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Noel Welsh edited this page Aug 10, 2012 · 3 revisions


We represent the responses you can get from Myna as subclasses of a Response class. You need to know what attributes are available on the subclasses to use the Myna client, so here they are:


When you ask Myna for a suggestion, this is what you get. Available attributes are:

  • choice. A String that is the name of the variant Myna suggests.
  • token. A String that you must send back to Myna to reward this suggestion.


A singleton, used to indicate successful completion of actions that have no useful result. Has no attributes.


Has a single attribute uuid, a String representing a globally unique identifier.


Contains information about an experiment. Has attributes

  • name. A String that is the name of the experiment.
  • uuid. A String that is the UUID of the experiment.
  • accountId. A String that is the UUID of the account that owns this experiment.
  • variants. An Array of Variants, described below.


Represent a variant within an experiment. Attributes are:

  • name. A String.
  • views. A Integer, the number of times this variant has been suggested (and hence viewed)
  • totalReward. A Float, the total reward this variant has received.
  • lowerConfidenceBound. A Float, a 95% confidence lower-bound on the average reward of this variant.
  • upperConfidenceBound. A Float, a 95% confidence upper-bound on the average reward of this variant.


This subclass of Response is the superclass of all the error respones below.


Represents an error that Myna sent back. Has attributes:

  • subtype. An Integer corresponding to the HTTP response code associated with this error. Usually in the 500-599 range.
  • messages. An Array of Arrays. The sub-arrays have keys typename and item, both return Strings, that give more information about the error.


Represents a error that occurred on the network. Has no attributes as I don't know how to get useful information out of EventMachine in this case.

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