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  1. You have configured your Apache as follows:
<VirtualHost IP:443> 
  # this is under virtualhost :443 section
  # your webserver public and private cert
  SSLCertificateFile    /etc/ssl/certs/
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/
  # This makes certain, that its valid smartcard and is allowed (google for ID kaart + apache server)
  SSLCACertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/id.crt

If you want that before opening Wiki user certificate is asked and autolog is done, add also these lines to your Virtualhost config or .htaccess file in Wiki root:

# request client cert
SSLVerifyClient require
SSLVerifyDepth 2
SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
  1. Using .htaccess must be allowed. If it is not allowed, you have to copy inc/auth/smartcard/.htaccess content to virtualhost directory section for inc/auth/smartcard:
<VirtualHost IP:443>
  # Usally using Directory instead of Location is recommended, 
  # but this is not for security, but for asking certificate
  <Location "/inc/auth/smartcard">
    SSLVerifyClient Optional
    SSLVerifyDepth 2
    SSLOptions +StdEnvVars +ExportCertData
  1. If your value against what your would like to check is not in certificate.subject.serialNumber, you will have to change inc/auth/smartcard.php line 85.


  • cd your_dokuwiki_folder
  • svn export . --force
  • Configure authentication module (See: "Configure parameters")
  • Make Smartcard autentication available for user
    • Add to your wiki what would reference to https://YOUR_DOMAIN/DOKUWIKI_PATH/inc/auth/smartcard
    • Modify in YOUR_DOKUWIKI_INSTALLATION/inc/lang/YOUR_CHOSEN_LANGUAGE/login.txt and add line: To log in with smart card, click: [[inc/auth/smartcard|Autenticate me with Smartcard]]
  • Clear your Dokuwiki cache

Allowing Smartcard authentication

You have to do:

  • Mark user serial (or some other parameter for check) as one of his groups.

This auth module will authenticated user based on the serial found on smartcard with steps:

  • If ?u=smartcard&p=smartcard is called script check that certificate.subject.serialNumber exists (from $_SERVER['SSL_CLIENT_S_DN')
    • if it exists: user, who has this value as his group, is allowed in
    • if it does not exist: user is not allowed in
  • If auth is called with other parameters and $conf['smartcard']['allow_without_smartcard'] is checked
    • if it is true: auth is delegated to auth modules defined in $conf['smartcard']['use_authtypes']
    • else login with username and password will not be possible.


Must be defined in file: YOUR_WIKI_INSTALLATION/conf/local.php.

Config parameters explanation:

# set for docuwiki that smartcard auth module is used
$conf['authtype']   = 'smartcard';

# if this is set to true, without smartcard login is not allowed
$conf['auth']['smartcard']['allow_without_smartcard'] = 'true';

# auth modules to use. separated with comma (",")
$conf['auth']['smartcard']['use_authtypes'] = 'plain,mysql';

# log debug info to file
$conf['auth']['smartcard']['log_to_file'] = 'true';

Known problems


Margus Pärt (mxrguspxrt)








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