For MUNPANELers, please visit go/v1-oss-survey-review.
An all-in-one platform for Model United Nations
This system was live from November 2016 till July 2017. It had served 3 conferences, 170+ registered schools, and 2,000+ users, with 500+ maximum DAU (daily active users), 235,000+ total visits and 490,000+ CNY cash flow.
该系统自 2016 年 11 月至 2017 年 7 月之间,服务了 3 场模拟联合国会议,共有 170+ 注册学校,2000+ 注册用户,最高日活跃用户 500+,共计 235,000+ 次访问,现金流达 490,000 + 人民币。
For more details, please check the 2017 report down below or
关于更多详情,请查看下方的 2017 年度报告以及 (in English)
At MUNPANEL, we value our community a lot, and open-sourcing is a way we do it. That's why we decided to open-source MUNPANEL v1, the same server code that served 170+ school clubs, 2,000+ users, and 200,000+ page views, and powered BJMUNC 2017, BJMUNSS 2017, and ROMUNC 2017. We are hoping that the source code could provide an insight into how MUNPANEL works below surface, and also inspire those young students, like us, interested in making the world a better place with technology.
在 MUNPANEL,我们十分重视我们所在的社区,而开源是我们对社区的一种回馈。我们决定开源 MUNPANEL v1,这个服务了170+学校社团,2000+用户和20余万次访问的,驱动了 BJMUNC 2017、BJMUNSS 2017 以及 ROMUNC 2017 的代码。我们希望源代码可以透露一些 MUNPANEL 在底层是如何运作的,并且启迪那些对和我们一样期待着用科技去改变世界的年轻人们。
We have also written a report about the past year (2017) at MUNPANEL (yes, we all love numbers!!!), feel free to take a look at (GitHub stars are welcome!!!
我们也整理了一份关于 MUNPANEL 在 2017 年的开发和运营的报告(是的,我们都喜欢数字!),欢迎访问 (也欢迎在GitHub 上 star)
For MUNPANELers: use go/2017-report instead
For why MUNPANEL is currently not under maintainance, please visit MUNPANEL and ROMUN - To SZR (in Chinese) (link inaccessible in Mainland China)
目前 MUNPANEL 不在积极维护的原因请见 MUNPANEL and ROMUN - To SZR (中国大陆请使用此链接)
Since this is not under active maintatinance, we offer limited support for the source code, and do not offer external documentation as for deploying and configuration.
If you need to contact us, please use Github issues, or email and
如需联系我们,请使用 Github Issues 或 email 和
For (technical) issues with MUNPANEL v1, please visit go/v1-issues