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beneater committed Aug 10, 2012
1 parent 2894325 commit 4a5168a
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions exercises/solutions_to_quadratic_equations.html
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<html data-require="math math-format graphie khanscript">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Solutions to quadratic equations</title>
<script src="../khan-exercise.js"></script>
<div class="exercise">
<div class="problems">
<div id="one-rational">
<div class="vars">
<var id="ANSWER">"One rational solution"</var>
<var id="B">randRangeNonZero(-6, 6) * 2</var>
<var id="A">randFromArray(getFactors(B * B / 4))</var>
<var id="C">(B * B) / (4 * A)</var>
<var id="DISCRIMINANT">B * B - 4 * A * C</var>

<p class="question">
Describe the solutions to the following quadratic equation:
<div class="problem">
["*", A, ["^", "x", 2]],
["*", B, "x"],
</var> = 0</code>

<div class="solution"><var>ANSWER</var></div>
<ul class="choices" data-category="true">
<li>One rational solution</li>
<li>Two rational solutions</li>
<li>Two irrational solutions</li>
<li>One complex solution</li>
<li>Two complex solutions</li>

<div class="hints">
We could use the quadratic formula to solve for the
solutions and see what they are, but there's a
<p><code id="quadratic">\qquad
x = \dfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}
<script type="text/khanscript">
$("#quadratic").text("\\qquad x = \\dfrac{-b \\pm" +
" \\sqrt{\\blue{b^2 - 4ac}}}{2a}");
MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Reprocess", MathJax.Hub,
Think about what the part of the quadratic
formula <span class="hint_blue">under the
radical</span> tells us about the solutions.
Substitute the <code>a</code>, <code>b</code>, and
<code>c</code> coefficients from the quadratic
&amp;&amp; b^2-4ac \\ \\
=&amp; <var>B</var>^2 - 4 (
<var>A</var>)(<var>C</var>) \\ \\
=&amp; <var>DISCRIMINANT</var>
<p data-if="ANSWER === 'One rational solution'">
Because <code>\blue{b^2 - 4ac} = 0</code>, then the
quadratic formula reduces to
<code>\dfrac{-b}{2a}</code>, which means there
is just one rational solution.
<p data-else-if="ANSWER === 'Two complex solutions'">
Because <code>\blue{b^2 - 4ac}</code> is negative, its
square is imaginary and the quadratic formula reduces to
<code>\dfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{<var>DISCRIMINANT</var>}}{2a}
</code>, which means there are two complex solutions.
<p data-else-if="ANSWER === 'Two rational solutions'">
Because <code>\blue{b^2 - 4ac}</code> is a perfect
square, its square root is rational and the
quadratic formula reduces to
<code>\dfrac{-b \pm <var>sqrt(DISCRIMINANT)</var>}{2a}
</code>, which means there are two rational solutions.
<p data-else>
Because <code>\blue{b^2 - 4ac}</code> is not a perfect
square, its square root is irrational and the
quadratic formula reduces to
<code>\dfrac{-b \pm \sqrt{<var>DISCRIMINANT</var>}}{2a}
</code>, which means there are two irrational solutions.

<div id="two-rational" data-type="one-rational">
<div class="vars" data-apply="replace">
<var id="ANSWER">"Two rational solutions"</var>
<div data-ensure="DISCRIMINANT > 0 &&
sqrt(DISCRIMINANT) - floor(sqrt(DISCRIMINANT)) < 0.001
&& DISCRIMINANT <= 144">
<var id="A">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="B">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="C">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="DISCRIMINANT">B * B - 4 * A * C</var>

<div id="two-irrational" data-type="one-rational">
<div class="vars" data-apply="replace">
<var id="ANSWER">"Two irrational solutions"</var>
<div data-ensure="DISCRIMINANT > 0 &&
sqrt(DISCRIMINANT) - floor(sqrt(DISCRIMINANT)) > 0.001">
<var id="A">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="B">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="C">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="DISCRIMINANT">B * B - 4 * A * C</var>

<div id="two-complex" data-type="one-rational">
<div class="vars" data-apply="replace">
<var id="ANSWER">"Two complex solutions"</var>
<div data-ensure="DISCRIMINANT < 0">
<var id="A">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="B">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="C">randRangeNonZero(-9, 9)</var>
<var id="DISCRIMINANT">B * B - 4 * A * C</var>

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