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Unused Results

unused-results is a go/analysis-based tool that identifies ignored results from the functions, interfaces, and closures in your package. It is meant as a tool to help you find flaws in your design or implementation. Just remember that not all unused results are flaws.


Example messages

Given the following source code example.go simplified from anonitf.go:

     1	package example
     3	type struc struct{}
     5	func (*struc) rets2() (x, y int) { return 2, 3 }
     7	func use(s *struc) {
     8	    i := interface{ rets2() (int, int) }(s)
     9	    a, _ := i.rets2()
    10	    println(a)
    11	}

unused-results will report the following. Note that in cases like these it identifies both the interface and implementation whose results are unused.

$t unused-results ./...
.../example.go:5:15: rets2 result 1 (y int) is never used
.../example.go:8:21: rets2 result 1 (int) is never used
exit status 3


Run from source with go run or install with go install and run unused-results from GOPATH/bin.

You can configure behvior at the command line by passing the flags below, or in library use by setting fields on unret.Analyzer(). All of these default to false.

Flag Field Meaning
-exported ReportExported Allow exported functions to be reported
-uncalled ReportUncalled Allow uncalled functions to be reported
-passed ReportPassed Allow functions passed to others to be reported
-returned ReportReturned Allow functions returned from others to be reported
-assigned ReportAssigned Allow functions assigned to storage to be reported


  • Reports of a function can be omitted for multiple reasons; all relevant flags or fields must be set to reveal such an unused result
  • References to a function or closure object are often considered as a call to that function

False positives and negatives

Due to the package-by-package nature of how analysis-based linters work, it is not feasible to consider external uses of exported or returned functions. It may be possible to consider use patterns of external functions that are called with one of the local functions, but this is not currently implemented.

To avoid too many false positives there are unfortunately also a lot of potentially false negatives. These are the defaults:

  • Exported functions are assumed to be fully used
  • Uncalled functions are not reported
  • Functions passed as closures to other functions are not reported
  • Functions returned as closures from other functions are not reported
  • Functions assigned to storage such as fields, globals, etc. are not reported

On the other hand, if you have a simple unused result that you don't want to see, you cannot silence the report by assigning to _, nor by assigning to a local that is later only assigned to _. You must do something more involved to fool unused-results, such as storing in an anonymous field of a discarded struct, or passing to another function.

    ..., otherwiseUnused, ... = yourFunc()
    var _ = struct{any}{otherwiseUnused}
    // or 
    func(...any){} (otherwiseUnused)

Note that if tracing is improved, the simple cases here may become insufficient to fool unused-results.

Differences from govet unusedResults

govet includes a check called unusedresult. This check looks for callers that are ignoring important results from functions they call.

By contrast, unused-results looks at each each function, interface, or closure and attempts to identify the results that might be unimportant because no visible caller uses them.

Bug reports and feature contributions

unused-results is developed in spare time, so while bug reports and feature contributions are welcomed, it may take a while for them to be reviewed. If possible, try to find a minimal reproduction before reporting a bug. Bugs that are difficult or impossible to reproduce will likely be closed.

All bug fixes will include tests to help ensure no regression; correspondingly all contributions should include such tests.

Mutility Analyzers

unused-results is part of mutility-analyzers.