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An example of the opinionated deployment pipeline for your Kubernetes-on-AWS-native apps. Secure, declarative, customizable, open app deployments at your hand.

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Getting started

Per-machine setup

Setup the deploy app

Install remind101/deploy.

Run the following steps to verify it is working:

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<the token generated in above>

$ deploy --env test <your github org>/<your github repo> e.g. `deploy --env test mumoshu/myrepo`

See it fail like this(This is expected as we don't have a deployment pipeline to react the deployment yet!):

Deploying the following commits:

<your commit author full name>        	<your commit message>

See entire diff here:

Deploying mumoshu/myrepo to test...
Error from github deployments: Timed out waiting for build to start. Did you add a webhook to handle deployment events?

Install helm

helm is a package manager likt apt or yum for Kubernetes.

Install sops-vault app

sops-vault allows you to transparently decrypt a required credential for running commands.

Install helmfile app

helmfile allows you to declaratively manage all the helm releases forming your app deployed to K8S.

Per-project setup

Generate GitHub token

Generate a new GitHub personal access token for calling GitHub Deployments API:

  • Click "Generate new token"
  • Input whatever you think helpful to "Token description"
  • In "Select scopes", check "repo_deployment"
  • Click "Generate token"
  • Save the generated token in a safe place

Setup AWS credentials and AWS KMS access

Using a SSO service like OneLogin:

$ onelogin-aws-login

$ export AWS_PROFILE=<your profile name obtained from >

Or explicitly setting a pair of access key id and secret access key(Not recommended):

$ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...

Compose helmfile.yaml

Customize the helmfile contained in this repository according to your use-case.

In the default helmfile.yaml, we have:

  • kubeaws-charts/std chart to easily deploy your stateless web/grpc app to K8S without writing too much boiler-plate helm templates
  • Azure/brigade project to run helmfile sync whenever a deployment is triggered
  • WIP: A webhook gateway to trigger the brigade project whenever a github deployment is made, without exposing the K8S API server to the Internet

Deploy your app along with a deployment pipeline

$ git clone temp/
$ cp temp/{brigade.js,helmfile.yaml,ship/} .
$ rm -rf temp
$ git add brigade.js helmfile.yaml values.yaml ship/
$ git commit -m 'Enable an automated deployment pipeline'
$ git push origin master
$ export ENV=test

$ export BRIGADE_IMAGE=mumoshu/golang-k8s-aws:1.9.1
$ export BRIGADE_COMMAND="helmfile sync"

$ export PROJECT=<your github org>/<your repo>

$ export APP_IMAGE=<your app's docker image>:<commit id>

$ sops-vault run helmfile sync
  • sops-vault decrypts kubeconfig using AWS KMS and then calls out to helmfile sync
  • helmfile sync deploys all the helm releases as declared in helmfile.yaml

Test the setup

Manually triggering a deployment pipeline

Trigger a deployment (again) by running deploy app to call GitHub Deployment API for creating a new deployment:

$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<the token generated in above>

$ deploy --env test <your github org>/<your github repo> e.g. `deploy --env test mumoshu/myrepo`

Automatically triggering a deployment pipeline

Add the same deploy command and envvars to your CI pipeline definition in e.g. .circleci/config.yml when you're a CircleCI user.


Notifying deployments to Slack

Update the following section of your helmfile.yaml:

  - name: secrets.slackWebhook
    value: ""
  - name: secrets.slackUsername
    value: ""


  - name: secrets.slackWebhook
    value: "{{ env \"SLACK_WEBHOOK\" }}"
  - name: secrets.slackUsername
    value: "{{ env \"SLACK_USERNAME\" }}"


An example of the opinionated deployment pipeline for your Kubernetes-on-AWS-native apps. Secure, declarative, customizable, open app deployments at your hand.






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