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A skeleton project for writing threejs demos/games/etc in TypeScript.


git clone
cd threejs-typescript
npm install

Development commands

Start a development environment with automatic rebuilding and BrowserSync:

npm run watch

BrowserSync will automatically reload your browser when files change. No more manual refreshing! You can open the game in multiple browsers and they will all be refreshed together. Clicks will also be synchronized so you can test the game in several browsers at the same time.

To create a build in the build/ directory:

npm run build

Working with TypeScript

If you haven't worked with TypeScript before, get excited! Try out the official tutorial.

The type definitions of external libraries are managed with typings. Type definitions for both three.js and Lodash are included as examples, see typings.json. Try typings search to find type definitions for other libraries.

External libraries

Two external libraries are included in this project: three.js and Lodash. They're both loaded from a CDN, for simplicity (no bower/webpack/browserify).

To include additional third party libraries, follow these two steps:

  1. add it to the paths object in index.html
  2. find and install its type definitions using typings install theLibName*, then you can import it into any .ts file, and make full use of its handy type definitions.
  3. find it on and add the path to index.html

(*) If no type definition exists for the lib you want, you can still use it, just include declare let MyLibName: any; instead of importing it. You won't get the benefits of static typing, but the lib can still be used.


A three.js app boilerplate, using TypeScript.







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