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From the book: Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. Writer: Al Sweigart

Pretty Character Count

It's a practice project for python beginners.

HINT: If you import the pprint module into your programs, you’ll have access to the pprint() and pformat() functions that will “pretty print” a dictionary values. This is helpful when you want a cleaner display of the items in a dictionary than what print() provides.

Modify the previous program and save it as

👉 No.1 This time, when the program runs, the output should looks much cleaner, with the keys sorted.

{' ': 13,
 ',': 1,
 '.': 1,
 'A': 1,
 'I': 1,
 'a': 4,
 'b': 1,
 'c': 3,
 'd': 3,
 'e': 5,
 'g': 2,
 'h': 3,
 'i': 6,
 'k': 2,
 'l': 3,
 'n': 4,
 'o': 2,
 'p': 1,
 'r': 5,
 's': 3,
 't': 6, 
 'w': 2,
 'y': 1} 

HINT: The pprint.pprint() function is especially helpful when the dictionary itself contains nested lists or dictionaries. If you want to obtain the prettified text as a string value instead of playing it on the screen, call pprint.pformat() instead. These two lines are equivalent to each other: pprint.pprint(someDictionaryValue) print(pprint.pformat(someDictionaryValue))