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Aliaksei edited this page Dec 6, 2021 · 11 revisions

API 2can inventory

The REST APIs provide programmatic access to read and write your 2can cloud data. The REST API identifies 2can cloud users using access token responses are available in JSON! The lifetime of the token - 60 minutes

Response format: json, xml, phps(serialized)

Example integrated API in PHP:

N API Description
01 API Auth Authorization API
02 API Register Register new client base
03 API Product Working with product nomenclature
04 API Groups Product nomenclature groups reference
05 API Remains Stock
06 API Measure Measuring units reference
07 API Operations Operations reference
08 API Stores Stores and shops reference
09 API Organization Contractors referenceв
10 API Transactions Stores operations. Operations over a period, transaction details.
11 API Orders Orders, creating orders, order status, modifying order status.
12 API Transaction By Product Transaction by product nomenclature.
13 API Staff Staff operations.
14 API Setting Company settings.
15 API Currency Currencies and countries
16 API Device Devices (registers)
17 API Payments Settlement payments
18 API Kit Kits
19 API Params Product nomenclature settings
20 API Clients Clients
21 API Payment Types Payment types
22 API Email Send Send email to specified email address
23 API Cash Transactions Cash transactions 🆕

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