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The promotional site for the Poplus component, MapIt. Compiled using Jekyll and hosted by Github at

Local development

The MapIt site inherits almost all of its styling from the shared poplus-theme submodule. You should not edit the files inside the submodule directory (/theme) unless you want those changes to be shared with all other Poplus component sites.

Styling changes specific to the MapIt site should be made in assets/sass/_mapit-styles.scss.

Compile the Sass files using (docs):

sass --watch assets/sass:css

Running a local web server

You can preview your changes without pushing to Github by running a local Jekyll web server.

First, install Jekyll, as per the Jekyll docs, then go into the project folder and start a local server:

gem install jekyll
jekyll serve --watch --baseurl ''

The --baseurl option is part of an elegant hack to replicate the Github Pages hosting structure locally.

As long as the server is running, your site will be available at Local changes will be reflected automatically, thanks to the --watch flag.

Remember, when you’re editing links or paths in the HTML, to use the {{ site.baseurl }} template tag for internal links. Take a look in _includes/html-head.html for an example.

Deploying changes

The site is hosted via Github Pages. To ‘deploy’ your changes from the master branch, merge them into the gh-pages branch:

git checkout gh-pages
git merge master
git push origin gh-pages

Your changes will then be visible at

Remember to switch back into the master branch (or a feature branch) when continuing to make changes after deployment!

git checkout master