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codeKenya Swahili / English!

Heko!!! Congratulations !!!

Welcome developers. This is the repo to share your achievements, solutions and cool stuff you've built. We as codeKenya welcome Kenyans and other programmers around the world to contribute code to this repository. This is an Open Source Resource for Leetcoders, Hackerrankers and code devs e.t.c to teach and learn from each other. Feel free to open a Pull request and push code to codeKenya.

We do encourage all the code contributed here to be well documented, with the steps and reasoning behind it. We encourage you to reflect on your code, and even make recordings on your YouTube to walk through your solutions and though process for the sake of those just starting and also for your own mastery. Feel free to code, explain and document in Swahili, or in English, since this is our heritage as Kenyans. This is so that even beginners in Kenya can ask questions about code in their first language, Swahili.

Contribute to documentation and chat on our community page. Enough said.

Let's Code!!!

Jumuika nasi kwa hii safari ya kuelewa sayansi ya kompyuta.


  1. Fork the Repository: Go to the GitHub page of the repository you want to contribute to and click the “Fork” button. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

  2. Clone the Forked Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine. Use the command git clone [URL of your forked repository]. The URL can be found on the GitHub page of your forked repository.

  3. Set Upstream Remote: It's a good practice to keep your fork synchronized with the original repository. Set the original repository as an "upstream" remote using git remote add upstream [URL of the original repository].

4.Create a New Branch: It's recommended to create a new branch for your changes. This keeps your contributions organized and separated from the main or other branches. Use git checkout -b [new-branch-name].

  1. Make Changes: Make your code changes in this branch. Ensure that your code adheres to the guidelines and coding standards of the project. After making changes, use git add . to stage them and git commit -m "Your commit message" to commit them. Make your commit messages clear and descriptive.

  2. Keep Your Branch Updated: Regularly pull changes from the upstream repository to your local branch to keep it updated. Use git pull upstream [branch-name] and resolve any merge conflicts if they arise.

  3. Push Changes to Your Fork: Push your changes to your GitHub fork with git push origin [your-branch-name].

  4. Create a Pull Request: Go to your fork on GitHub and select your branch. Click on “New pull request” to initiate a pull request to the original repository. Fill in the details about what your code changes are and why they are needed. Follow any template or guidelines provided by the repository maintainers.

9.Code Review: Once the pull request is created, repository maintainers will review your code. Be responsive to any feedback or requests for changes. This process can involve several iterations.

10.Merging: If your pull request is approved, the maintainers will merge it into the original repository. Congratulations, you’ve successfully contributed!

  1. Clean Up: After your changes have been merged, you can delete your branch (both locally and on your GitHub fork), unless you plan to make further changes.

  2. Stay Involved: Contributing to open source is an ongoing process. Stay active in the community, keep your fork updated, and look for more opportunities to contribute.

HOW TO MAKE A CLEAN PULL REQUEST: WhatsApp Image 2023-12-25 at 01 31 08


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