proceeding on the Proposal page

The output from the QT-wallet 1c9b485707ddb54d621325483ae5341fdede5f31b6caa5b846d3cdd141703d28 needs to be pasted in the proposal page in the field underneath the Transaction ID: Submit this value and then proceed with the next step.

After pasting in the transaction id value, copy the output from the Submit Proposal tab on the Proposal page. Go back to your QT-wallet console, and paste the new output in the console again. This will generate a Proposal ID that is used for voting on the new proposal.

Copy the output once again and paste it into your wallet console:

this will give you this


For the network to vote on your proposal, you need to provide the correct Proposal ID commands:

For yes:

gobject vote-many ec6156877ffccfc9b5b99101a13c673b9ce856bcd9909a2fec9f2bb2af7a72b8 funding yes

or, no:

gobject vote-many ec6156877ffccfc9b5b99101a13c673b9ce856bcd9909a2fec9f2bb2af7a72b8 funding no

now depending on how many masternodes you have the out will vary. Here is the output for a 3 masternode setup:

  "overall": "Voted successfully 3 time(s) and failed 0 time(s).",
  "detail": {
    "MN1": {
      "result": "success"
    "MN2": {
      "result": "success"
    "MN3": {
      "result": "success"

Check the Proposal status

To check how your proposal is doing you can check it with this command

gobject get ec6156877ffccfc9b5b99101a13c673b9ce856bcd9909a2fec9f2bb2af7a72b8

  "DataHex": "5b5b2270726f706f73616c222c7b22656e645f65706f6368223a2231343936353733363535222c226e616d65223a224d795f4d55455f50726f706f73616c222c227061796d656e745f61646472657373223a22376270427055796938664a594d5673464672504e6141664e69564533336470325571222c227061796d656e745f616d6f756e74223a22313030222c2273746172745f65706f6368223a2231343935363632323535222c2274797065223a312c2275726c223a22687474703a2f2f666f72756d2e70726f706f73616c74616c6b2e6f7267227d5d5d",
  "DataString": "[[\"proposal\",{\"end_epoch\":\"1496573655\",\"name\":\"My_MUE_Proposal\",\"payment_address\":\"7bpBpUyi8fJYMVsFFrPNaAfNiVE33dp2Uq\",\"payment_amount\":\"100\",\"start_epoch\":\"1495662255\",\"type\":1,\"url\":\"\"}]]",
  "Hash": "ec6156877ffccfc9b5b99101a13c673b9ce856bcd9909a2fec9f2bb2af7a72b8",
  "CollateralHash": "1c9b485707ddb54d621325483ae5341fdede5f31b6caa5b846d3cdd141703d28",
  "ObjectType": 1,
  "CreationTime": 1495543525,
  "FundingResult": {
    "AbsoluteYesCount": 3,
    "YesCount": 3,
    "NoCount": 0,
    "AbstainCount": 0
  "ValidResult": {
    "AbsoluteYesCount": 0,
    "YesCount": 0,
    "NoCount": 0,
    "AbstainCount": 0
  "DeleteResult": {
    "AbsoluteYesCount": 0,
    "YesCount": 0,
    "NoCount": 0,
    "AbstainCount": 0
  "EndorsedResult": {
    "AbsoluteYesCount": 0,
    "YesCount": 0,
    "NoCount": 0,
    "AbstainCount": 0
  "fLocalValidity": true,
  "IsValidReason": "",
  "fCachedValid": true,
  "fCachedFunding": false,
  "fCachedDelete": false,
  "fCachedEndorsed": false