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A clone of 'BrainScape' allowing users to create and interact with 'stacks' of cards to help study!

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Encephascape is a single page web application "BrainScape" clone where users can create, bookmark, and study stacks.

Table of Contents


To launch EncephaScape in a development environment:

  1. cd backend and create a .env based off .env.example. Fill in the newly created .env file with your PSQL user and database credentials.

  1. Install dependencies in both backend and front-end directories

    • cd backend && npm install
    • cd frontend && npm install

  1. In the /backend folder run the following command to create, migrate, and seed the database.

    • npx dotenv sequelize db:create && npx dotenv sequelize db:migrate && npx dotenv sequelize db:seed:all

  1. Run the following two commands from the root folder each on seperate terminal windows:

    • cd backend && npm start
    • cd frontend && npm start

  1. Navigate to http://localhost:3000/ to interact with the EncephaScape app!

Technologies and Libraries Used

Server (Node.js)

  • Sequelize ORM
  • PostgreSQL
  • Express
  • bcrypt

Client (Javascript)

  • React
  • Redux
  • Material UI
  • Lodash

MVP Feature List

1. Sign up, log in, log out, and demo-user login.

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can login as demo-user to interact with the application.
  • Authenticated users can navigate to their Brainfolio which displays their bookmarked stacks and created stacks.
  • Authenticated users can navigate to Profile which allows them to update their username, email, and password.

2. User stacks.

  • Users can play stacks to study their associated questions.
  • Authenticated users can create stacks with an associated category and questions.
  • Authenticated users can bookmark, edit, and delete their own stacks.

3. User bookmarks.

  • Authenticated users can bookmark other users stacks as well as their own.
  • Authenticated users can remove their bookmark from other users stacks as well as their own.

3. Search stacks.

  • Users can search stacks by name and/or category on the Stacks page.

Server (backend) API Routes


POST /api/session

GET /api/session

DELETE /api/session


POST /api/users

DELETE /api/users


GET /api/categories


GET /api/stacks

POST /api/stacks

GET /api/stacks/:stackId

DELETE /api/stacks/:stackId

GET /api/stacks/features/random

GET /api/stacks/features/search


GET /api/bookmarks

POST /api/bookmarks

DELETE /api/bookmarks/:bookmarkId


POST /api/cards

DELETE /api/cards/:cardId

PUT /api/cards/:cardId

Client (frontend) Routes


This page displays a navigation bar with login/sign up modals or a user button with the option to logout. Users are able to see a list of available categories and authenticated users will be able to see and additional list containing their bookmarked stacks.


This page displays a search bar to search for stacks along with the option to filter by category.


This page displays a stacks name, user, and associated questions. Answers are blurred out until a user hovers over the blurred answer.


This page displays a form with a name field, category field, and question fields. Users can add additional questions before creating a stack.


This page displays a users stacks and bookmarked stacks. At the top of the page is the "BrainfolioActions" component that takes a user to either a random stack or to create a stack.


This page displays a users account information and allows for the update of a users account information and/or password.

Database Schema


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
username string not null, unique
email string not null, unique
hashedPassword binary string not null
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
name string not null


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
name string not null
categoryId integer not null, foreign key
userId integer not null, foreign key
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
stackId integer not null, foreign key
term string not null
response string not null
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null


column name data type details
id integer not null, primary key
userId integer not null, foreign key
stackId integer not null, foreign key
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null



name: Mustafa Mousa



A clone of 'BrainScape' allowing users to create and interact with 'stacks' of cards to help study!






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